Year 12 2024 Important dates for your calendar

Dear Year 12 Parents, Carers and Students

Year 12 is always a very exciting time for students. This year will mark the end of their formal schooling and is a significant point in their educational journey.

Please find below some key dates to add to your diary.

...Year 12 key dates...

Below are the dates that we are able to share with you now. There may be more dates added to this list throughout the year. We will advise you and update this document as new information comes to hand.

Term 2

  • Friday 7 June - FNC Athletics Carnival | Cudgen
  • Monday 10 June - Kings Birthday PUBLIC HOLIDAY
  • Friday 14 June - HSC Economics Online Conference | BBHS
  • Monday 17 June - Winter Arts Festival Tech Run
  • Tuesday 18 June - Winter Arts Festival Showcase Evening
  • Wednesday 19 June to Friday 21 June - Year 12 History Study Tour | Sydney
  • Wednesday 19 June - Year 11 and 12 Safer Driver Course | BBHS
  • Friday 21 June - NC Cross Country Carnival | Coffs Harbour
  • Tuesday 25 June - 'Curtains' Musical Opening night
  • Tuesday 25 June - P&C Meeting | 7 pm in the Library
  • Wednesday 26 June - 'Curtains' Musical | Night 2
  • Friday 28 June - 'Curtains' Musical | Closing night
  • Friday 5 July - Last day of Term 2

Term 3

  • Monday 22 July - Staff Development Day (pupil free)
  • Tuesday 23 July - First day of Term 3 for all students (timetable DAY 1)
  • Monday 5 August to Friday 16 August - Trial HSC Exams
  • Tuesday 24 September - Year 12 excursion
  • Wednesday 25 September - 'Preparing for Success' Year 12 Information Morning
  • Thursday 26 September - Year 12 Graduation Breakfast and Presentation Assembly

Term 4

  • Tuesday 15 October - HSC written exams start (see timetable information below)
  • Friday 8 November - HSC written exams will finish no later than this date
  • Tuesday 12 November - Year 12 Formal
  • Wednesday 18 December - HSC results released

...Term 3 | Week 10...

Year 12s last official week of school!

Monday 23 September

  • Normal school day for students

Tuesday 24 September

  • All day Year 12 Excursion | from 8:30 am

Wednesday 25 September

  • 'Preparing for Success' Year 12 Information Morning
  • 8:30 am | BBQ Breakfast
  • 9:30 am | Information Morning begins

The Year 12 Information Morning will feature guest speakers, including the Byron Bay High School HSC Presiding Officer. The morning is designed to inform and support students leading up to, and including, the exam period and beyond.

After the Information Morning students may sign out through the school office or study in the library.

Thursday 26 September

  • Year 12 Graduation Breakfast, followed by the Presentation Assembly
  • Breakfast from 8 am
  • Presentation Assembly starts at 9:15 am

Breakfast from 8 am | Year 12 students will share breakfast provided by BBHS with their family and teachers in recognition of their hard work and achievements during their six years at high school.

Coffee Carts will be onsite - bring your own mug!

Year 12 Presentation Assembly 9:15 am | Immediately following the breakfast students will be presented with their HSC folio, reference and awards.

Full school uniform is required if students wish to be presented on stage. The school can assist with providing uniform items for those who require them.

We look forward to joining you for this celebration!

...Term 4 | Week 1...

2024 HSC exam timetable

15 October - 9 November

Students can now access their personal exam timetable on the NESA website. The timetable lists all their written exams. It also provides details on any other exams they have entered for, including oral exams for languages, performance exams and submitted works. Written exams will take place in the John Collins Memorial Auditorium (School Hall) or nominated classrooms for smaller classes.

It is extremely important that students are aware of their exam dates and times, plus the equipment they will need.

Students should arrive at school 20 minutes before the start of each exam.

All students should also make sure that their details, including their mobile phone number and personal email address are correct with NESA (Students Online) , as this is where their HSC results will be sent to.

If a student is sick for a HSC exam

If a student is sick for an exam they will need a medical certificate and make contact with the HSC Presiding Officer on the day of the exam. The NESA Illness/Misadventure process will also need to be completed.

Year 12 Formal fundraising

During the course of this year, the Year 12 students will be participating in fundraising activities to raise money for their Formal. Mr Sawyer will work with the students to organise the fundraising opportunities. In the past, Year 12 students have hosted cake stalls, sold snow cones and hosted BBQ's to raise money.

Mr Sawyer is also looking into the possibility of booking a Bunnings BBQ and will communicate the date and requirements once confirmed.

Please encourage your child to get involved in as many fundraising activities as possible, as all money raised will go towards making the Year 12 Formal a very special and memorable evening for all the students.

More information regarding the HSC, Formal and the final weeks of school for Year 12 will be communicated to you as it comes to hand. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions.

Kind Regards,

Byron Bay High School