School Development Days – TWO at start of Term 3

To assist the merging of Randwick Boys’ HS and Randwick Girls’ HS, the Department of education has gazetted an additional School Development Day for the two Randwick High Schools. Planning is underway to allow the staff from both schools to prepare for activities later in 2024 for students, as well as opportunities in 2025. Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd July, will be set aside for such discussions. ALL students (7-12) return on Wednesday 24th July (in their sports uniforms).

Year 7 camp

The postponed, Year 7 camp has been scheduled for Monday 1st July – Wednesday 3rd July. Phew! The students have been patiently waiting their chance to attend and get to know each other even more, as well as meet other students in their cohort. As always, I am sure the students will gain a great deal from the experience and we wish them well. I would like to thank all staff for attending and supervising during the 3 days. Mr Maunder, Year 7 Advisor, is perhaps the most excited!

Please note: The Year 7 Camp will take place during the scheduled Year 7 Parent/Teacher evening. This should not deter any Year 7 Parents/Carers from attending, as you can always attend and discuss progress etc with your son once he returns from camp.

Year 7, 11 and 12 Parent Teacher interviews

The Year 7, 11 and 12 Parent Teacher event will take place on Tuesday 2nd July, beginning at 4.30pm. All Year 7, 11 and 12 academic reports will be available for collection and review from 4pm on the 2nd July, before families begin discussing progress with staff. Reports can be collected from the foyer of the RBHS Library.

Please ensure you have booked appointments, as per guidelines issued to all families and bring a list of your son’s teachers for reference. Many families attend with their son; however, you can attend without your son. As stated above, Year 7 students will be on camp, Year 7 families will attend without their son.

The following list outlines the venue for the faculty discussions.

Faculty locations:

Library – English, HSIE, PDHPE, Music, Visual Arts, Languages, National School of Languages, Careers, Learning Support

School Hall – Maths, Science, TAS

Year 8, 9 and 10 Parent Teacher interviews will take place on Tuesday 6th August from 4:30pm.

Battle of the Bands!

Our talented musicians have been very busy preparing for our annual ‘Battle of the Bands’. This highly anticipated event will take place on Monday 1st July at lunchtime and is sure to be another amazing event! We wish all students and bands well in their preparations for the competition!

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

When granting permission for an excursion via School Bytes, please ensure you also pay the excursion cost at the same time. If payment is not made, your child is not guaranteed a position on the excursion and their spot may be given to another student, for example, due to capacity limits.

Please note: Where applicable students cannot attend excursions without payment, even if permission is given.

Kind regards


Check-in assessment

The Check-in Assessment is an online reading and numeracy assessment for students in Years 3 to 9 in NSW Public Schools. It is held in a set assessment window, supporting teachers to analyse student strengths and areas of focus. There are 2 tests, one for reading, and one for numeracy.

Students in Years 7 to 9 at RBHS will be undertaking the Check-In Assessment in Week 2, Term 3. Students will be informed of their relevant testing dates through the school notices in Week 1, Term 3.

International Students Convention Homebush Boys' High School

In a thrilling display of sportsmanship and skill, Randwick Boys' clashed with Epping this week in the latest round of the grade sport competition. The rivalry between the two schools always adds an extra edge to the contest, and this encounter was no exception.

Across all teams, from juniors to seniors, the players fought hard and showcased their dedication to the school. Each team competed with passion and determination, embodying the spirit and values of Randwick Boys' High School.

Looking ahead, the teams are gearing up for the final round of the regular season in the winter competition next week against Asquith Boys'.

Zone Athletics Carnival triumph

Randwick Boys’ High School's top track and field athletes recently showcased their exceptional talents at the Zone Athletics Carnival, held at the Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre. This prestigious event brought together the finest athletes from the Sydney North West Metropolitan Zone for a day of fierce competition and outstanding performances.

A standout among our athletes was Frederick Jones, whose remarkable prowess in the long-distance events earned him well-deserved victories. Frederick claimed first place in both the 1500 metres and 3000 metres races, demonstrating his endurance and speed on the track. Frederick will also represent our school at the CHS State Championships for cross country next term, where we have full confidence in his abilities to excel.

Additionally, Ronin Khamphet Pearse made a significant impact by clinching first place in the challenging 110 metres hurdles event. Ronin's dedication to mastering his discipline and technique has paid off handsomely, highlighting his commitment to excellence in athletics.

Henry Cleaver showcased his strength and precision by securing first place in the javelin event. Henry's achievement adds to our school's pride in his accomplishments.

The entire Randwick Boys’ High School community congratulates Frederick, Ronin, Henry, and all our athletes who participated in the Zone Athletics Carnival. Their hard work, determination, and sportsmanship have brought pride to our school, and we look forward to cheering them on as they continue to excel in their respective events.

Stay tuned for more updates as our athletes continue to shine in future competitions and represent Randwick Boys’ High School with pride and distinction.

The 2024 Show Sponsors

Randwick Boys' and Randwick Girls' High Schools express their gratitude to all proud sponsors of the 2024 production of the Show, "A Brand New Day."

School Infrastructure Upgrade Parent Consultation - Wednesday 3 July, 3-5pm

Important reminder that we are hoping as many parents and carers as possible will be able to attend the upcoming consultation with School Infrastructure NSW regarding upgrades to the RBHS and RGHS campuses as the schools merge. If previous experience is any guide, this may be our only meaningful opportunity as members of the broader parent community to have input to the planning process, so we are urging everyone to attend and participate. Please also share the details as they become available with any friends at our local primary schools who will be joining Randwick High School in the future.

Save The Date - P&C BBQ and Cake Stall Saturday 27 July

Please mark Saturday 27 July (the Saturday of Week 1, Term 3) in your calendars now. Randwick Boys’ High School will be hosting the Sydney regional round of the World Scholar’s Cup, and we would like to take advantage of the opportunity to raise some funds for our school while providing a warm welcome for students and families from across our region. Further details and sign-up information will be available next week.

The P&C Wishes Everyone a Safe and Happy Holidays!

We look forward to seeing you all on the first day back, Wednesday 24th July.

School Absence Notification System

Regular attendance at school is essential to assist students to maximise their potential. At Randwick Boys' High School, we must ensure our school has effective measures in place to monitor and follow up students absences. We are required under Section 22 of the Education Act (1990) to undertake all reasonable measures to contact parents promptly and within two school days of absence. We have implemented additional measures to ensure we are upholding the NSW Department of Education standards here at Randwick Boys' High School. Our school absence notification system consists of a text message, follow up email and Sentral notification in the parent portal, to minimise unexplained absences. An absence is unexplained if parents have failed to provide an explanation to the school within 7 days. Thank you for your understanding and assistance.