MR. LAMB teacher - father - husband

What do you stand for? (What do you believe in?)

I stand for kindness and caring for everyone. I try to live my life being considerate of others and to be kind to those around me.
I added a photo here for "KINDNESS" and changed how it's viewed to WINDOW

Why was your name chosen? (Is there a story surrounding your name?)

I was raised Catholic and one tradition is to name your children after saints - I was named - Michael David Matthew Lamb

What's your story? (Where were you born? Have you always lived in this area?)

I was born in Detroit. I lived in Detroit for 4 years and then moved to Troy Michigan. I have lived in several different places including Mt. Pleasant, MI and Brooklyn, NY

What's specific about you? (What is it that makes you - you?)

I love being with my family - traveling to my favorite place on earth, Harsens Island, MI. I enjoy working hard and doing my best in life to be proud of my accomplishments.

What's your personality? (Silly, refined, sophisticated, loud, quiet, shy?)

I am hard-working and shy - I am extremely hilarious and have amazing “Dad Jokes”!