Years 5 and 6 performing John Rutter's beautiful anthem 'For the Beauty of the Earth' with the wonderful Oliver Walker, Director of Music at Repton School.

Such joyful occasions and so many life-long memories.

As I write, Year 7 have just returned from an afternoon watching Macbeth in the grounds at Claremont and Year 8 have had a day in our Forest School. Our final weeks of the summer term are hotting up nicely!

With exams behind us and reports now written, considerable amounts of time will be spent out and about and on co-curricular challenges. Vinehall’s ‘Trips and Activities Week’ has the perfect balance of adventure and camaraderie. I urge the children to be the most enthusiastic participants and the greatest company they can possibly be, and I pass on my thanks to our incredible staff for their impeccable organisation, loving care and fabulous creativity. The weather is set to be very fine indeed.

The community braved the tempest and turned out in their droves for the fabulous FoV Fete last Saturday; thank you again to Charlotte and Nina, and to our incredible FoV committee and the many volunteers.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow for the Prep Sports Day, to witnessing the array of House colours, to hearing the cheers of encouragement and rivalry, and to visiting the many delicious picnics on offer.


After School Club

Nicky Whittaker - Head of Pre-Prep

This week saw the fruition of a project started last year - the completion of a relaxing and calming outside space for the after-school club to use. Octavia Hill, co-founder of the National Trust, wrote in 1883 “We all want quiet. We all want beauty … We all need space.” This was the guiding principle driving Lynn Datchler and Kath Archibald, who have worked tirelessly during the last term to improve the outside area for the children to use.

Parents love the after-school club because they know their children are nurtured and cared for in the nearest thing to a home environment and that it provides the perfect end to a busy day. Children love the choice of relaxing activities and the opportunity to play with their friends across the different year groups.

The outside area is now full of sensory herbs and plants, which the children love smelling and tending. They can play with the outdoor equipment and read or colour surrounded by the gentle sounds of nature. We are very grateful to the Friends of Vinehall for supporting this project and are hopeful that we can complete the last few parts, including a new seating area, in the final few weeks of term.

Nursery – Our School Community

Sarah Wolford - Head of Nursery & Kindergarten

The whole school plays a significant part in our Little Vines children’s lives, from the catering team to our groundsmen; without this amazing community the school would come to a halt! Over this term the Little Vines children have been visiting the staff and learning about the jobs that they do.

They thought of questions to ask and gained confidence when speaking, as well as developing their understanding of the importance of our community. A big thank you to every member of our school community from us all at Little Vines!


Catherine Garlick - Kindergarten Teacher

Our focus this week has been sea creatures. We have used books and the internet to find out about the different animals that live in the sea and we have investigated the effect that pollution has on these animals. The children have very much enjoyed exploring the ‘under the sea’ tuff tray. In this activity, they have been using different equipment to rescue the sea creatures and get rid of the rubbish that is polluting the sea. In maths, we have continued to explore matching numerals and quantities to 10. The children have been using their computing skills and scanning QR codes to play sea-themed number games on the iPads.


Louisa Bennett - Deputy Head of Pre-Prep & Reception Teacher

The Reception children transformed into Zoo Keepers this week. We read 'Dear Zoo' and spoke about the different things you might have at a zoo and what they are used for. The children then planned out their own zoo; they then decided we should make the classroom into a zoo. There were zoo keepers, vets, ticket sellers and cafe owners. We had a selection of animals, such as bears, elephants and snakes. The highlight of the children's week was Sports Day and it is always fabulous to see the children enjoy it so much!

Year 2

Louise Hawtin - Year 2 Teacher

Year 2 have been been looking at positions and describing movement and turns in Maths. The children had to follow instructions to move the shapes and Pre-Prep pals around a grid, as well as give each other directions.

The children have also been observing what happens to seeds when they germinate and were amazed by the length of the roots. We are now investigating what conditions a plant needs to grow and remain healthy ... watch this space!

Year 3 - Mathematicians make mistakes!

Carina Everist - Year 3 Teacher

Year 3 were asked to explain why 24 x 12 is not equivalent to 24, as written by one of them in their TTRS folder. Much discussion followed, resulting in the moment when the penny dropped for most of them!

