WEEKLY NEWSLETTER west meadows - 18th October 2024

Welcome to West Meadows Weekly!

This week in school we celebrated our Harvest Festival with children. It was wonderful to welcome parents and carers into school to join in our celebrations. We hope you agree that the children sang beautifully! We would like to thank all of our wonderful community for their donations which will be taken to the Salvation Army next week. Also a big well done to Year 4 this week for taking part in their Ramp It Up Scooter Skills session which was lots of fun!

Fit and Fed Camps:

Barnsley FC community Trust are running a series of free multi-sports sessions at Hoyland Leisure Centre during the half term holidays in October for children aged 8+. All children will receive a free lunch while there. To book a place please go to www.barnsleyfccommunity.co.uk

Sporting Partnership:

A big well done to all of our children who have represented the school so far this year at our Friday sports partnership events. Our children have represented the school brilliantly and always impress with their positive attitudes and sportsmanship. We have also had some great results so far this year, including winning last week’s Year 5 / 6 Football tournament. Lots more opportunities for children to participate this year. It would be great to have more children coming to Ms Grange’s sports clubs on Mondays to Wednesdays after school as this is often an opportunity to practice the skills and sports for competitions.

School Photos Day:

On Monday 21st October, Tempest Photographers will be in school to take photographs of children. They will take both individual and sibling photos within school time. However, if you would like a photo taking with siblings who do not attend our school, you can arrive in school from 8.00am. Please come into school via the main entrance.

Parents' Evening:

A reminder that Parents Evening is on Thursday 14th November. Booking will go live on Arbor on Monday 21st October.

Halloween Disco:

Don’t forget that next Thursday, all children can come in Halloween fancy dress. All children will be having a disco during the school day and there will be a tuck shop running where they can buy sweets and pop. Children can bring money into school if they would like to go to the tuck shop. There is no charge for the disco or fancy dress. Many thanks to our volunteers for helping to support with this event!

Halloween Crafts:

Our F2 (and F1 30 hours children) are having a Halloween craft session on Tuesday 22nd October next week at 2pm in the school hall. We would love to see parents, carers or other family members there to work alongside the children making some spooktacular decorations!

Attendance Matters:

Every Friday we will celebrate our children’s achievements, both in school and at home, including their attendance in school. Good attendance is vital for your child’s education and means they can make the most of all aspects of school life. We really need your support this year to raise our attendance. If you need any help or support please come and see Mrs Maree. You can see your own child’s attendance for the year and the last 4 weeks on the Arbor App. An attendance of 97% or above is considered to be good attendance.

Last Week's Attendance:

F1 AM (including 30 hrs) 91%

F2: 97.3%

Year 1: 93%

Year 2: 96.9%

Year 3: 96.9%

Year 4: 96.6%

Year 5: 96.3%

Year 6: 85.7%

Congratulations to this week's winners,

Foundation Stage 2 !

Diary Dates:

Mon 21st Oct - School Photos Day

Tue 22nd Oct - Halloween Craft Session for F2 and 30 hour F1 parents / families

Thur 24th Oct - Halloween fancy dress and disco

Fri 25th Oct - INSET DAY

Mon 4th Nov - Return to school

Wc Mon 11th Nov - Anti-bullying week

Tue 12th Nov - Odd Sock Day ‘Choose Respect’ day

Thur 14th Nov- Parents’ Evening

Fri 15th Nov - Children In Need

Thur 21st Nov - Flu Spray in school (F2 to Year 6)

Fri 22nd Nov - Year 6 Crucial Crew trip