Our Manor 1-5 July 2024

Welcome to this week's newsletter

It has been a great week at Manor. I have enjoyed meeting our new Year 7 students who have been with us for three days and have made a great start to their time at Manor. I have enjoyed taking to them about their day and helping them find their way around the school. They are bubbling with excitement and enthusiasm, which is great at the end of the school year. We also welcomed new Year 7 parents/carers after school on Wednesday where we were able to answer questions and help them with their uniform enquiries. Thank you to the great staff at Karl Sports who were here to get our new Year 7s ready for the new school year.

The Year 11 prom was a great evening, where the students and staff had an opportunity to celebrate the end of their exams period. We wish them all the success in the future, as well as welcoming some of them back again next year in the sixth form.

We have also welcomed some of our new staff this week, most of whom are starting in September. However, I would like to make a special welcome to our new Senior Vice Principal, Mrs Taylor, who has started this week. She has been busy meeting students and teachers, and finding out more about Manor.

Have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone next week.

Adam Crawte, Interim Principal

Year 6 into 7 transition

We were delighted to welcome our new Year 7 students for their transition program ahead of starting with us in September.

Over their three days at Manor, students participated in a variety of subject activities including:

  • Technology: building a load-bearing tower
  • Science: investigating colour changes using natural indicators
  • History: creating personal timelines
  • English: reading and discussing Frankenstein
  • World: brainstorming ideas on how to increase awareness of climate change
  • Computer science: using code-breaking skills to solve a crime

They also went on a tour of the school, spent time getting to know their tutor group, and completed CAT tests. The transition program ended on Friday afternoon with a special celebration assembly where selected students were rewarded for demonstrating the school's REACH values during their time here.

We hope that they enjoyed their time at Manor and are as excited for starting in September as we are to greet them.


Attendance matters

Please help us to improve your child's success at school by sharing the following with them:

  • Buongiorno! Leonardo da Vinci, the great Italian painter, knew the importance of education. He said ‘Learning never exhausts the mind’. Energise your mind at school every day.
  • Students with 5+ GCSEs at grade 4 or above earn on average £5000 a year more than those who don’t.
Click to enlarge

County athletics

Well done to Year 7 students Darci C and Jayden A who represented East Northants in the county athletics on Monday. We had a very small team in comparison to the other districts so it was great they were able to attend and compete.

Careers news

Year 10

On Friday 28 June a team from the Army came into the school to run a Ration Pack Challenge with students in our Year 10 Food Tech groups. The students were provided with various ingredients and used these to design their own dish. The event was a success and we will hopefully be able to offer this again next year.

Year 12

Year 12 students who have taken up the opportunity to take part in a two-week block of work experience will start their placements on Monday 8 July. We wish them all the best. For any questions regarding work placements, please contact Miss Smedley on 01933 623921 or lsmedley@manor.school.

Sports day

As part of Competitions Week next week, each year group will be participating in sports activities on different days during P5. As such, all students will need to bring their PE kit to school for their respective day:

  • Monday: Year 12
  • Tuesday: Year 9
  • Wednesday: Year 7
  • Thursday: Year 8 (students to come to school in PE kit due to Curriculum Day)
  • Friday: Year 10

All students who participate will earn points for themselves and for their house.

Rewards event

We will be holding our final rewards celebration on Monday 15 July where the top 25 students from each year group will be invited to a special event. We add each student's REACH and enrichment points together then minus any negative points to get their total. The final report to work out who has qualified will be ran at 4pm on Friday 12 July.

Students earn five enrichment points for each subject competition that they enter, so next week's Competitions Week could be a great way to bump up their total.

Be A Good Sport

We're excited to announce that we are taking part in Sport Relief's 'Be A Good Sport' campaign this summer.

Students are being encouraged to complete 6 activities during the summer holiday to keep them active and contribute to the community whilst having fun.

The letter below contains details of how students can get involved, as well as a link to the school's Just Giving page.

We'll be sharing ideas on our social media pages throughout the holiday to help students complete the challenges.

Competitions Week

The final Competitions Week of the academic year is taking place Monday 8 to Friday 12 July. This time the subject competitions are themed around the Olympics in celebration of the Paris 2024 games starting later this month.

There are a number of opportunities for students to earn points for both themselves and their house by entering the subject competitions outlined in the poster that will be displayed across the school.

A selection of the subject competitions

Students will receive 5 enrichment points for every entry they submit or in-lesson competition they participate in, with these points going towards the overall house point totals. We are strongly encouraging all students to take part in as many competitions as possible.

We will be sharing results and student entries in a future edition of the newsletter.

Extra-curricular timetable

Click to enlarge

Dates for your diary