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Past,Present, Future Ava Hartley

The past shapes who you are in the present, and your present shapes who you are in the future. Who I was when I was younger is different than who I am now in the present, and who I am now will be different in the future.

My goal for this project was to express myself in the photos I took for my past. I took things that meant a lot to me when I was younger and photos of me and placed them in spots that made the most sense. For the past part of my project I took things from my actual past and put them in places that made the most sense and had the most meaning to me. For my present I took pictures of things I was doing like school work, burning sage and listening to music or doing projects for school, i didn't really try to make photos of my everyday life but things that have For my future, I'll take pictures of places or things I want to be doing in the future or I want to end up.

Everyone has a past, present, and future. This is my story: my past, my present, and my future.

the present

This was the park across the preschool i used to go to, When i was younger me and my friends would play all the time here, Now that i look at this photo i can say this place lives in my head.

The past

this is the grocery store that me and my mom would go to when would often need little things for dinner our stuff to drink out last mini things for dinner that night. its become and almost every day thing to stop by after getting off the bus

the furture

My name is Ava, I'm a freshmen at a online school JoinPrisma high school. I took a interest to go into photography when i was in the desert morocco when a Russian photographer as my teacher. i've always done photography if it with a disposable camera or with my phone. i try and use the time i spent when i'm not in school photographing with whatever camera i have

This project was created as part of the Future Imagemakers program in the NYU Department of Photography and Imaging at Tisch School of the Arts in Spring 2024. To see all the 2024 Future Imagemakers projects, click here.
