Ysgol Gymraeg Pontardawe Gorffennaf 2024 cylchlythyr / july 2024 newletter

Annwyl rieni a gofalwyr / Dear Parents and carers,

Mae'n ddiwedd y flwyddyn academaidd a hoffwn ddiolch i chi am eich cefnogaeth barhaus. Mae'r ysgol wedi cyflawni nifer o lwyddiannau mewn llawer o feysydd eleni a hoffwn ddiolch i'r holl staff a plant am eu ymroddiad parhaus. Mwynhewch y gwyliau haf pleserus.

It is the end of the academic year and I would like to thank you for your continued support. The school has achieved many successes in many areas this year and I would like to thank all the staff and children for their continued dedication. Please enjoy the summer holidays.

Blaenoriaethau 2024-25 / 2024-25 Main School Priorities

Targed 1: Parhau i wella safonau sgiliau Llafar disgyblion ysgol gyfan yn y Gymraeg. Targed 2: Gwella safonau Ysgrifennu Cymraeg disgyblion trwy'r ysgol gyfan. Targed 3: Parhau i wella cynnydd effeithiol gan gynnwys y sgiliau cyfannol. Targed 4: Parhau i wella safonau darllen Cymraeg y disgyblion. Targed 5: Gwella presenoldeb yr ysgol

Target 1: Continue to improve pupils Welsh oracy. Target 2: Improve all pupils' Welsh writing. Target 3: Continue to improve progression within the new curriculum and embed the integral skills. Target 4: Continue to improve pupils Welsh reading. Target 5: Improve whole school attendance.


2.9.24, 25.10.24, 27.6.25, 21.7.25 (+ 2 dyddiad i’w phenodi / +2 additional date)

Am ddyddiadau pellach ewch ar / For more dates please visit : https://beta.npt.gov.uk/cy/ysgolion-a-dysgu/dyddiadau-tymhorau-ysgolion/diwrnodau-hms-ysgol/?nextyear=true

Gwisg Ysgol / School Uniform

Sportec 01639 632250 Apparel 5 Pethau Plant 01639 849111

Picton Sports 01554 754662

Ffurflenni Ysgol / School Forms - Schoop

Byddwn yn danfon allan ffurflenni caniatâd digidol trwy ap yr ysgol – ‘Schoop’ yn Medi. Byddwch yn derbyn neges ym mis Medi ar gyfer 2 ffurflen ganiatâd. Ffurflen gyffredinol bydd y gyntaf, yr ail bydd ar gyfer trsoglwyddo diwedd dydd. Ni fydd unrhyw ffurflenni casglu data yn cael eu hanfon allan eleni. Eich dyletswydd gofal chi yw rhoi gwybod i’r ysgol am unrhyw newidiadau e.e. ffôn symudol a chyfeiriadau cartref. Anfonwch y cyfan i gyfeiriad e-bost generig yr ysgol ar swyddfa@yggpontardawe.npt.school os oes unrhyw newidiadau.

We will be send out the digital consent forms via the school app – ‘Schoop’. in September. You will receive messages in the new term for 2 consent forms. The first will be a general consent form, second for handover arrangements. There will be no data collection forms sent out this year. It is your duty of care to inform the school of any changes e.g mobile telephone numbers and home addresses. Please send all to the school generic email address at swyddfa@yggpontardawe.npt.school if any changes.

Hwyl Fawr / Fond farewell

Rydym yn ffarwelio â Miss Jeanette Burden, Miss Kayleigh West a Mrs Alice Shields eleni a hoffem ddiolch yn fawr iddynt am eu cefnogaeth a’u harweiniad i’n disgyblion dros y blynyddoedd maith maent wedi gwasanaethu dros ein disgyblion. Dymunwn bob llwyddiant iddynt yn ei gyrfaoedd newydd.

Yn ogystal â hynny, hoffwn ddymuno bob lwc i bob plentyn ym mlwyddyn 6 yn eu hysgolion newydd. Ar ran yr holl ysgol, dymunwn bob hapusrwydd a llwyddiant iddynt ym mlwyddyn 7 ym Medi.

Byddwn yn croesawi Mrs Mair Phillips (cynt Miss Davies) ym Medi ar ol ei chyfnod mamolaeth a bydd Mr Ceri Jones a Miss Ellie Rowlands yn parhau gyda ni eleni yn adran Bl 5 a 6.

We're sending our fond goodbyes to Miss Jeanette Burden, Miss Kayleigh West a Mrs Alice Shields this year and we would like to thank them very much for their support and guidance to our pupils over the last decade. We wish them the very best in their new careers.

In addition to that, I would like to wish all the children in year 6 the best of luck in their new schools. On behalf of the whole school, we wish them every happiness and success in year 7 in September.

We will welcome Mrs Mair Phillips (nee Davies) in September following her maternity last year whereas Mr Ceri Jones and Miss Ellie Rowlands will continue their roles in year 5 and 6.


Diolch i’r gymdeithas rheini a ffrindiau’r ysgol am drefnu sawl fenter ystod y flwyddyn. Braf oedd medru cynnal ein ffair haf unwaith eto eleni. Diolchwn iddynt am eu hymroddiad a gwaith diflino i godi arian tuag at y disgyblion.

Huge thank you to the parents' association and friends of the school for organising several events during the year. It was nice to be able to hold our Summer fayre once again this year. We thank them for their dedication and tireless work to raise money for the pupils.

Presenoldeb / Attendance

Mae presenoldeb yn rhan bwysig iawn o fywyd yr ysgol. Presenoldeb diwedd y flwyddyn eleni oedd 92.5%. Hwn yw'r 4ydd o fewn ein clwstwr ac anelwn i godi'r canran hwn erbyn diwedd blwyddyn academaidd nesaf. Rydym yn cydnabod rhesymau teg ar gyfer gwyliau a thostrwydd ond sicrhewch fod eich plentyn/plant yn mynychu'r ysgol yn rheolaidd.

Attendance is a very important part of school life. End of year attendance data this year was at 92.5%. This is 4th position within our cluster and we aim to raise this percentage by the end of next academic year. We recognise fair reasons for holidays and toastiness but ensure that your child(ren) attends school regularly.

Dyddiadur / Diary days

3.9.24: HMS (dim ysgol i blant) / INSET (no school for pupils)

3.9.24: Plant nol i'r ysgol, dechrau blwyddyn newydd academaidd / Start of new academic year, pupils return back to school

9.9.24: Masnach Deg / Fair trade Week

23.9.24: Oifad Bl 6 am wythnos / Year 6 swimming for the week

26.9.24: Ffliw / Flu Nasal

30.9.24: Oifad Bl 5 / Yr 5 swimming for the week

7.10.24: Colorfoto Siblings only

9.10.24: Bl 6 Glanllyn Year 6

15.10.24: Lluniau unigol Finesse Individual photos

25.10.24: Hanner tymor / Half term

4.11.24: Ffair Lyfrau / Book Fayre

20.12.24: Diwedd y tymor / End of school term

6.1.25: Dechreu tymor newydd i blant / Start of new term for pupils

27.6.25: HMS / INSET

21.7.25: HMS / INSET

Fe fydd newidiadau i’r dyddiadur wrth i’r tymor datblygu. Hysbysebwn mewn da bryd. There will be amendments to this diary as the term progresses. We’ll keep you well informed.

Diolch am eich cydweithrediad parhaus eleni ac o ran yr holl staff a llywodraethwyr dymunwn wyliau haf pleserus i chi gyd. / Thank you for your continuous co-operation this year and on behalf of the whole staff and governors I wish you a very happy and enjoyable summer holiday.

Mr M Evans