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Newry News Friday, 10 November 2023

What's On in term 4


  • 13th - 24th November - School Swimming & Water Safety Program @ Mullumbimby Pool


  • 13th - 24th November - School Swimming & Water Safety Program @ Mullumbimby Pool
  • Wednesday, 22nd November - Principal @ VoSS Meeting & LVLC
  • Thursday, 23rd November - P&C Meeting 5.30 pm @ school

week 8

  • Monday, 27th November - Years 4-6 The Green Room @ Alstonville Public School
  • Tuesday, 28th November - Byron Bay High School 2024 year 7 Orientation Day
  • Wednesday, 29th November - Primary Principals Meeting

week 9

  • Thursday, 7th December - Staff CPR & anaphylaxis Training @ school 3:15 pm


  • Thursday, 14th December - Presentation and Picnic Night
  • Friday, 15th December - Last Day for all students


  • Tuesday, 30th - Wednesday, 31st January - Teachers return- Pupil free
  • Thursday, 1st February - Years 1-6 Start 2024
  • Friday 2nd February - Kindergarten begin school
  • Week 9: Friday, 29th April - Monday, 1st May - Easter Break
  • Week 11: Friday, 12th April - last day of Term 1 - holidays begin

the anxiety project

"Anxiety in children has skyrocketed over the last decade. It's been a significant concern since well before 2020 , and the COVID-19 pandemic and Australian bushfires have done nothing to ease the trend. Absenteeism is becoming quite a big issue in Australia, and it's been increasing over a period of time. How can we combat this and what role do parents play? Significant adults will too often accommodate a child's anxiety rather than encouraging them to face up to life's normal stresses. This results in well-intentioned parents inadvertently making the problem worse, particularly when they allow a pattern of avoidance to develop ."

Extract from The Anxiety Project Parentshop by Michael Hawton.

aussie of the month

Perry is an outstanding student who consistently demonstrates respect, mateship and inclusion in all aspects of her school life. She is a role model for her peers and her actions speak volumes about her character.


Please RSVP so we can confirm our catering numbers. Thank you to those who already have confirmed.

swimming and water safety reminder

The School Swimming and Water Safety Program begins on Monday for ten days. Please ensure your child brings their swimmers to school including a towel, rashie or t-shirt to swim in and a plastic bag for their wet clothes. The school has sunscreen but if you prefer a particular brand please send this with your child.


There will be no sushi in weeks 6 and 7 while swimming is on. Sushi will be back on for weeks 8 and 9.

library stocktake

Our annual library stocktake is about to commence. Could everyone please ensure their child's library books are returned as soon as possible.

free tuckshop day

Next Wednesday will be a free tuckshop day for all students. Students will receive a bowl of salted chips and a choice of either a Quelch or Zooper Dooper. If you DO NOT want your child to eat these please send a note before Wednesday.

remembrance day

Today we gathered together for Remembrance Day. This is a time when we remember and honour the brave men and women who served our country in times of conflict and who made great sacrifices for the sake of peace and freedom.

art day

Students enjoyed a day of art, rotating through three different activities. Everyone had a fun day and we are excited for our creations to be on display at our Art Exhibition at school for parents and families on Thursday, 30 November.

voss art enrichment day

Comments from teachers at the recent VoSS Art Enrichment Day: "It was an absolute pleasure and joy to work at a beautiful school with the lovely staff and students from VoSS. I was so impressed with how respectful, kind, well-mannered, engaged and appreciative the students were. I think they really enjoyed themselves and they showed such amazing creative talent and wonderful ideas. I was blown away by what they achieved. Amazing! I'd have them back anytime."

senior english

Every morning we read together to develop our fluency and expression. We enjoy reading to and hearing each other read each day.

K-1 maths

We have been busy sorting and collecting data and adding it to our data displays. Year 1 have also learnt to pose their own questions, collect the data and create their graphs.

senior inquiry

Over the past fortnight we have had many opportunities to use our inquiry skills in English and Geography. We have created i-Movies to show our understanding of fossils after our main character found a fossil in our novel. We have also investigated other countries and cultures and we are also continuing with our exploration of bushfires and how they affect environments.

Book your ticket here!
