Ellel Shere House 2024 Programme God's restoring love

'Bringing the Heart of God to the Heart of Man'

To book, book online on the website (www.ellel.org.za), via bookings.za@ellel.org, or at 012 8091172.



Open Day, 'God's Restoring Love', A More Excellent Way

Sat 20 Jan, Open day, 'God's Restoring Love', A More Excellent Way

Come pause, quieten your heart, spend time with the Lord, join for a short teaching on 'God's Restoring Love' from 11-12 am, do something creative, meet the team, browse the bookshop, invite a friend, enjoy free cappuccino, brownies & scones in our lovely gardens at Shere House, and position yourself in 'God's Restoring Love' for 2024. For this free event, join us any time from 9:00-15:00

Restoring the Human Spirit

Fri 26- Sat 27 Jan, Restoring the Human Spirit, Explore A8. This course is designed to explore the function and purpose of our human spirit which brings revelation that opens doors to healing opportunities never explored before. Based on biblical examples, we will look at how our human spirits can be damaged in various ways. It will also challenge our responses to this damage that can cause us ongoing hurt, pain, and life struggles, often leaving us with a sense of constant inner distress and overwhelm. Looking at how our human spirit encompasses our God-given identity, our creativity, and the place of connection with God, this is a vital topic that can radically change how you approach dealing with the issues you face in life.


Creativity Weekend, 'God's Restoring Love'

Sat 3–Sun 4 Feb, Creativity Weekend, 'God's Restoring Love', Explore B8. Many of us today have lost ourselves in the busyness of life and in the process have lost hope. Come and take this rare opportunity to ‘be’ rather than ‘do’, experiencing God’s heart to restore and bring hope through a variety of creative workshops as He helps you rediscover yourself! Enjoy great fellowship too as His family together, breaking down isolation, fears, and loneliness. SHERE HOUSE (Sat 3 and Sun 4 Feb) & ONLINE (Sat 3 Feb only)

Prayer for the ‘Heart’ of the Nation

In an election year, the one question that rings out over this nation is ‘Who will govern us for the next four years? ’However, God’s bigger question is, ‘Will My people choose Me as the “highest authority” over their hearts? Will they choose My ways and order so that I can bring My loving restoration, safety, and future?’ These times of choosing ‘Who will rule over us?’ bring uncertainty, and often fear. Instead of reacting to the fear, there is an invitation to pray for God’s loving restoration of the hearts and families of the nation.

Why pray for the nation in an election year? Simply, because God gets our attention in times like these. • The mandate of Ellel Ministries is to bring the heart of God to the heart of man at every level of man’s existence.

Why Pray for families? We have learned over the years that it is within hearts and families that the destruction in lives comes first. To the Ephesians, Paul reveals a unique pattern of prayer. He addressed his prayer to the Father from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named (Eph 3:14-15). This is a profound statement indicating the origin of all families: the Father, Creator of the whole universe. As Father, He has prepared a redemption plan and a future for each family in His Son, Jesus. He then places them strategically within a nation; rooted and grounded in His love and ways so they may bring His life to their surroundings. We believe that praying for restored hearts and families is praying for God’s ways and purposes in a nation. Governments can do only so much, but when the DNA of hearts and families changes, the nation changes.

What does praying for the Hearts of the Families of this Nation mean? It is praying for God’s heart in you as part of His family, for your heart of influence in your family, for the wider church family as the heart of this nation, and for all families of the nation as the heart that gives life to the nation. Each month we focus on and pray for a different part of the heart and the family.

Who can pray? Anyone and everyone. If you have a desire to change and be restored in His love so that His heart is reflected in you and you want to ask for His heart in your family, in the church, and all the families of the nation, you are welcome to join.

How do you join? First Tuesday of each month, 18:30 -19:45

Tue 6 Feb, Prayer for the Heart of the Nation, 18:30-19:45, A time of fellowship online to hear from God, reflect on His truth, align, and ask God to restore the heart of this precious nation.

Navigating Difficult Relationships

Fri 23-Sat 24 Feb, Navigating Difficult Relationships, Explore A9

When God made us in His image, He made us relational human beings, created to live in dynamic relationships with both Himself, as well as one another. This course will help you in finding God’s way forward for your relationships and in receiving healing from wounds inflicted through relationships in the past, that were not as God intended.


Living in my God-given Identity

Fri 1 - Sat 2 Mar, Living in my God-given Identity, Explore B9. In wanting to fit into a world that demands that we conform, we often find that we hide or lose something of our unique personhood which leaves us feeling loss, confused and unacceptable. This course seeks to help us find a renewed confidence in the uniqueness of who God made us to be.

