We’ve Received many inquiries regarding calculations for “PCBE” or Psilocybin Equivalent and “PCNE” or Psilocin Equivalent: These total values are important to understand Testing Reports & Dosage:

PCBE = PCN x 1.3195 + PCB

PCNE = PCB x 0.718 + PCN

To convert a quantity of Psilocin into psilocybin equivalent (PCBE) you must multiply the Psilocin amount by: (Psilocybin molecular weight) / (Psilocin molecular weight) 284.252 / 204.273 = 1.39152996 Then add this value to the measured Psilocybin in the sample for the grand total Psilocybin equivalent (PCBE).

These conversion factors are based on the structure and therefore the weights of the Psilocybin and Psilocin molecules. The conversion is used because Psilocybin is a prodrug for Psilocin, this means Psilocybin is converted (dephosphorylated) to Psilocin in the human body, Psilocin is psychoactive while Psilocybin is not. A prodrug is a pharmacologically inactive medication or compound that, after intake, is metabolized (i.e., converted within the body) into a pharmacologically active drug


As you likely know the major alkaloids in magic mushrooms are Psilocybin and Psilocin, both are tryptamines derived from the L-tryptophan pathway. These indole alkaloids are responsible for the psychoactive effects of numerous Psilocybe and Panaeolus species of mushrooms. Psilocybin is considered more shelf stable and for that reason researchers prefer to use synthetic psilocybin in most studies, and not Psilocin. For the same reason hobbyists generally try to preserve the highest levels of Psilocybin whenever possible. However, only Psilocin can cross the blood-brain barrier . Psilocybin is rapidly dephosphorylated, therefore converted to psilocin, in the acidic environment of the stomach (the phosphate group is cleaved from the Psilocybin molecule). So, 1mg of Psilocybin, once metabolized, will consist of Psilocin weighing 0.718mg (with 0.282mg of free-floating phosphate waste byproduct). In other words, 0.718mg of Psilocin is the psychoactive equal to 1mg of Psilocybin. This means by weight; Psilocin is significantly more potent than Psilocybin. 1mg of Psilocin is equivalent to 1.3915mg of Psilocybin.

Also in the biosynthetic pathway to Psilocybin are what we consider ‘minor alkaloids’ like Beaocystin. Currently little is known about the impact of minor alkaloids on user experiences. Mushrooms do not directly synthesize Psilocin , it is the result of damage to Psilocybin, samples testing high in Psilocin were likely harvested late, exposed to air and water for too long, or were damaged/bruised in handling or in processing by a lab.



MOLECULAR WEIGHTS: PCN = 204.273 PCB = 284.252


Conversion factors to find the PCBE (Psilocybin equivalent) or the PCNE (Psilocin equivalent) are based on the molecular weights of the alkaloids. Simply divide one by the other to get the "Conversion Factors"

CONVERSION FACTOR #1: PCB --> PCN 204.273 ÷ 284.252 = 0.71863347

CONVERSION FACTOR #2: PCN --> PCB  284.252 ÷ 204.273 = 1.39152996


In conclusion, psilocybin must be broken down to Psilocin to become psychoactive. By weight, Psilocin is more potent because it is a lighter weight molecule. We recommend that test reports and product labels for Psilocybin containing products display both PCBE percentages and PCBE mg per g:

Because nearly all published research studies use Psilocybin dosing, most people are familiar with Psilocybin based ranges (for example 25mg to 35mg for a deep experience). It is not helpful to report Psilocin equivalent values and could even do harm (because the numbers will be lower which could lead to accidental excess dosing).


Psilocin is considerably more potent than Psilocybin mg for mg. By using the conversion factors outlined in this article we can determine how much Psilocybin it is equal to thus aiding in more accurate dosing decisions and better user experiences.


Psilocin is the active compound, once Psilocybin has been converted to Psilocin, it is bio-available and can enter the brain via the bloodstream rather quickly. High Psilocin in magic mushrooms when taken orally may result in a faster onset of effects. Psilocybin on the other hand may take some time to metabolize resulting in a longer on-set. Some people prefer to convert the Psilocybin into Psilocin before consuming the mushrooms by soaking them in an acidic beverage such as lemon juice.


It is important to know the grand total Psilocybin equivalent (PCBE) in a given product so people can make informed dosing decisions. To date we only consider the major alkaloids in the equivalency scores. In the future more consideration may be made for the minor alkaloids and their metabolites.

A list of experience levels associates with various PCBE dosages:

[3 to 6mg PCBE]: This level produces mild effects, with some visual enhancement like brighter or more vibrant colors and sometimes an elevated mood. Some short term memory anomalies. Left/right brain communication changes causing music to sound 'wider'
[6 to 12mg PCBE]: Bright colors, and visuals (ie. things start to move and breathe) some 2-dimensional patterns become apparent upon shutting eyes. Confused or reminiscent thoughts. The natural brain filter (salience network) begins to deactivate, thoughts may be distracted, creativity may feel enhanced, fixation on objects within your view or parts of your body can happen (for example staring at your hand or a flower or tree). The salience network or midcingulo-insular network or ventral attention network, is a group of regions in your brain that work together to filter out unimportant information and decide what deserves your attention
[12 to 18mg PCBE]: Obvious visuals, everything looking curved and/or warped patterns and kaleidoscopes seen on walls, faces, etc. Some mild hallucinations such as rivers flowing in wood grained or 'mother of pearl' surfaces. Closed eye hallucinations become 3 dimensional. Open eyed visuals everywhere with no effort. There could be some confusing of the senses (ie. seeing sounds as colors etc.) Time distortions and `moments of eternity`. Movement at times becomes extremely difficult (too much effort required).
[18 to 30mg PCBE]: Strong hallucinations, objects morphing into other objects. The brain’s default mode network becomes less active or inactive resulting in loss of ego or splitting of the ego. Things may start talking to you, or you find that you are feeling contradictory things simultaneously. Some loss of reality. Time becomes meaningless. Out of body experiences and perceived ESP type phenomena are possible. Different parts of the brain become “hyper-connected” resulting in full blending of the senses (synesthesia). You may experience colors when listening to music, see shapes when smelling certain scents, or perceive tastes when looking at words.
[30 to 40mg PCBE]: Total loss of visual connection with reality. The senses cease to function in the normal way. Total loss of ego. Merging with space, other objects or the universe. The loss of reality becomes so severe that it defies explanation. The earlier levels are relatively easy to explain in terms of measurable changes in perception and thought patterns. This level is different in that the actual universe within which things are normally perceived, ceases to exist. You may experience momentary periods of absolute peace and calm while the ego is suppressed, and your brain is unencumbered by its usual worries or passions.


Ziff S, Stern B, Lewis G, Majeed M, Gorantla VR. Analysis of Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy in Medicine: A Narrative Review. Cureus. 2022 Feb 5;14(2):e21944. doi: 10.7759/cureus.21944. PMID: 35273885; PMCID: PMC8901083.

Fricke J, Blei F, Hoffmeister D. Enzymatic Synthesis of Psilocybin. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2017 Sep 25;56(40):12352-12355. doi: 10.1002/anie.201705489. Epub 2017 Aug 25. PMID: 28763571.