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Suburst Fiesta Adobe Stock Creative Challenge April 2024

The weather is getting warmer, and days are getting longer, which means Summer is right on the corner! So we asked our community to share with us what summer content means to them in this new seasonal Creative Challenge.

Header image from AnnaStills.

Simi Jois

Keywords: ice-cream, scoop, cherry, summer. I’m missing the fifth keyword! Something like "tasty", "delicious", "melted", or even something generic as "dessert" could be the one 😉

Classic Simi image! Minimalistic, yet powerful. I really like the composition (even though the plate is not centered on the frame) and the color contrast between the dark green on the plate, the muted rusty patina of the background, the smoothness of the pink ice cream, and the vibrance of the cherry. It really pops, and it is a very clever way of showing how delicious the ice cream was!


Keywords: still life, cocktail glass, freshness, glass, orange. Where is "cocktail" as a keyword? I would remove "cocktail glass" as it is a compound keyword, and you will have it covered if you add "cocktail" to your keywords. "Drink", "alcohol" or even "juice" could be good keywords here.

Nice image! I love the monochromatic feel with shades of summery orange. The composition helps read the image, and the drink stands out thanks to the darkened band of the background. I would have liked it more if it was centered on the screen. And even though I like that the white stripe breaks the composition and adds some interest, it doesn’t help for copyspace in my opinion.


Keywords: fishing, togetherness, yacht, fatherhood, summer. I would have used "father" and "son" instead of "togetherness" or "fatherhood" on the top ten keywords, mainly because the title of the image could be something like “Father and son fishing on a yacht during summer” and getting a visibility boost from repeating the same words both on title and keywords. Yes, togetherness and fatherhood are relevant, but I would put them outside the top ten.

This is a great video! Very high production value with the boat, good acting from both the father and the kid, focused on the fishing process, and technically good, without shaky cam nor too much movement (considering this has been shot on a boat), with good dynamic range, avoiding burnt, overexposed elements on the sky nor the yacht. I see lots of commercial value for this shot, being used on videos about fatherhood and togetherness, but also for insurance companies, retirement plans, investment opportunities...


Keywords: summer, jump, sea, water, fun. Good keywords! I would like to see a reference to the boat on the horizon in the top ten!

We were doubting which of the two sunset silhouette images you submitted to select for this Challenge. We went with this one because of the boat in the background, which makes the image unique and more challenging to replicate. This image screams summer fun! The monochromatic warm palette works perfectly with the silhouette, the kid's mid-air is sharply captured, and the boat in the background adds a layer of depth, which makes this image very special. We even have some copy space at the top of the image, so it will be very helpful for our customers’ needs.

Zoran Zeremski

Keywords: Boy, wet, summer, smiling, vacation. Nice use of keywords. I may change "wet" for "garden", "nature", or "vegetation" since the background is very important in the image.

This is a funny portrait of a kid who was having the time of his life! His expression is great: fearlessness and defiance from a tiny warrior armed with a pool noodle! Was there anything else better for the summer when you were a kid?

The contrast in this image helps the composition, driving our eyes from the dark background to the kid emerging from the plants, which enhances the child's warmth and energy.


Keywords: hike, friends, nature, adventure, together. Nice keywords selection! I have nothing to add here!

Most people have more free time during summer: longer daylight hours and vacations mean more time for outdoor activities! So when we think of summer we automatically go to the beach and water sports, but more and more people go the opposite direction and go explore for long hikes, mountain bike rides or other ways to be and connect with nature.

This image has a lot of commercial potential, with a good composition on a real place; natural and relaxed acting from the models, and a good use of art direction with clothing and complements. My only comment is that, if they were actually on a long hike, the two guys in the middle wouldn’t be carrying their backpacks while resting 😉


Keywords: couple, bikes, sunflowers, summer, travel. I would maybe change “bikes” to “bicycles”, since “bikes” also includes motorcycles.

Good summer image; it feels a bit staged, with the vintage bicycles and clothing, but it works. I would have removed the phone from the female model's back pocket, since it ruins that vintage feel, and maybe also changed her sneakers. I like how the composition focuses on them and the lower shot angle, showing us more sky and giving a sense of amplitude and openness.


Keywords: summer, sunset, party, outdoors, beach. These are nice keywords, but I would have used some to describe the main element of the image, which is the laid-back partygoer.

That’s the attitude for an outdoor summer beach party! Laid back, enjoying yourself, and with a drink in your hand. I can see that guy moving his shoulders, following the beat of the music, and saying hello to everyone with just a nod of his head... The image and attitude are so real! It looks like a candid, real moment and not something staged. Authenticity is a key point for this kind of images so they can connect with the audience.

Lutador PhA

Keywords: Summer, sisters, travel, vacation, sea. I would have used “women” instead of “sisters”; “sisters” pre-establish a relationship, but maybe they are friends or a couple instead. Something like “relax”, “fun”, “heat”... could work well too.

I really like how this image manages to share what those two women feel while sailing: the messy hair because of the wind, the hand feeling the breeze, and the warmth of the afternoon sun on their skin. This is an image that could be useful from skin protection products, to travel and vacation agencies. In addition, the freshness and naivety of the girls help to make the image more authentic.

Michael O'Neill

Keywords: fresh, fruit, lemonade, popsicles, yellow. I would have removed “lemonade” and “yellow” for “tasty” or “natural”, but this may be just personal preference.

What better way to combat the heat of the summer than a popsicle? The image composition is nice, and the plain background helps customers easily crop the image and get just one of the popsicles if they need to. I’m not a big fan of the yellow background; it is vibrant, joyful, and summery, but I think a complementary color, like a teal or turquoise, could make the popsicle pop out more.

And now, for our favorite image for the Sunburst Fiesta seasonal Creative Challenge...