Tue 5 March, Prayer for the Heart of the Nation, 18:30-19:45, A time of fellowship online to hear from God, reflect on His truth, align, and ask God to restore the heart of this precious nation.

Restoration Week, Rebuilding Lives

Restoration Week, Rebuilding Lives, 5-10 March

Tue 5 – Sun 10 March, Restoration Week. A Restoration Week is an opportunity to identify areas of wounding, understand the causes of damage, gain insight into our own responses to what happened, know the effects of the enemy, and personally walk with the Lord to receive His restoration.

“God met me here; the teaching gave me practical ways to process my pain. I felt refreshed, no longer fatigued and able to face the future with God.”

Six days of teaching, practical application, time with the Lord, mentoring, creativity, family, fun, and ministry.

“I have walked with a broken heart and a crushed spirit all my life. Each day here, God revealed more of His truth of how much He loved me. He delivered me from control, blaming, rejection and betrayal. I experienced His freedom like never before.”


2 April, Prayer for the Heart of the Nation, 18:30-19-45, A time of fellowship, to hear from God, reflect on His truth, align, and ask God to restore the nation.

Fri 6 – Sat 7 Apr, Ministry Workshop, Explore A & B, In Person at Shere House Only. By invitation only for those who have completed the required number of courses in the Explore A and B cycle. Please note there will be a separate workshop for EXPLORE A and B Online delegates on 5-6 May.

Mon 15 – Fri 26 April

Mon 15 – Fri 26 April, 12-Day Course. This course focuses on the foundations of Biblical discipleship and healing. As Jesus’s disciples we are commanded to go in His power and authority to proclaim Kingdom truths, and minister His healing (Luke 9:1-2). A wide range of relevant gospel truths and principles are covered during the teaching times on the course. Opportunities are provided to apply these biblical truths during times of personal reflection, creative expression, group discussions, and personal ministry time.


God's Love brings encouragement in the Journey

Sat 4 May, Open Day - Reunion, 'Encouragement for the Journey', A free get-together for all previous Modular, Explore, Flagship, and 12 Day guests to celebrate, re-connect, and be encouraged to walk in their unique journey.

Tue 7, May, Prayer for the Heart of the Nation, 18:30-19:45, A time of fellowship online to hear from God, reflect on His truth, align, and ask God to restore the heart of this precious nation.

Fri 10–Sat 11 May, Ministry Workshop, Explore A&B, Online Only. By invitation only for those who have completed the required number of courses in the Explore A and B cycle.

Explore Programme 2024, Starts 31 May

The Explore is a year programme consisting of a series of courses designed to train and equip God’s people through a journey of transformation and consists of a part A and B. People are also welcome to book for stand alone courses in these series. If you can not attend in person you can also join online.

Together we will find that there is hope and help for the issues which we struggle with: Everyday issues like anxiety, stress, physical pain, emotional distress, problems in relationships, addictive behaviour and depression to name just a few. We will also discover what it really means to live with God in a closer relationship.

Those who journey through Explore or attend any of the courses will also be equipped with keys in healing and discipleship to help meet the needs of others.

Explore+, Starting 8-9 June 2024

Understanding and applying biblical principles and keys for healing is essential for our discipleship and freedom. Prayer ministry is working under the leading of the Holy Spirit and practically applying these principles and keys, within biblical boundaries, to those needing God’s healing. This is integral in helping the hurting move forward in freedom. Within the complexity of the African context, knowing where to start untangling issues and what to pray for needs God’s insight, discernment, and understanding.

Drawing from over thirty years of Ellel’s personal ministry experience, Explore + is designed to equip and help those minister in their local church setting, to friends and others who need God’s healing and restoration.

It is Explore + is the final part of the Explore program and is for those who have completed Explore A and B and want to learn how to practically minister more effectively to others.

Explore + Starting 2024
The Abundant Christian Life

Fri 31 May–Sat 1 June, The Abundant Christian Life, Start of Explore A, Apply Online. We are born with questions about life etched in our hearts and this course seeks to answer these questions from a Biblical perspective. We will look at how mankind got into such a mess, God’s amazing rescue plan, and how God not only wants to save us but also wants to heal us and set us on the right course for our lives.


4 June, Pray for the Heart of the Nation, 18:30-19-45, A time of fellowship online, to hear from God, reflect on His truth, align, and ask God to restore the nation.