Year 3 - The Story of Zacchaeus

Carina Everist - Year 3 Teacher

Year 3 acted out the The Story of Zacchaeus this week. Barnaby P (aka Zacchaeus) was a changed 'man' after Sia (aka Jesus) had spoken to him. Everyone in 'the crowd' contributed to the script with improvised reactions as the story progressed.

De Beer Book Look

Louise Barrett - Head of Juniors

We welcomed parents to the De Beer block last Friday. The parents looked through all their children's work and enjoyed coffee and Danish pastries. It was a lovely morning as ever. Thank you for coming.

Year 5 – Baking

Louise Barrett - Head of Juniors

As Year 5 have learnt about Fairtrade and where our food comes from it seemed only fair to do some cooking! They made banana bread and were great collaborative cooks.

Year 5 - Positive wishes sent from Year 5

Carina Everist - Year 3 Teacher

In RS this term, Year 5 have been exploring Buddhism. They each wrote wishes of hope, kindness and good fortune on the prayer flags they made. Some drew a Wind Horse in the centre of each flag, thought to carry uplifting energy to everyone around the world. Mrs E is very proud of all of them.

English - Prep School writing success!

Emily Platt, Head of English

We are pleased to announce that Arlo K (8PW), Isla M (8PW), Louis D (7C), Tymofii L (7C) and Rhiain E (6T) have all had articles published in Mind’s Eye Prep Magazine this term. This is Tymofii’s second time achieving success in this discursive writing competition and Rhiain follows in her brother Ethan’s footsteps with this achievement as Ethan had his article published in the magazine last year. The pupils' articles explored a wide range of topics (selected by the children), including the possibility of putting solar panels in space and conservation in Kenya.

Anthony Lyons, Head of Creative Writing at The King’s School Canterbury, announced: “Once again … [the pupils] have made this magazine not only a unique educational project but an enjoyable creative experience for all concerned.”

We are proud to share this link to the soft copy of the magazine with you:

Mind's Eye Prep 2024 (

We are also delighted to announce that a short story by Sebastian R (8H), titled “No More War”, was judged “Highly Commended” in the ISEB Story writing competition, “Time to Write”. The judging panel of this prestigious competition included representatives from Eton College, the University of Winchester and Oxford University Press.

The children are thrilled to have received recognition for their writing and we are very proud of their achievements.


Mary Alderson - Head's PA and Director of Drama

It was a great pleasure to take Year 7 to Claremont on Thursday for the 'Shakespeare on the Lawn' day. The morning comprised of two excellent workshops run by drama staff from the senior school and involving many of the Year 9 and 10 student cast. The first focussed on the witches or 'Weird Sisters', thinking about how these key characters would move, their facial expressions and actions. The second used stylised movement to create effective battle scenes, based on the techniques of the very influential theatre company 'Forced Entertainment'. All the children threw themselves into these activities with great enthusiasm and I was complimented on their exemplary behaviour.

After a picnic lunch in the Claremont grounds, some games and chatting in the sunshine, we were very privileged to watch the open-air production of 'Macbeth'. This had been shortened and simplified for the Prep school audience and was very polished and imaginative. All the actors were visible throughout, remaining in character but not detracting from the violence of the story, and the entire cast was very accomplished. It was great to see Vine Matilda Rutherford shine as Banquo, transformed from a brave and loyal soldier to a chilling spectre.

Thank you Year 7 for making the day so enjoyable.


Kevin Higginson - Head of Mathematics

TimesTable RockStars

Please keep encouraging your children to complete a TTRS activity.

Last week's Top of the Rocks

Top of the Rocks (Class)

1st - 3E - average 1 min 18 secs

2nd - 4B - average 1 min 4 secs

3rd 5P - average 52 secs

Come on 6G and 6T let's start to rise up the charts for next week!!!

Top of the Rocks (Individual)

1st - Barnaby P (3E) - 2 mins 26 secs

2nd - Jacob E (3E) - 2 mins 20 secs

3rd Buzz O'G (4B) - 1 min 4 secs


Sue Glossop - Director of Music

This week our Year 7 music class practised Tubular Bells - click the link below to view ..


