St. Peter Principal's Weekly Newsletter august 21, 2024

Our morning assemblies look a little different this year with all of the pavilion construction! New this week - we have started morning assemblies in St. Mary's Hall alternating what grade levels attend. For those students not in attendance, the rosary is livestreamed to their classrooms. Our students are enjoying being together in prayer as we will be again once the pavilion is complete.

Mrs. Harris's 2nd grade class is having fun using different strategies to add 3 addends in math!

As a reminder, students may wear their 2024-2025 spirit shirt every Friday throughout the school year! If you still need to order one, please click here:

Brother Moses visited St. Peter Parish and came over to school to see our students on his 26th birthday! Br. Moses grew up in Covington. His mother is Stacie Reynolds, who is currently helping with the St. Peter Youth Ministry. Br. Moses is a Franciscan friar who lives and serves in the Bronx in New York City. He intends to become a missionary priest. Br. Moses attended LSU to study engineering for a time, but he felt God calling him to "give up all and come follow Him." His message to the students was one of peace and joy. He told them that God is good and that Jesus loves them. He told them that Momma Mary loves them. He encouraged them to visit Jesus in the Adoration Chapel often. He told them how he is following Jesus in the example of St. Francis of Assisi, especially through loving the poor, and living out his vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. He asked for our prayers for children that he ministers to in the Bronx. They are poor, have very little, and they come from very difficult situations with family struggles, yet they are hungry to learn about Jesus. We are grateful for his visit!

Key Cottage Carline Reminder

As a reminder, no one should enter the Key Cottage carline by turning left from Jefferson Avenue. Vehicles should be turning right on to 20th Avenue (coming from the direction of the church). If there is a line, please join behind the last car in line.

Mrs. Boudreaux's Kindergarten is having so much fun with the Lego table!
Seminarian Caleb Butler visited St. Peter School this week to talk to our students about vocations and his calling.

St. Peter Catholic School Calendar: