Byd o liw! The world of colours!

Cwestiwn Ymchwiliol / Investigative Question

Pa mor liwgar ydy'r byd?

How colourful is our world?

Iaith, Llythrennedd a Chyfathebu / Language, Literacy and Communication

Gweithgareddau Tric a Chlic wythnosol / Weekly Tric a chlic sessions.

Chware rôl er mwyn datblygu iaith / Developing language through role play.

Datblygu geirfa newydd/ Developing new vocabulary.

Datblygu sgiliau man/ Developing fine motor skills.

Gwrando ar storiau / Listening to stories.

Rhifedd a Mathemateg / Mathematics and Numeracy

Wythnos 1 / Week One

Gemau rhif- Dysgu sut i gymryd tro / Number games - Learning to take turns.

Wythnos 2 / Week 2

Trefnu e.e Trefnu dydd a nos, lliwiau, rhifau / Sorting objects e.g. day and night, colours, numbers.

Wythnos 3 / Week 3

Un yn fwy ac un yn llai / One more and one less.

Wythnos 4 / Week 4

Ffurfio rhifau/ Number formation.

Wythnos 5 / Week 5

Siapau/ Shapes

Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg / Science and Technology

Dysgu geirfa lliw / Learning colour vocabulary.

Dysgu am y tywydd / Learning about the types of weather.

Arbrawf gwyddonol - Casglu y glaw / Science experiment- How can we collect the rain.

Plannu yn yr ardd / Planting in the garden.

Y Celfyddydau Mynegiannol / The Creative Arts

Patrymau Natur Andy Goldsworthy / Nature patterns with Andy Goldsworthy.

Creu machlud haul gyda phastelau / Create a sunset with pastels.

Peintio enfys/ Paint a rainbow.

Arbrofi gyda deunyddiau celf amrywiol i greu y tywydd / Experiment with varied art materials to make the weather.

Iechyd a Lles / Health and Wellbeing

Dathlu'r ŵyl lliw Holi / Celebrate the colour festival of Holi.

Cysylltu eu teimladau i liwiau / Connect their feelings to colours.

Dathlu Dydd Gwyl Dewi / Celebrate St David's day.

Dysgu am y Pasg / Learning about Easter.

Profiadau / Experiences

Gwylio adroddiad tywydd / Watch a weather report.

Cymryd rhan mewn wythnos amlddiwylliannol / Taking part in a multi-cultural week.

Profiad o weld wyau cyw yn deor. Experience chicken eggs hatching.