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April 2024 @BVNLibrary We had 3 new collaborative units this month, plus the integration of our BVEF Grant! Learn about these awesome new library projects here!

AP Spanish-AP Test Preparation

Students in Mr. Novas-Garcia's AP Spanish class used our Peterson's Test Prep database from Gale to access study guides, notecards and practice tests. We also incorporated practice materials from the State Library of Kansas and the Learning Express Library database.

Psychology-Skill Share

Students in Psychology classes participated in a Skill Share about self-care routines. The unit started with students learning skills from the librarians. Mrs. Cornelius taught students to make a mini-zine about something they cared about and Ms. Pommerenke taught students to create the easiest pet to care for: a pet rock! Students then established their own skills to share with classmates, led small groups through the skills and created infographics to share their skills!

SevenDays Kindness Walk and Library Display

During our celebration of SevenDays, every student in the building walked the track during our Kindness Walk. We also shared kindness themed books by putting them on display, handed out bookmarks and stickers, and challenged students to participate in activities that share kindness! Mrs. Cornelius helps organize this community event every year and it is important to participate in events like this that directly impact our community!

Modern World History-Finstagram War Reporters

Students in Ms. Loewen's Modern World History classes participated in a new collaborative project. We began by introducing them to the graphic novel, "Muhammad Najem, War Reporter", a true story about a 15-year old boy who documented the war in Syria on Instagram. We then tasked students with creating a fake instagram account (using Canva) as if they were war reporters during World War II. Students decided if they aligned with the Axis Powers or Allied Powers based on the city their character lived in and reported on events in the war and how those events affected the city where they lived. Click here to see a sample of amazing student work!


Students now have access to BVN Library Biblioboxes thanks to a grant from BV Education Foundation! We created these boxes to model the idea of subscription boxes. Students can check out a book themed box and get a book to read and a bunch of fun BVN Library swag that they get to keep! Biblioboxes include journals, pens, chapstick, hand sanitizer, book lights, fuzzy socks, some sweet treats, bookmarks, sticky notes, and more. Students return the book and the box and keep all the fun library swag! Each box also includes a list of suggested reading to keep you going after reading the book in the box as well as some graphics about the importance of reading.

Geography-Close Read

Students in Geography classes came to the library to focus on close reading skills. These skills help students focus and understand difficult to read texts. While reading, students actively mark vocabulary, claims, and annotate what the claims of the article mean and why they matter. This strategy can be used for any reading from a website to help you get a passport to a pamphlet or visit summary from a doctor's office. Being able to read and use the information we encounter in the world is vital for students and this type of reading has become more complicated as more text moves to screens (including textbooks)! Mr. Jones' classes read about bilingualism and Mr. Breedlove's class read about the war in Gaza. Students read the article individually, then answered some multiple choice questions without looking back at the article. Then they practiced the close reading strategies to read the article again and finally answered some deeper thinking questions about what the article really meant and why it was important. These life-long learning skills are essential parts of the library curriculum and we teach them to every student, every year.