Prayer Ministry, Principles & Practices, Explore+

Sat 8 June - Sun 9 June, Prayer Ministry, Principles & Practices, Explore+ (1 of 6)

This course aims to equip guests on the principles and foundations of prayer ministry. It includes short teachings and demonstrations, roleplays and discussions to help guests understand: What prayer ministry is, what it involves (roles and processes), essential biblical principles, ministry needs (understanding wounding, loss, and footholds), how to minister, and dealing with potential challenges, all within a biblical context and boundaries.

Deeper Intimacy with God

Fri 28 – Sat 29 Jun, Deeper Intimacy with God, Explore A2. This course is all about helping us come to know more about God and to connect to Him in a deeper way. It will look at His character and nature and explore how we can have an intimate relationship with Him and seek to deal with the blockages that get in the way of knowing Him the way He really is.


Tue 2 July, Prayer for the Heart of the Nation, 18:30-19:45, A time of fellowship online to hear from God, reflect on His truth, align, and ask God to restore the heart of this precious nation.

Ministry Foundations

Sat 6 -Sun 7 July, Ministry Foundations, Explore + (2 of 6)

This course aims to equip guests on the principles and foundations of prayer ministry. It includes short teachings and demonstrations, roleplays and discussions to help guests understand:

What prayer ministry is; What it involves (roles and processes); biblical principles; Ministry needs (understanding wounding, loss and footholds); How to minister, and deal with potential challenges, all within a biblical context and boundaries.

The Power of Forgiveness

Fri 26 – Sat 27 Jul, The Power of Forgiveness, Explore A3. The Kingdom principle of forgiveness is one which has a profound impact on our lives. As we both receive God’s forgiveness for our own sinful actions and also extend forgiveness to those who have hurt us, we begin to experience God’s transformation and healing. This course will explore the truth, challenges, and steps to freedom through forgiveness.


Sat 3 - Sun 4 August, Ministry to Bring Freedom, Explore + (3 of 6) Jesus came that we may have life in abundance (John 10:10) not to help us struggle with life from a place of bondage. Together we explore some causes of bondage and how to minister to them as well as to the ungodly responses.

Bringing freedom includes an understanding of how to bring healing to unhealed wounding and the resulting demonic bondage, which could be established if there is: Generational sin; Witchcraft, legalism or false religious practices; Victimisation from control and manipulation of self or others; Repetitive patterns of being a victim of abuse; Spiritual effects of abortion; and Addictive behaviors.

6 Aug, Pray for the Heart of the Nation, 18:30-19-45, A time of fellowship, to hear from God, reflect on His truth, align, and ask God to restore the nation.

9 August Ladies Day: Thrive in the Hive: Living in God’s Storehouse

Please join us on Ladies' Day for inspirational teaching, creativity, and fellowship with coffee and cake at Shere House. “...but he would feed you with the finest of wheat, and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.” Ps 81:16. If it is God’s heart to satisfy us with His goodness, what prevents us from receiving from Him?

Workers Retreat

Tues 20 to Sun 26 Aug, WORKER'S RETREAT, RESTore To Run, for full-time workers

We all want to hear the words “Well done, good and faithful servant.” As workers in a foreign field, we can feel disheartened, disillusioned, and anxious in life and with the call. Our past, failures, frailties, and woundedness may make things even worse.

The heart of God wants us to know how loved we are, but the reality of the call can deafen His voice to this truth. During the retreat, we want to rediscover the Father’s heart and His provision of rest to the areas of our brokenness, our needs, and His call. If you’ve been running, outside of God’s rest and the race is weighing you down, you are welcome to apply. The program for the retreat includes some short teachings, creativity, fun, ministry, and rest. Our prayer for each is that they would rediscover, rest, and walk in the heart of the Father. His rest enables us to live in His call.

Overcoming Rejection and Betrayal

Fri 30 - Sat 31 Aug, Overcoming Rejection and Betrayal, Explore A4 Even though the Bible tells us that God loves all He has created, and that when we accept Jesus as our Saviour, we are fully part of God’s family again, we can still find it so hard to believe. This course will explore how rejection came into the world, how it can impact our lives and how to move on from rejection to acceptance


Tue 3 Sept, Prayer for the Heart of the Nation, 18:30-19:45, A time of fellowship online to hear from God, reflect on His truth, align, and ask God to restore the heart of this precious nation.

Sat 7 - Sun 8 SeptMinistry to The Heart, Explore + (4 of 6), Together we will explore how the damage we have experienced can cause a deep level of brokenness. We will look at how damage not only affects us emotionally but also our human spirit, and gain practical insight into how to minister in these areas.

Besides looking at how these traumas affect the individual, we will also understand how control and coping mechanisms keep brokenness in place. Besides practical prayer ministry skills, we will look at the role of creativity and other keys to help people towards wholeness.

