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Minera CIW VA School Newsletter Cylchlythyr Friday 12th July 2024/ Dydd Gwener 12fed Gorffennaf 2024

Celebration Friday

Stars of the Week/Ser yr Wythnos

Siaradwr Cymraeg Yr Wythnos

Happy Birthday/Penblwydd Hapus

We have lots of children celebrating their birthdays the months of July and August:

Foundation Sports Day

News and Events/Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

School Essentials Grant

Help is available to make sure your child is ready for the school year.

If eligible, your child could get up to £200 through the School Essentials Grant for uniform, stationery and other school supplies.



Don't forget our Exchange School Uniform Shop. If you have school uniform that no longer fits, you can donate it to our Exchange School Uniform Shop or swap for bigger uniform. The School Uniform Shop is located next to Mr Williams' Office.

Home/School Communication Survey

Here at Minera, the thoughts and ideas of our parents and guardians are very important to us.

Communication between home and school is very important. As we come towards the end of the academic year, we would like to review our lines of communication.

We value your opinion and hope that the feedback you give us will help us to improve upon the service we give you. This survey closes on 17th July

Thank you for your continued support.

Survey Link:

Flu Vaccinations

Flu forms have been sent home with children in Nursery to Year 5 this week.Please could they be completed and returned to school by Monday 17th July.

The Final Countdown

Thursday 18th July - Leaver's Service

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our Leavers' Service at 9:15am on Thursday 18th July in the school hall. You are also invited to join us in class for refreshments afterwards.

Thursday 18th July - End of Year Disco

Friday 19th July - Last Day

The last day of term will be a non-uniform day to thank you to the children for all their hard work during the year!

School closes on Friday 19th July at 3:15pm for the summer holidays

Message for Year 6 Parents/Carers

Summer Holiday Club


Please use easyfundraising for all your online purchases, especially if you're booking a holiday...... we need your donations and it costs you nothing!

School Uniform Sale Dates

Term Dates 2024 to 2025

Diary Dates

  • 18th - Leavers' Service and Disco
  • 19th - School Closes for Summer Holidays
  • 2nd - Staff Training Day (School Closed)
  • 3rd - Staff Training Day (School Closed)
  • 4th - School Opens for New Term

Contact Information

Phone: 01978 269500
Don't forget to follow us on Facebook