Sacred Sister Circle Leo New Moon: A Cosmic Invitation to Unleash Your Inner Fire

Hello Beautiful Beings!

As we approach the New Moon in Leo on August 4, 2024 (848), the universe is offering us a powerful opportunity to step into our true essence, to embrace our creative spark, and to shine brightly in our authenticity. This lunar event is not just another phase in the cycle; it’s a cosmic call to align with the fiery energy of Leo and to unleash the bold, passionate spirit that resides within each of us.

The Lion’s Heart:

Tapping Into Leo’s Creative Power

Leo, the regal lion of the zodiac, is ruled by the Sun, the center of our solar system and the source of all life. This connection to the Sun imbues Leo with a vibrant, life-affirming energy that encourages self-expression, creativity, and confidence. During this New Moon, we are invited to connect with this powerful energy, to rekindle the flames of our passions, and to express ourselves without fear.

This is a time to ask yourself:

What makes your heart sing? What creative endeavors have you been putting off or hiding from the world?

The Leo New Moon is the perfect time to bring these desires into the light, to set intentions that align with your true self, and to take bold steps towards making your dreams a reality.

The Amplifying Energy of the Lionsgate Portal

What makes this New Moon particularly potent is its alignment with the Lionsgate Portal, which peaks just a few days later on August 8. The Lionsgate Portal is a powerful astrological alignment when the Earth, the Sun, and Sirius—the brightest star in the sky—align to open a gateway of heightened spiritual energy. This portal amplifies the energy of the Leo New Moon, creating a powerful synergy that supports deep spiritual awakening, manifestation, and alignment with our highest selves.

This is a time of powerful downloads and spiritual insights. The energy of the Lionsgate Portal combined with the Leo New Moon creates a potent environment for setting intentions that are not just about achieving external goals but about aligning with your soul’s true purpose. It’s about stepping into your power with confidence, knowing that the universe is fully supporting your journey​ (Forever Conscious)​.

Rituals for the Leo New Moon: Embrace Your Inner Light

To harness the energy of the Leo New Moon, consider engaging in rituals that celebrate your unique light and creative power. Create a sacred space where you can connect with your inner self, meditate on your intentions, and visualize the life you wish to create. Lighting a candle during your meditation can symbolize the awakening of your inner fire, a flame that burns with your deepest passions and desires.

Journaling is another powerful way to channel the energy of this New Moon. Reflect on what you truly want to manifest in your life, and write down the steps you will take to bring these dreams to fruition. Leo’s energy encourages us to be bold and to trust in our ability to create the life we desire.

This is also a time to practice self-love and self-acceptance. Leo energy is about celebrating who you are, flaws and all. Take time to acknowledge your strengths, to honor your journey, and to treat yourself with the kindness and respect you deserve.

Moving Forward with Confidence

As the New Moon’s energy unfolds, be open to the inspirations and shifts that may come your way. This is a time to take bold actions, to trust in your creative vision, and to move forward with the confidence that the universe is supporting your every step. Whether you’re launching a new project, making a significant life change, or simply embracing a more authentic version of yourself, know that the cosmos are aligned in your favor​.

Of course, it wouldn't be a New Moon gathering without our tunes to set the tone, check out the playlist made just for us to groove to under this new moon energy.

Until Next Time,

SomeBunny Loves You.