
CNPS Bulletin 2023 | issue 9 | november

CNPS SCHOOL VISION: To build a community of curious, creative and engaged learners who are empowered to meet the challenges of our rapidly changing world. Collectively we will work with our students to become responsible global citizens who have the skills, knowledge and personal attributes they need for their future.

Principal’s Column

Dear CNPS community,

We’re at the end of week 4 already and before you know it’ll be the end of the school year.

It was wonderful to be present during our whole school, student lead assembly last Friday and it was a great celebration of student’s showing our school values across the school. Being my first assembly, it was the first time I had heard our school anthem and I was pleased to see most students proudly singing along with it. I encourage as many families as possible to come across to future assemblies and be part of the celebration of our student’s achievements at school.

We received some very positive news last week from Coburg High School as they let us know that two of our former students, Jonah D and Emma G, were selected as School Captains in 2024. Although they have grown over their last 5 years since leaving us, it’s still nice to think that we may have played a role in developing the student leaders in one of our local Secondary School. Congratulations to them both.

Hats on, Funs on

I know at times the weather does funny things in Melbourne, however we know the importance of being Sun Smart even when we think the sun isn't shining as brightly as it could be. Please remember that Term 4 is a Sun Smart term and we expect all students to be wearing a Sun Smart hats in the yard. I encourage all families to please ensure bags are packed with hats each morning when coming to school. This is particularly important over the next two weeks whilst the COLA has painting work completed and students can’t find shade under there. It was pleasing when I went out to the oval last week to see most students wearing their hats and keeping themselves safe from the sun.

Thanks to everyone for their continued hard work over the last couple of weeks.


Pat Lynch

What happened this month?

Foundation Breakfast

Last Wednesday, Foundation students celebrated a wonderful year with Foundation Breakfast and a Pyjama Day! Students came to school in their pyjamas to enjoy a gourmet breakfast spread, including toast, cereal, juice and fruit.

Grade 2 Playground Planting

On Tuesday the 17th of October, our Grade 2 students had a unique experience enhancing our playground. They spent the morning planting approximately 100 new plants around the area.

The playground designer joined the students, sharing insights about the playground's design and the role of nature within it. The students were attentive, learning about the various plants they would be planting.

Armed with gloves and small shovels, the students got to work, carefully planting the new additions. Afterward, they ensured each plant received the proper hydration.

The transformation is impressive. Our playground is now more vibrant and inviting, thanks to the Grade 2 students' hard work and care.

Next time you visit the playground, take a moment to appreciate the added beauty. It's a fantastic example of teamwork and a love for nature coming together to create a more welcoming space.

CNPS Talent Show

On Wednesday, the hall was packed for the Grand Final of the CNPS Talent Show.

Students from across the school sang, danced, played instruments, performed magic tricks and generally dazzled the audience with their talents. It was clear students had done lots of practice in preparation for the big day. The audience were very well behaved and watched intently as each act performed.

The Grade 6 judges had a difficult time picking a winner because the standard was so high. But, finally they decided and the winning act will be announced at our next assembly.

Stay tuned...!

Buildings and Grounds

A few major projects have been completed and another is well underway at Coburg North this month.

Senior demountable shade sail

The shade sail over the grade four and five demountable classrooms is finished and providing lots of shade from the hot sun and shelter from the rain - there's been lots of both lately!

Pirate Ship

Another stage of the Pirate Ship playground has finished! Native plants and deciduous trees now weave their way through the area. The trees will provide lots of shade as they grow and the playground is now full of interesting, engaging natural play spaces - in addition to the ship itself. My favourite part is the tree fern forrest!


The COLA surface is currently being prepared and painted with new colours and line markings. I expect the work to be finished and ready for action by November 6 and I can't wait!

There has also been one small project finished this month. The clatter bridge from the senior playground has been returned! This has been missing for several years (!) but we now have a brand new, shiny bridge for all to enjoy.

Paul, Manager Buildings and Grounds

School Council

At school council this month, we've heard about the huge range of activities happening in term 4. There are some important works being carried out in buildings, as well as under the COLA, and our Parents and Friends group have had very successful trivia night and referendum day events raising money for the school. As usual the school council continue to support the school by monitoring and reporting on finances, and updating policies as they come up for review.

TheirCare: After School Care

Week 2
Week 4

Parents and Friends

Pop extra items in the trolley for ASRC food drive in November

With the holiday season just around the corner, the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) needs more items than ever to support refugee families in need.

This term’s collection for the ASRC’s food drive will take place from Monday 20 to Friday 24 November.

Please add a few extra items to your weekly shop to support this important initiative providing much needed items for refugee families.

We are again asking for donations of soaps (in bundles of 2 soap bars), toothbrushes & toothpaste. Boxes will be placed in each classroom for students to place their donated items in during the collection week.

The ASRC have asked we collect the same items each term so they can plan their inventory of goods.

Thanks again for your support.

Market day and Plant stall wrap up – Thanks to all the volunteers!

Many thanks to all the more than 50 volunteers who helped at the CNPS Referendum market day on Saturday 14 October or grew plants for the Spring plant stall. The market raised $5000 towards a new water play area for the school.

Parents and Friends ran a sausage sizzle, put on a cake and homemade produce stall, as well as held the annual CNPS Spring plant sale, now in its 5th year!

The plant sale had about 650 pots for sale, which often had 2 to 4 seedlings in every pot, and nearly 75% was sold on the day. We had wonderful feedback from customers about the range and number of vegetables, fruit, natives and ornamentals on offer!

The remaining natives will be planted around the school grounds and the vegetable seedlings will be planted in the school’s Coburg Crop or in raised garden beds around the school. It’s great to see the unsold plants being utilised across the school.

This year the organising team experimented with providing seeds for parents and carers to grow at home before the day to expand on the stock from the propagation sessions and donations from the community.

A massive thanks to the small but dedicated team of parent volunteers worked throughout the year to grow plants and organise the plant sale.

Upcoming Events

Week 5

  • Grade 2 Sleepover - Thursday, 2 November
  • Whole School Assembly - Friday, 3 November

Week 6

  • Student Free Day - Monday, 6 November
  • Public Holiday, Melbourne Cup Day - Tuesday, 7 November

Week 7

  • Whole School Assembly - Friday, 17 November
At CNPS we believe that by being respectful, responsible and resilient we can succeed and thrive as a community.