Vinelines 27 september 2024

IF you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty second’s worth of distance run …

Despite the tempestuous weather, despite the colds and bugs that are doing the rounds, despite the days closing in on us, our children are continuing with much purpose in all that they do. Time seems to be flying with not a second lost.

As a friend of the Ashton family, we are told that Rudyard Kipling used to walk the Vinehall grounds, finding peace and inspiration for his writing. For those of you who have joined us on our walks, you will agree that there is something very special up here.

As we come to the end of a significant week for our school, once again it has been wonderful to experience something else which makes our school so special - the overwhelming strength of the community spirit which defines what it means to be part of the Vinehall family. We are all truly very lucky to be part of this incredibly special school.

Our children are certainly getting a full taste of the Earth and everything in it – as Mr Kipling would say.



Nicky Whittaker - Head of Pre-Prep

This week in Pre-Prep we have been focusing on one of our Golden Rules - to be gentle and kind. It has been wonderful seeing our children throughout Pre-Prep understanding and embracing this concept.

The culmination of the week was our Celebration Assembly. These special Assemblies take place on Friday mornings and we invite parents of the children who have earned an Award to join us to celebrate their achievements with them.

The awards this week were given out to celebrate building fluency in reading, speaking confidently, being increasingly independent, being engaged in class, being kind and welcoming and being a good friend. All of which embody our school motto: 'To do our best for the benefit of others' and are values at the heart of our wonderful school community. Values which our children start learning at a young age as they develop their place as part of the very special Vinehall family.

Nursery - Our Helping Hands!

Sarah Wolford - Head of Nursery & Kindergarten

Helping our children develop strong hands and fingers is an important way of ensuring they are confident and independent with their fine motor skills.

This week the children have shown great curiosity and engagement as they explored all the exciting fine motor skills activities on offer. They used hammers to hammer in shapes and nails; they created the most amazing necklaces from beads as well as using one handed tools to dig in the sand and pour water to ‘make a cup of tea!’

Kindergarten - Forest School

Catherine Garlick - Kindergarten Teacher

We have just begun our Forest School sessions with Rory Heffernan. During our first week we enjoyed exploring the different activities on offer. In the mud kitchen the children made colourful potions, exotic drinks and a wide variety of different dishes. Our Vinehall woodland shop was selling produce and the children could pay by counting out the correct number of sticks. Lots of the class worked together to construct an obstacle course with planks and tyres and many of the children enjoyed painting rainbows on large wooden boards. We cannot wait to get back in the woods for the next session.


Claire Sparks - Deputy Head of Pre-Prep

Reception have had a fantastic week of learning! In our key text for this week, 'Peace at Last', poor Mr Bear cannot get to sleep because of all of the noises he hears in his house and garden. We went on our very own listening walk (complete with listening ears) to gauge what sounds we could hear around the school grounds. The children then drew pictures of what they had heard, and some even wrote captions. We have also been very busy finishing our maths unit on matching and sorting, and exploring our artistic talents and ability to follow instructions to make the most beautiful paper birds.

Year 1

Jacklyn Garwood - Year 1 Teacher

Kyle the Crocodile visited Year 1 this week and told the children that he loved to eat ‘large’ numbers with his mouth opened really wide. The children used straws to make greater than, less than and equal to symbols and practised munching large numbers just like Kyle. In Learning Journey, the children set up their 'All about Me’ museums and enjoyed visiting each other’s museums learning new things about their friends. Well done Year 1 for being brave like Maisie Monkey in sharing about yourselves and so polite when listening to your friends.

Year 2

Louise Hawtin - Year 2 Teacher

Year 2 have been learning about the Great Fire of London and were treated to a drama workshop in the theatre. Upon arrival the children were greeted by Thomas Farriner, baker to the King, who asked the children to help. Everyone had to pretend to be the fire spreading through the streets of London; they created a class tableau of the burning city; and worked together to put the fire out. What a great way to learn more about what happened.

Year 3 - A Thinking Classroom

Carina Everist - Year 3 Teacher

Recently in Maths Year 3 have been exploring number lines and place value. They have used the Dienes blocks, made a human number line in the corridor, counting forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s from a variety of numbers and worked collaboratively on the vertical whiteboards. Louis M was overheard saying 'I want to do more maths' which made Mrs E and Mrs W very happy!

Outdoor Maths Years 3 and 4

Carina Everist - Year 3 Teacher

Years 3 and 4 had fun learning about angles and symmetry in our beautiful grounds. They tried to use mathematical vocabulary to describe acute, obtuse and right angles, making these with sticks. George and Fergus used their bodies! Mrs E and Mrs B were impressed with their creativity, using natural resources to make symmetrical patterns with horizontal and vertical lines of symmetry.

Thanks to Mr Kellick for taking the photos: we will miss him when he leaves for pastures new.

'Good luck in everything you do, we have loved having you help us in Year 3. The Juniors will miss you'

Year 4 - Science

Louise Barrett - Head of Juniors

The children made string Telephones this week and had great fun investigating. Percy put the string under the door and closed the door and the phone still worked really well. Xavi asked what the sound would be like if a vibrating tuning folk touched the string. The answer ... it made a fabulous noise.

