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Welcome Mulberry "We must let the child walk and notice how he walks. His legs are short in comparison to ours and therefore he walks more slowly. Not only this, but the child explores the environment. ” Dr. Maria Montessori


Good morning Mulberry families!!!

Presidents Day is a day to celebrate the leaders of our country and get to learn a little about our U.S. history.

Presidents' Day is a U.S. holiday that honors Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Its official name, however, is Washington's Birthday.

Presidents day is a wonderful opportunity to introduce money. Money is a medium of exchange – it is something everyone is willing to accept in exchange for goods and services. Although money has taken many forms over time, currently it's most commonly seen as bills and coins.

It’s not too soon to start to teach your child about money, though (because advertisers are sure targeting them already!), and there are effective ways to engage them.
Dr. Maria Montessori believed that education was the best way to end war and establish world peace. Her philosophy of peace education focused on teaching children to be compassionate, respectful, and tolerant of others.

Children are born with an innate ability to develop habits and ingrain concepts. The Montessori silence game is a perfect example of incorporating meditation into their lives. Children learn to control their movements by quietly walking around a work rug, pulling and pushing chairs, pouring or transferring dry beans, etc.

Children develop concentration, precision, and social awareness while waiting for their turn without disturbing other children who are engaged in the activities.

Silence games give children a sense of joy, achievement, and social spirit as they work together to achieve a common goal. It also helps children learn self-control, which contributes to classroom effectiveness.

Africa is the world’s second-largest continent, after Asia. It’s the second-most populous continent (which means it’s the continent with the second-most amount of people living there). It is known for being the world’s second-driest continent, after Australia. It's also known for its landscape, which is majorly covered in savannas and grasslands.

Exploring map of Africa and animals.....
The Sound Cylinders focus on refining a child auditory sense and memory.It also provide experiences in matching and grading.

Amphibians are cold-blooded vertebrates (vertebrates have backbones) that don't have scales. They live part of their lives in water and part on land.

Amphibians are a diverse and exciting class of animals that include frogs, toads, salamanders, newts and caecilians.
Counting game with dice, beginning sound and push- pin - activity - More than 75 percent of all toad and frog species in the world live in tropical rain forests. Frogs and toads, also known as the tailless amphibians, live on every continent except Antarctica.
Parts of a frog
Lifecycle of a frog - Over a really short amount of time, they develop from eggs to tadpoles to froglets, eventually becoming adult frogs. This exact process of metamorphosis is completely unique to amphibians, which is just one of the things that makes them so fascinating.

Did you hear about our in-house Field trip about light and sound? Here are some glimpse .....

"Winds of March, we welcome you, there is work for you to do.

Work and play and blow all day, blow the Winter wind away." Author Unknown


Created with an image by kuritafsheen - "Red-eyed tree frog sitting on branch, red-eyed tree frog (Agalychnis callidryas) closeup"
