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Wedding Venue Address:

Rowhill Grange, Top Dartford Road, Wilmington, Kent, DA2 7QH

Click to see on Google Maps

Closest train stations TO WEDDING VENUE:

Swanley - 5 minute taxi from the venue.

Dartford - 13 minute taxi from the venue.


For best results and most accurate/up to date travel times, please check your travel via Google Maps or Citymapper.

You can book your train tickets via Trainline.

Some examples/guides of how to get to Rowhill Grange via Swanley are listed below:

From Gatwick Airport:

Option 1:

Take Thameslink (towards Petersborough) to London Bridge Station.

Change to Southeastern (towards Maidstone East) to Swanley.

Take a taxi to Rowhill Grange.

Option 2:

Take either Gatwick Express or Southern to Victoria Station.

Change to Southeastern (towards Gillingham) to Swanley.

Take a taxi to Rowhill Grange.

From Heathrow Airport:

Take the Underground (Elizabeth Line) to Farringdon.

Change to Thameslink (towards Horsham) to London Bridge Station.

Change train to Southeastern (towards Maidstone East) to Swanley.

Take a taxi to Rowhill Grange.

From Stansted Airport:

Take Stansted Express to Tottenham Hale.

Change to Underground (Victoria Line towards Brixton) to Victoria Station.

Change to Southeastern (towards Maidstone East) to Swanley.

Take a taxi to Rowhill Grange.


Adressen till Bröllopslokalen:

Rowhill Grange, Top Dartford Road, Wilmington, Kent, DA2 7QH

Klicka för att se på Google Maps

Närmaste tågstationer till bröllopslokalen:

Swanley - 5 minuter med taxi från bröllopslokalen.

Dartford - 13 minuter med taxi från bröllopslokalen.


För bästa resultat och uppdaterade restider, kolla din resväg via Google Maps eller Citymapper (mobilappar).

Du kan boka dina tågbiljetter via Trainline.

Nedanför finns några exempel/alternativ på hur du kan ta dig till Rowhill Grange via Swanley:

Från GatwickS Flygplats:

Alternativ 1:

Ta tåget Thameslink (mot Petersborough) till London Bridge Station.

Byt tåg till Southeastern (mot Maidstone East) till Swanley.

Ta en taxi till Rowhill Grange.

Alternativ 2:

Ta antingen Gatwick Express-tåget eller Southern till Victoria Station.

Byt här till Southeastern (mot Gillingham) till Swanley.

Ta en taxi till Rowhill Grange.

Från Heathrows flygplats:

Ta Tunnelbanan/Underground (Elizabeth Line) till Farringdon.

Byt tåg till Thameslink (mot Horsham) till London Bridge Station.

Byt tåg till Southeastern (mot Maidstone East) till Swanley.

Ta en taxi till Rowhill Grange.

Från Stansteds flygplats:

Ta Stansted Express-tåget till Tottenham Hale.

Byt till Tunnelbana/Underground (Victoria Line mot Brixton) till Victoria Station.

Byt tåg till Southeastern (mot Maidstone East) till Swanley.

Ta en taxi till Rowhill Grange.
