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Cowbridge Lower School Newsletter 17.05.24

Nursery have been learning all about spiders this week! 🕷🕸 They have been thinking about how many legs a spider has, where they live and how they make their webs. They went on a walk to the woods with some clay to find twigs to add to make their spider.

Nursery also had a go at making spiders using bananas, breadsticks and apples! It turned out to be a very yummy snack!

In their P.E. lesson, Nursery have been busy getting ready for sports day. Having a go at all the skills we need to give our best when we hold our sports day soon 😊

Reception have been learning about ladybirds and created their own ladybird paintings, mixing the colours that they wanted to use themselves. They have also been learning their number bonds to 10 using the spots on the back of the ladybirds back!

Reception have been thinking about how to be kind and caring friends. They have used adjectives that describe friends and made a thank you note to the elephant in the story of The very lazy ladybird for helping the ladybirds to fly.

We are looking forward to welcoming our families to school next week for our Outdoor Classroom Day 🌳☀
