
Americar Revamp Tristan burke - due november 7, 2023


Americar - Revamp - October 3, 2023 through November 7, 2023 - Designer

Elevator Pitch

Original Style Guide

The original concept for Americar started out as a traditional American app. Red, white, and blue were the primary colors and I wanted them to stand out. Using a Camaros silhouette as the logo base was a stretch but it is an American car.

Original Prototype

The original prototype is very flat. There is lack of modern feeling as well as stretched features.


Car Meets of America

I decided on a complete rebranding with a new logo and new name. Car Meets of America aims to provide all of what Americar promised but in a more modern and "clean" way.

Mood Board


New Style Guide

Using darker colors with a single accent allows for a smooth viewing experience. When you open the app you will be greeted with a dark gradient and your eyes will thank you.
Here are the components used in my app design process. You can see the accent color doing its part.

App Flow