Acorn Clayton - Head of Modern Languages

Vinehall was once again delighted to welcome the Onatti Foreign Language Theatre Company to the Chaplin Theatre last Friday.

Children in Years 3 to 8 enjoyed a performance of "Le Château", a very funny play set at the time of Henry VIII. The play made us reflect on the close links between Britain and France over the centuries. The performance was mostly in French and very interactive, with some courageous participation by Vinehall children. We all had a wonderful time, sang along with "Frère Jacques", learned some new French phrases and a little History.

Merci encore Onatti! We look forward to inviting the company back next year when they will perform a new French production set in outer space.

Art - Vinehall Summer Art Competition

Tracey Konyu - Head of Art

This is a print by the artist Lowry. This picture has been in the school staff room for a long time. It is blue and faded.

Calling all Vinehall artists! We need your help to upcycle this print. How can you do this? By adding something to the picture to make it more appealing.

If you are interested in entering this competition, you will need to ask Mrs Konyu for a photocopy of the print on which to add your ideas. Add anything you like - for example, monsters, aliens, rivers, giant trees etc. Anything.

The best idea will be used for you to create an original piece of work to be displayed in the staff room and you will win a £20 voucher to spend on anything you like.


Mrs Konyu

Year 8 - Enterprise week

Kevin Higginson - Head of Mathematics & Head of Assessment and Learning

This week our Year 8s became entrepreneurs. Every pupil was given £1 and they had to use their skills to create an activity or business to raise as much profit as possible over the week.

Activities and 'businesses' ranged from a car wash to a karaoke session.

In all the cohort raised an amazing £521.46 to be shared across this year's House charities.

The group who made the most money was the 'nail painting crew', with a profit of £164.20. The individual winner was Ricky W, with his activity of hitting the target game (could you land a shuttlecock on a teacher's picture), with a profit of £102.15.

Year 8 - Ready Steady Cook

Annabel Newcomb - EAL Teacher and Year 7 Form Tutor

As part of the Leavers' Programme, the Year 8s took part in our version of the old television show 'Ready Steady Cook'. Working in groups, they chose ingredients and had to work collaboratively to create a tasty and well-presented dish. Thank you to the staff who were brave enough to taste their wares!


Matt McKinnon - Director of Sport

It was a very busy final week of cricket fixtures, with matches against St Andrew's, Skippers Hill and The Mead. The 1st Team girls made the short trip to the MCC (Mountfield Cricket Club) for what was their toughest game of the season against a strong St Andrew's batting line up. The 2nds also had a tough game against their 2nds, but both Jon Newman and Emily Everist were pleased with their effort all afternoon.

The Colts A & B girls travelled to Eastbourne and faired slightly better, the Colts A winning their match (Rosie A their star batter) and the Bs losing by the narrowest of margins. The boys played Skippers Hill, the Colts A scoring an impressive 150 in their 16 overs, Harry M top-scoring with 47. Skippers had to leave by 4.55pm and were 100 for 5 after 12 overs when they departed. The Bs fell short of the target required, but Tom Moore was impressed with their attacking intent at the crease.

The 1st XI took on a depleted Skippers side. Batting first, we reached 170 for 1 in our 16 overs, with both Henry C and Iden N hitting quick fire fifties. Skippers were bowled out for 33, with Arlo K and Lucas R the pick of our bowlers. The 2nds played a pairs game and by all accounts had a great game, with loads of runs scored by both teams.

The Year 3 & 4 boys and girls completed their fixtures for the term with an enjoyable afternoon of cricket away against The Mead. It is wonderful to see how far they have come this term.


Petra Campbell - Gapper

On Saturday the boarders had a great day at Vinehall at the Summer Fete. Everyone visited the different stalls and had a good time treating themselves to some home-cooked baking, supporting charity, playing lucky dip and of course making the most of the dodgems/bumper cars. After the Summer Fete, we watched the Spain v Croatia match before dinner and a chilled evening.

We had a slow start on Sunday and then made our way to Eastbourne. We enjoyed a leisurely walk along the Eastbourne seafront and then lunch and a shop in the Eastbourne town centre. The sun was shining so it was nice to be out and about.

FoV Summer Fete

Some memories from Saturday ...