A Sustainable Fanwood By Mike dabulas

Project Overview

The scope of my work for this semester was assisting with the preparations for updating Fanwood Borough’s Master Plan for the Regional Climate Change-Related Hazard Vulnerability Assessment (RCCRVA) to comply with the recent amendments to the Municipal Land Use Law (MLUL). I worked with the Borough and the contractor T&M Associates following the Municipal Climate Resilience Planning Guide to provide the best practices towards developing a robust climate resiliency strategy.

My duties included research on how climate change has affected the planet and Fanwood's town. With the data, I developed mitigation and adaptation strategies to minimize vulnerability to climate-related hazards. This came in the form of a comprehensive report. For quick references, I crafted an Executive Report. I assisted in the preparation element and participated in public information session. This included an informative flyer for the meeting and press release distributed weeks before the public hearing. While I attended this meeting, I acted as a “scribe”, so it can be reviewed in the future. Lastly, I was tasked in the preparation for a renewable energy narrative in Fanwood for T&M, along with an Analysis of Borough of Fanwood’s Planning and Zoning Board’s variances granted from 2018-2023.

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