1/31/2025 ZWMS Parent Newsletter

ZEF Eagle Honors are the perfect way to “Show your love” for the teachers, administrators, and staff that make ZCS a special place for you and your student! For a minimum donation of $10 per honoree, ZEF will send a personalized certificate. Proceeds help fund future ZEF grants. Send your Eagle Honors today by clicking here.
The ZWest Student Hot Cocoa Day is February 21st, hosted by ZWest PTO. This is free to all students and will take place during lunches. We are looking for Volunteers to help during the event, along with some donations to make this event EXTRA sweet! Volunteer/Donation Sign-up Link
PTO Dine for Dollars on Wednesday, February 5th, at the Carmel location.

Valentine Dessert Walk for ZWest Staff

  • Please help us wish our staff a Happy Valentine's Day on Friday, February 14th! PTO will be offering lots of treats for teachers and staff to enjoy.
  • Please visit this link to sign up for an item or two. Thanks so much for your help in making this a special event for our ZWest Staff!

Spring Coaching Openings

  • 7th Grade Head Baseball Coach
  • 7th Grade Asst. Baseball Coach
  • Asst. Boys' Golf Coach
  • If you or someone you know is interested in one of these positions, please contact Athletic Director Ryan Johnson (rjohnson@zcs.k12.in.us or 317-873-1240 x10991).

Ticketing Reminder

Lost and Found is Growing!

  • Please ask your student(s) to look for any of their lost items in the back of the cafeteria. There are 2 racks that are full of hoodies, shoes, lunch boxes water bottles, etc.
  • If you are coming to ZWest for a concert or sporting event, please look at the racks in the cafe to see if anything belongs at your house.
  • Any items remaining at the end of next week (2/7) will be donated to a local charity.

Calendar Updates

  • 2/1 - Musical Set Build, 10am
  • 2/1 - Solo & Ensemble (Winds, Percussion, Strings), off-site
  • 2/3-2/7 - National School Counseling Week
  • 2/5 - School Counselors' Appreciation Day
  • 2/8 - Musical Set Build, 10am
  • 2/8 - Solo & Ensemble (Vocal/Piano), off site
  • 2/6-2/7, 2/10-2/12 - Student Council Candy Gram Sales during lunches (more info TBD)
  • 2/10 - ZCS Board Meeting, 6pm
  • 2/10-2/14 - PTO Food Drive (more info TBD)
  • 2/14 - PTO Dessert Walk, 9am
  • 2/14 - PTO Ice Cream Sales at lunches

2024-2025 Yearbook Sales

  • The current purchase price for the yearbook is $45, through the end of this month.
  • As of February 1st, the price will increase to $50.
  • Engraved nameplates are an additional cost.
  • If you have photos from any sports or clubs that you'd like to share, you can upload them on the "e-share" link below. The code for this is zwest.

Favorite Things!

  • Have you ever wondered what the ZWest Teachers, Staff and Bus Drivers' favorite snack, gift card or supply might be? There is now a place to find all of those things and more!
  • This is perfect for Birthdays, or just a way to say Thank-You with a special treat.
  • Take the guess work out and Click the link: ZWest Teacher/Staff/Bus Drivers 2024-2025

Laptop Info for the 2024-2025 School Year

  • All grades (5-8) will be provided a school-issued Chromebook for their 1:1 device for the 24-25 school year. For more information, visit the website here.
  • School Device Coverage info HERE.

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT for ZCHS 1:1 Laptop Use for the 2025-2026 School Year

  • At the December 9th School Board meeting, the extension of the 1:1 computer program into ZCHS for all freshman and sophomores was approved to begin at the start of the 25-26 school year.
  • For planning purposes, please note, all Freshman and Sophomores will be provided a ZCS Chromebook for use in the 1:1 program starting in August of 2025.
Community Flyers LINK


Created with images by vvvita - "Pine forest covered with snow. Aerial view of the winter pine forest. Gradient color" • Mikhaylovskiy - "a mug with hot chocolate on a wooden table with a marshmallow man who is resting in a mug" • amnach - "Colorful of sweet cup cake." • triocean - "Dark chocolate dipped dry orange slices" • pixarno - "Closeup of word on wooden cube on wooden desk background concept - coach" • blacksalmon - "Airport Sign With Lost Found Luggage Icon and Arrow" • annuar83 - "Office workplace with glasses and plant. Notebook with to do list on wooden table from above, planning and design concept." • Svetliy - "The dial of a pocket watch with hands and numbers in an old photo album.Past time" • manifeesto - "Repair laptop on white background,Computer laptop broken."