Year 6 - Forest School

Acorn Clayton - Head of Modern Languages

Year 6 had a wonderful afternoon at Forest School, but perhaps it should be re-named 'Pavillion School' today due to the wild weather.

Wind and rain didn't stop the adventures; children worked in teams to complete challenges including kite-making, nature pictures, a scavenger hunt and a nature quiz. Everyone agreed that the delicious hot chocolate was very welcome after all that outdoor and indoor fun.

Year 8 Product Design

Tracey Konyu - Head of Art & Oliver Dorman – Head of DT

The Year 8 pupils have started their product design topic, by considering who will buy their work once it is made.

Their brief is to design a container to house stationery equipment, including rulers, pencils and computer stylus pens. Their piece must be functional, combined with an appealing aesthetic.

At the crucial design stage, they had to pitch their ideas to their client. James Thain kindly accepted the role of client.

Modern Languages

Acorn Clayton - Head of Modern Languages

At Vinehall we are proud of our Global Outlook.

Yesterday was the European Day of Languages so children were busy celebrating.

In form time we tried to guess the "Masked Linguist", which was very funny. In French lessons there was a quiz and the chance to dress up and try a French drink called diabolo menthe. The chefs joined in the fun and we had pain au chocolat as a breaktime snack. Bon appétit! Madame Clayton

European Day of Languages in Year 8


Matt McKinnon - Director of Sport

Brenchley Relay

Last week, 12 members of the Cross Country team took part in the Brenchley relay event at Saint Ronan's. All three teams did brilliantly. The girls' team, of Serenity, Arya, Rosie & Beth, made a great start to the afternoon finishing in 5th place. The boys' team, comprising of Buzz, Harry, Charlie and Tymofii, finished 3rd; and the other boys' team, of Albert, Noah, James and Iden, finished in 12th place. Next week the team travel to Somerhill for what will undoubtedly be another great afternoon of running.

IAPS U13 Football Tournament

John Newman – PE & Games Teacher

On Wednesday a squad of ten 1st team players travelled away to Bede's Senior school to compete in the regional finals of the IAPS U13 football tournament. Having lost two of their first three matches to the eventual finalists, it was no mean feat for the boys to pick themselves up by beating Westbourne House 2-0 in their final group stage match to qualify for the Plate competition. In both the Semi Final and Final the boys played extremely well; they won 2-0 against St Michael's in the semi and, after going a goal up in the first minute of the Final against Windlesham House, the team were always in control of the game winning the match 4-1. All the boys played their part in a very successful afternoon.

Group Stage:

v St Andrew's lost 1-0 (cup finalist)

v Holmewood House drew 0-0

v Downsend lost 5-0 (overall Cup Winners)

v West Bourne House won 2-0

Plate Competition

Semi Final : v St Michael's won 2-0

Final : v Windlsham House won 4-1

Vinehall Plate Winners

House News

Ally Linney - Assistant Head (Pastoral)

We are very proud of our Year 8s, and hope they are proud of their own accomplishments in this week's House Meetings.

Over the past two weeks in Form Time, the Year 8 pupils have been learning about the importance of charitable work and actions.

From there, pupils researched either individually or with a partner and chose a UK-based charity to put forward to their House. They created informative PowerPoint presentations and, in our House Meetings this week, they delivered their ideas.

The Houses then voted on which charity they wish to support this year.

Ashton will support Dandelion Time.

Paxton will support Rockinghorse Children's Charity.

Rushton will support Wildlife Rescue & Ambulance Service - East Sussex WRAS (

Saxton will support The British Hedgehog Preservation Society (

We are already looking forward to hearing their creative ideas in hosting charity events.

Next up, House Captain Hustings! Keep up the wonderful effort, Year 8. Your leadership and contributions to our school community has not gone unnoticed!


Petra Campbell – Gapper

A typical Saturday morning in the boarding house, going to DT, Art and Carpentry. In the afternoon we went to Hastings to play Mini Golf and have Fish and Chips for dinner by the beach.

On Sunday we enjoyed time to relax around the school. Everyone went for a trip to Sainsbury to buy some treats. Before dinner the Year 8 girls made the trending 'Crumble Cookies', which the Year 8s enjoyed as a treat after dinner.


Denise Lomas, an Accredited Bikeability and Balanceability Instructor, will be offering 1:1 lessons on Thursday 31st October and Friday 1st November at Vinehall. Lessons will take place on the tennis courts below Pre-Prep.

Sessions available: 10-11, 11-12, 12.30-13.30, 13.30-14.30

£45 an hour for one child. £65 for two children learning together. Good quality bike hire £6

Denise offers a step-by-step course to enable children to cycle without stabilisers or progress from a balance bike to a pedal bike. Games and activities to make learning fun and develop children’s confidence. If you would like further details or to book a space, please contact Denise direct at or 07508 262768.