A Binding Truth: Screening & Talk Back, February 15, 6:30 p.m.: Fifty years after graduating from high school, classmates Jimmie Kirkpatrick and De Kirkpatrick reconnected after a shocking discovery changed their lives. Join us for a screening of their story, A Binding Truth. Following the screening, Jimmie and De will reflect on the experience and share how their story is a catalyst for change as we reconcile the underbelly of American history and society. Screening participants are invited to return on February 22 and 29 for an in-depth community dialogue, facilitated by Bob Johnson, Founder and President of RP3 Strategies, and Dave Newell, Founder and President of Evolve Consulting. To learn more, visit
ash wednesday and lent
Ash Wednesday Services, February 14, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., Sanctuary: Join us as we mark the beginning of Lent together. On this day when we remember our mortality, we remember that we are made from the dust of the earth. We invite you to come in person for an imposition of ashes, or join us online. Child care for children not yet in kindergarten is available for the 7 p.m. service only.
Ashes on the Labyrinth, Francis Chapel: Come to the labyrinth anytime between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. to receive ashes and then stay and pray or walk the labyrinth if you feel so led.
New - Meditations for Lent 2024: The Stephen Ministry’s annual Lenten devotional book is on our website, and printed copies are available around the church. Email Julie Williams at with questions.
Lent Small Group Study, Tuesdays beginning February 20 & Thursdays beginning February 22: Join our small group study of our church-wide read for Lent, Have a Beautiful, Terrible Day! by Kate Bowler. There are three opportunities to join. Click here for details. Books are available for purchase in Goodness Gracious. Contact Dr. Uiyeon Kim at or 704-295-4840 with any questions.
Women’s Lent Small Group, Tuesdays at 7 p.m. beginning February 20 & Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. beginning February 21, room 108: All women are invited to join. Email Rev. Jessica Dayson at for details.
more events & opportunities
New - Ending Well: Advance Directives and Funeral Planning, February 22 and 29, 10:30-11:30 a.m., room 108: Indicating our final wishes is a wonderful gift to our family and loved ones. Join Rev. Bill Roth and Parish Nurse Lauren Smith as we explore the topics of advance directives, end-of-life care, and funeral planning. Registration is helpful, but not required. Email Julie Williams at with any questions or to register.
New - Music and the Bible with Guest Presenter Dr. Hugh Floyd, February 21, 11 a.m., Francis Chapel and 7 p.m., room 107-108: Join guest presenter Dr. Hugh Floyd, our Director of Music, as he talks about music and the Bible. In case you were unable to join us in person for the first three topics – Gaza, Space, and Marriage, you can watch the recordings on our YouTube channel.
summer programs
Register for Vacation Bible School, February 5: Join us June 24-27 for Camp Firelight where we are called together to serve. Children born on or before May 31, 2020-current fifth graders are eligible to attend. Click here for details. Click here to register. Email Lisa Ross-Smit at with any questions.
Volunteer at Vacation Bible School: Want to have fun and share God’s love with children this summer? We need adults and youth to help at Camp Firelight June 24-27. Click here to sign up . Questions about volunteering? Adults, email Raegan Cassady at or Jenny Hutson at Youth, email Amy Jo Alspaugh at
Register for Summer Performing Arts Camp: Rising 3rd-8th graders are invited to join us June 10-14 for a week of fun, culminating in a performance of the musical, 100% Chance of Rain. Discounted registration fee of $200 is available through March 31. The fee increases to $225 beginning April 1. Click here to register. Email Sue Bayne at with any questions.
more events & opportunities
New Testament Study, Wednesdays beginning February 21, 6:30-8 p.m., room 106: David Dulin leads this in-depth 12-week study. Participants read a manageable 3-5 chapters of the Bible daily in preparation for the weekly meetings. To sign up, contact David at 704-650-3217 or
Men’s Bible Study, Thursdays, 11 a.m., room 106: All men are welcome to join this group that meets weekly for fellowship and for study using their Bibles and the Upper Room publication for reference. There are no requirements to attend. Just show up! They would love to see you on Thursdays.
Maybe I’m Amazed Podcast:Dr. Howell talks with award-winning biographer and bestselling author Jonathan Eig about his recent biographies of Martin Luther King, Jr. (King: A Life) and Muhammad Ali (Ali: A Life). Eig's books have been listed among the best of the year by The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal. Eig studied journalism at Northwestern University, and was a reporter for The New Orleans Times-Picayune, The Dallas Morning News, Chicago Magazine, and The Wall Street Journal. Click here to listen and subscribe.
Black History, Our History: A Collection for Transformation: Our church is honoring students pursuing certificates in Black Church Studies at Duke Divinity School. All gifts made to our Mission & Outreach Fund in February will be directed to students who need support for general expenses such as books and fees. Make your gift on our website (select Mission & Outreach Fund from the drop-down menu) or write a check payable to Myers Park UMC with Mission & Outreach Fund in the memo line and drop it in the offering plate on Sunday or mail it to the church. Thank you for your generosity!
Your ongoing generosity to our church Operating Fund and our Mission & Outreach Fund makes it possible for our church family to connect through worship, fellowship and prayer and support our most vulnerable neighbors near and far.
Lillian Nicole Jones, daughter of Briana and Colin Jones and sister of Wyatt and Hudson Jones, who was born on February 6.
Have you welcomed a new baby to your family recently? Be sure to let us know so we can share the news and provide a gift from the church. Email your baby news to Jeanne Poole, Membership Secretary, at
Bryant Henry "Hank" Magan, son of Stacy and Jonathan Magan and brother of Jon David and Skip Magan, who died on February 4.
We are the body of Christ, growing in faith and serving others