Exposing the Snares of the Enemy 1

Fri 27–Sat 28 Sep, Exposing the Snares of the Enemy 1, Explore A5. In this course, we will explore what the Bible says about Satan and the demonic, spiritual warfare and how the enemy can gain a stronghold in a person’s life. Jesus came to set the captives free and this course teaches how to step into spiritual freedom through deliverance in Jesus’ name.


Tues 1 Oct, Pray for the Heart of the Nation, 18:30-19-45, A time of fellowship, to hear from God, reflect on His truth, align, and ask God to restore the nation

Fri 4 - Sun 6 Oct, Restored Ethnic Identity and Understanding Cross-Cultural Ministry, Explore+ Optional Elective, (5 of 6), We live and minister in a multicultural world. For each of us, our ethnic identity, culture, and life experiences influence our worldview, the way we see other cultures, and how we can judge them by the traumas, hurts and beliefs we’ve experienced. Ethnic conflict is often the outcome.

This course will bring an understanding of some of the ungodly cultural roots that shape our beliefs and behaviours like prejudice, division, and racism. These in turn negatively influence the way we minister cross-culturally. Be equipped to understand the subtle difference between tolerating and embracing other cultures and how when our ethnic identity is restored as God intended it, we will be able to live with and minister to other cultures with His heart.

Bridge from the Head to the Heart  (7 Days)

Fri 11 – Thu 17, Oct, Bridge from the Head to the Heart. Understanding God’s love in our heads and knowing His love in the depths of our hearts are two vastly different things. When God’s love meets us in our deepest places of hurt and pain, healing rushes forth and freedom abounds. Yet, achieving that connection can seem difficult, terrifying, overwhelming, or even impossible.

Through creative expression (not just art!) you can safely explore your connection with God, as well as your own identity, and allow Him into the darkest recesses of your heart where words are not enough to articulate the inner turmoil. With inspirational, deep and relevant teaching, mixed with a variety of creative workshops, this course takes you on a journey of self-recognition as well as learning how to trust Jesus and receive His healing on a deeper level.

Healing from Inner Hurt and Pain

Fri 25 – Sat 26 Oct, Healing from Inner Hurt and Pain, Explore A6. In this course, we will investigate how God made each person and how the various parts of our being work together to develop the whole person. This course will explain both how to untangle some of the causes and effects of inner damage and how to apply God’s truth and restorative power to the lives of those who need inner healing.

Sun 27 Oct, Encounter Day, Explore A. An encounter day is a ministry event that aims to provide the Explore guests with an opportunity to process, apply and receive personal ministry by spending time with the Lord and with the ministry team. This course is only open to those enrolled on the Explore Programme and will be offered at Shere House.


Fri 1 – Sun 3 Nov, Practical Ministry Exposure, Explore + (6 of 6)

The final weekend of Explore + culminates in a time of practical application where what was learned on Explore and Explore Plus is applied in a safe ministry setting at Shere House. This weekend ranges from being briefed, partaking in intercession, observing teachings, practical prayer ministry, family fellowship, and debriefing. Explore guests will be invited to be part of the ministry team serving guests on this Healing Retreat.

Tue 5 Nov, Prayer for the Heart of the Nation, 18:30-19:45, A time of fellowship online to hear from God, reflect on His truth, align, and ask God to restore the heart of this precious nation.

Restoring the Human Spirit

Fri 29 – Sat 30 Nov, Restoring the Human Spirit, Explore A7. This course is designed to explore the function and purpose of our human spirit which brings revelation that opens doors to healing opportunities never explored before. Based on biblical examples, we will look at how our human spirit can be damaged in various ways. It will also challenge our responses to this damage that can cause us ongoing hurt, pain and life struggles, often leaving us with a sense of constant inner distress and overwhelm. Looking at how our human spirit encompasses our God-given identity, our creativity and the place of connection with God, this is a vital topic that can radically changes how you approach dealing with the issues you face in life.



Tues 3 Dec, Prayer for the Nation, 18:30-19-45, A time of fellowship, to hear from God, reflect on His truth, align, and ask God to restore the nation

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Contact Ellel Centers in Africa

Ellel Shere House: bookingsza@ellel.org or Visit Web

Ellel KwaZulu Natal: Ken and Joy Rowat, bookingskzn@ellel.org.zaor Visit Web

Ellel Rwanda: Lambert and Catherine Bariho, bookingsrwanda@ellel.org or Visit Web

Ellel Kenya: Galvan and Esther Kinyua, info.kenya@ellel.org, or Visit Web

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Hope to welcome you at Shere House