Above: During Wellness Week, students were given instructions by Mr. Helfrich to participate in the Hands-Only CPR event that took place at lunch last Friday!
Wednesday, February 14 is an Early Release Day. Dismissal will be at 1:08. Lunch will be served during school. Please plan accordingly.
Mid-Winter Break is coming! No School on Monday, February 19 and Tuesday February 20. School Resumes on Wednesday, February 21.
Weekly Calendar (2 Weeks)
Week of February 12
Week of February 19
This Week @LarsonMS...
On Tuesday, January 30, we hosted our second STRONG Day of the year. Our 6th graders were led by our WEB leaders on study habits. Our 7th Grade Character STRONG session explored emotions, and our 8th Grade service learning poured into our Larson community with wellness posters.
Some of the wellness posters created our 8th graders during STRONG Day
Wellness Week
During the week of January 30 Larson celebrated Wellness Week! The focus was on how we can take care of different aspects of our well-being. We had open gyms to take care of our physical well-being. A Calming Room and Therapy Dogs at lunch and morning Yoga to take care of our mental well-being. The week culminated with a Red-Out spirit day for heart awarenesss and a hands-only CPR event during all three lunches. Students were provided information on steps to adminster hands-only CPR and then were invited to practice the skills using manequins that our PE Department earned by applying for a grant through the American Heart Association (AHA). Participation was tremendous and we had nearly half of our students practice this life-saving skill! The AHA worked with our TSD communications department to get local media coverage, and Fox 2 came to cover the event!
Lost and Found!
There are MANY, MANY items in the Larson Lost and Found. Please encourage your student to take a look and see if anything belongs to them.
Neon Dance Party After School Activity
This Past Tuesday, the Larson Band hosted an After School Activity which included a Neon Dance Party in the Band Room. All proceeds went to helping the Larson Band Program. Thank you to all who attended!
Spelling Bee Champions!
Congratulations to our top three spellers in our recently completed School Spelling Bee:
1st place – Sanvi Mandvekar
2nd place – Sannidhi Deshpande
3rd place – Hamsaridhan Hariharasudhan
Sanvi will now represent Larson at the regional spelling bee which will take place at Oakland University on March 2. All the best, Sanvi! All the spellers were SO impressive!
Congratulations to all Classroom Spelling Bee Winners!!!
6th grade Classroom Winners:
Malik Alrifai, Isabella Amir-Tahmasseb, Lois Artic, Adrian Betancourt, Nainika Boyalla, Alan Brady, Dominic Feuti, Cooper Guthrie, Hamsa Hariharasudhan, Hannah Jung, Sujay Kar, Aarav Prabhakaran, Vedanth Rangareji, Raksha Reddy, Arush Sinha, Ethan Swales, and Shuyao Wang
7th grade Classroom Winners
Ramaa Adluru, Karlee Candela, Emily Dordevic, Alice Gurney, Ilakkiya Krishna, Kang Li, Sanvi Mandvekar, Amogh Maral,Miriam Noori, Lydia Orlik, Fatima Osman, Bliss Prakash Anand, Krithi Rachakonda, and Nooriya Towhid
8th Grade Classroom Winners
Sarai Anaie, Raeesa Ashraf, Ella Bunao, Sannidhi Deshpande, David Hoenle, Desi Miller, Ashish Nair, Arnav Nikam, Ana Rodriguez-Andrade, Archit Singh, Hugo Synowiec, and Luke Yabut