Reading Girls' School newsletter - 28 June 2024

Principal's message

It has been an exciting and busy 2 weeks at RGS. Students have enjoyed various House competitions, Year 7 and 8 House roundballs as well as Year 10 House Textiles competition, with students producing garments from recyclable materials.

Recycling event Yr 10

On Thursday all our Year 9s were involved in a Personal Development day which included visitors from the NHS, the Army as well as from Sports in Mind - the experience was not only informative but also enriching.

On the 19th June, 40 year 9 and 10 girls went to watch a musical 'Sister Act' at the Dominion Theatre London. The girls thoroughly enjoyed this wonderful Musical about the power of women when they stand together. The show celebrates friendship, kindness and doing what you love.

Sister Act in the West End

This week we had our new Year 7s visit us as part of their transition, and they spent 2 days participating in lessons or in workshops. They very much enjoyed their experience and many left with a smile. They were extremely well behaved and were a credit to their parents and their primary schools. We very much look forward to welcoming them officially in September as part of RGS.

Duke of Edinburgh students on their practice hike

This weekend we have one of our 'firsts' - our students are going on their Duke of Edinburgh expedition as they work through their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award. It is great to see so many students participating in this awarded - highly recognised not only by Sixth Form providers but also universities due to the inter and intra personal skills that they develop. Good Luck to them. Of course, none of this would be possible without the commitment and dedication of our staff for whom I am very grateful to.

And finally, thinking ahead, we shall be holding our popular Dance and Music shows towards the end of this term- 11 and 12 July respectively. Tickets will be sold on Parentpay and parents who have children performing in the shows will have first preference. Please do make sure your child keeps you up to date regarding when tickets go on sale.

I wish you all a restful weekend.

Kind regards

Marika Farrugia, Principal

Principal's Surgery is held every Friday 8.15am – 9.00am.

Year 9 Rounders Tournament

We had a lot of Year 9's coming to Rounders Club to try out for the team which was great to see. The girls won two of their three matches with a good display of fielding and batting. They beat Little Heath and Denefield School. Well done.

The girls won two of their three matches with a good display of fielding and batting. They beat Little Heath and Denefield School. Well done.

Year 7 Inter-House Rounders

All of Year 7 spent two hours out in the sunshine competing for their houses in a version of rounders called 'Beat the Ball'. The batters run around the bases non-stop whilst the fielders must pass the ball in base order, first to fourth and try and get the ball to fourth base before the batter gets there. Year 7 put on a great display of teamwork and skills with some exemplary batting and fielding.

The scores between some of the teams were very close, the final results were: 1st - Lovelace 2nd- Malala 3rd- Parks 4th- Kirby 5th - Angelou 6th- Sherpa Congratulations Lovelace!

Year 7 Reading Schools' Athletics Championships

We took nine students to Palmer Park to compete in: 75m, 150m, 600m, 1000m, High Jump, Long Jump, Shot, Javelin and Discus.

The girls all competed hard in all their events putting in their best effort. A particular mention goes to the students that medalled in their events:

Shona Shumba who achieved the Silver medal in Discus, Mya Vaughan-Williams who achieved the Silver medal in the High Jump and Cynthia Okudolo who achieved the Bronze medal in the 75m Sprint. Well done girls!

Under 14 Girls Athletics Team

Under 14 Girls Athletics Team performed their socks off and won their 'C' final tonight when we were up against very tough competitors! This is an outstanding achievement to say that this time last year we won the 'D' final (this means that the students have progressed passed 6 other schools to not only qualify to the 'C' final, but then to win it!) Individually the girls did not place lower than 4th in any event which, is an incredible accolade in its self!

Women in Business - Year 10

A group of year 10 Business Studies students attended a Women in Business event at the Henley Business School of the University of Reading.

The event was aimed at informing girls of the wide range of careers in business, marketing, finance. They considered the range of jobs involved in getting a new hoodie on the market and heard from women involved in financial markets and 'fintech' (finance and technology). They also heard about the "Peter Problem" - the fact that there are more men called 'Peter' than there are women on boards of businesses across the UK!

Another session got them thinking about how people can identify and develop the strengths they already have, and they had the opportunity to choose clothing and dress a mannequin ready to go for an interview. The University's careers advice service got them thinking about the areas of business that would interest them, how they could get there, and who and what could help them achieve their goals.

There was also a campus tour so that the students could see the facilities. "One thing that interested me was the different types of careers related to marketing and business" "I found the careers adviser's advice really helpful and inspiring. I really liked how we were allowed to ask as many questions as we could"

BBC News - University hosts finance event for female pupils

History for all trip - Year 8

Fifteen Year 8 students, who have chosen History for GCSE, got the fantastic opportunity to spend the day at the University of Reading's 'History for All' Day. They got to have a tour of the campus and take part in workshops about migration, children's history and the Women's Liberation Movement, which included handling sources. Below are some of the students' comments from the day:

Zara Venuti Sanderson- "I enjoyed the children's history because it was very interactive as we were able to handle artifacts."

Emma Larouche- "Very informative and engaging."

Ore Akinboboye- "The day at the University of Reading was so insightful as although I already knew we need History, I realised that History still happens right now and we are 'living history' as said by Jackie" (the lecturer).

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"The crochet club run by Mrs Haywood is an interactive, engaging club, where we crochet and learn new skills. It helps improve my wellbeing as it is a quiet, tranquil place where you can focus on yourself! Mrs Haywood kindly supplied us with the crochet hooks and the yarn. It is relaxing and helps me to focus on my lessons afterwards. I'm not really the best at it but I know if I consistently keep persevering I'll be able to achieve my goal and make something beautiful." -Zikra 8X1.

Ms P Boyd's Skydive fundraiser for Helen & Douglas House on the 17 August 2024 As a teacher and camp activity leader I love helping children achieve their goals. Helen & Douglas House are an amazing charity and a place where families can make the most of their time together and create happy memories during their children’s short lives. Please help me raise £500 for such a noble cause while I fall out of a plane.

Current vacancies

For information on any of the above vacancies please see the current vacancies page on our website.