
Philanthropic Support to Address HIV and AIDS in 2021 Funders concerned about aids

Red Flags: Private Philanthropic Support for HIV Decreased in 2021

Funders Concerned About AIDS' 20th edition of its Philanthropic Support to Address HIV and AIDS report finds that global philanthropic funding to fight the epidemic decreased 1% ($9 million) between 2020 and 2021, falling to $692 million.

Despite what may appear as a minor one-year decrease, waning support for HIV is not an anomaly; when adjusted for inflation, private philanthropic resources for HIV have shown a slow and steady decline in recent years. This is all the more dangerous when viewed within the current context that surrounds the global HIV response.

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  • Read the full report
  • Share these posts and/or create original content that aligns with your organization's message
  • Use the hashtag #FundHIVFight so that we can track the conversation
New @FCAA report shows philanthropic support for HIV down $9 million in 2021. Combined with the current political climate, it should be cause for considerable concern. #FundHIVFight #HIV #AIDS #Philanthropy www.resourcetracking.fcaaids.org
Think a 1% drop in philanthropic funding for #HIV isn’t much? Think again. When adjusted for inflation, there's been a steady decline. Reversing course is mission critical! Read @FCAA report to learn more. #FundHIVFight www.resourcetracking.fcaaids.org
Both public & private HIV funding are on the decline. We KNOW how to end the AIDS epidemic. We must not fail due to lack of political will & financial investment. Read more in @FCAA’s new report. #FundHIVFight #HIV #AIDS #Philanthropy www.resourcetracking.fcaaids.org
Per a new @FCAA report, philanthropic funding for HIV totaled $692 in 2021, a 1% decrease. We have <10 years to reach the global goals for HIV but philanthropy is flatlining. We must do more! #GlobalGoals #FundHIVFight #Philanthropy www.resourcetracking.fcaaids.org
In 2021, the top 20 HIV-related funders disbursed $659 million in grants for HIV-related responses. Thank you to these organizations that continue to support the #HIV response. #FundHIVFight #Philanthropy www.resourcetracking.fcaaids.org
Philanthropy is often the only source of funding for advocacy in the HIV landscape. Data revealed a 15% ($20 mil) increase in funding for advocacy in 2021. #FundHIVFight #HIV #Philanthropy www.resourcetracking.fcaaids.org
Just 1 year after the onset of COVID-19, HIV-related philanthropy that responded to/was impacted by the pandemic decreased by 27%. However, COVID-19 is ongoing for vulnerable pops, including #PLWHIV. #FundHIVFight #Philanthropy www.resourcetracking.fcaaids.org
#KeyPopulations face a dangerous political & legal environment. #Philanthropy plays a transformational role by creatively & rapidly responding to their shifting needs. Learn more in @FCAA’s new report. #FundHIVFight www.resourcetracking.fcaaids.org
The 20th edition of @FCAA's signature resource tracking report offers greater global context with profiles on every region +narratives of grantee organizations to highlight what the epidemic looks like in different geographies. #FundHIVFight www.resourcetracking.fcaaids.org