
19th July 2024


Thursdays: Tiny Tiddlers: 9am

Monday 22nd July – Meet your child’s new teacher 3.10pm

Tuesday 23rd July – Year 6 Leavers Disco 5pm – 7pm

Wednesday 24th July - Year 6 Leavers Assembly

Wednesday 24th July - Last day of term – 1.15pm collection - no after school provision on this date


Dear parents and carers,

Thank you to everyone involved in recent events and for joining the celebrations. We have shared end of year reports with families, hosted Sing out summer with songs and a performance from our cheerleading group ‘The Darlings.’

We held our art exhibition with work from across the ages. It was a wonderful collection of work across the academy, into secondary and college exhibits, local artists in the community and work linked to careers in care. The exhibition – titled art across the ages 0 – 99 and in fact work was included by a local resident at Admiral Court aged 101.

Our Summer Fete is taking place this afternoon and the sun is most certainly out! Perhaps a little too brightly, so remember to wear sun cream and a sun hat! Year six have been practising their leavers assembly. I have heard some of the songs from afar and tried to not peek too much but I can tell we are in for a treat!

At this time of year we have a mix of emotions as we celebrate and also prepare for changes ahead and final goodbyes to our year six children. However, we know that we love to see them come back and say hi in their secondary uniforms and look forward to seeing their faces again in September.

Tiny Tiddlers had their end of term party with games and snacks. It was wonderful and included a birthday celebration too. I loved having a cuddle with our youngest member.

We have a new little one to meet too! Miss Lynch has had a lovely little baby boy! Congratulations to the whole family on your new addition.

On the note of family, thank you to our Darlinghurst Family for all that you do. You are all fabulous and as always, enjoy your family time together.

Mrs Nicholls


Super Sports

After success at the KS2 Borough Sports, many of our athletes qualified to compete in the Super Sports competition. This competition is a coming together of all the top athletes in the borough from all 4 divisions. As always, we had good representation in many sports including relay, sprint, shot put, javelin, ball throw and long jump. Nearly all our children placed in these events with many of them walking away with gold medals. Bethany took gold in long jump and Jack also found an extra burst of speed to once again take the sprint title! A special mention must go to River, he raced back from the year 6 residential to compete in shot put where he won the silver medal to add to his gold from borough sports….and all after getting, what he told us, 3 hours sleep over the 3 day trip!!

Well done to all involved.

Art through the Ages

Year 5 music workshop

This week Y5 had a fantastic music workshop from some of the teachers from the YMCA in Southend in conjunction with Music on Sea. What a fantastic session!

From the very start, the children were fully engaged and eager to put their creative skills to the test. Pupils sat in small groups and decided on a theme for their story. These ideas were collected as a group which then formed the story within their song. Along with backing instruments, choosing chords and writing a chorus, the children managed to create their masterpiece. YMCA recorded the children singing and playing various electronic instruments.

The teachers from the YMCA skilfully engaged and helped the children throughout the process and we look forward to listening to their finished results over the next few days.

Thank you YMCA teachers and well done Y5.

Year 4 Diorama

To conclude out climate change topic entitled ‘How do we affect life below water?’, year 4 designed and created their own healthy coral reefs in the form of dioramas. These are scenes made inside a shoe box. We spent some time on the design and then this week we had our full day of creating them. It really is one of the highlights of the year for this year group and we were amazed at the attention to detail they added to them. The children loved every minute! We were very proud of their dioramas and hope they have been proudly displayed at home.

Year 2 – Poetry Visit

Mrs Feroze visited Year 2 on Monday to launch their creative poetry week. She said that poetry should be surprising, it should make you feel something and it should create pictures with words.

She spent 20 minutes with each class, where they each created a rainbow poem using the senses to describe the colours. The children were amazing at using a range of adjectives and similes, thinking of how colours smelt or felt.

History Detectives

History detectives decided to take a step back in time to when the Vikings were alive. They made shields, axes and helmets to protect themselves during battle. Mrs lee was almost killed in the attack!

Summer Reading Challenge

In this week’s assemblies, Mrs Richards launched the library service’s Summer Reading Challenge. This year, the theme is Marvellous Makers. Mrs Richards spoke about taking inspiration from books read to create and make something more; whether that be puppets, dioramas, their own book or even drawings of characters.

Every child that completes the challenge, by reading 6 or more books throughout the summer, will be in with the chance of winning an Adventure Island ticket, a Sealife Adventure ticket or tickets to see the Christmas Pantomime.

If anyone is unsure how to register for the challenge, please visit your local library where they will be able to assist you.



Shrimp - 96%


Bembridge – 95.8%

Summer holiday activities


Darlinghurst Academy

Pavilion Drive

Leigh on Sea




T. 01702 478379

F. 01702 509207
