Codi llais! Raise your voice!

Cwestiwn Ymchwiliol / Investigative Question

Sut allwn ni ddefnyddio ein llais, er gwell? / How can we use our voice, for the better?

Iaith, Llythrennedd a Chyfathebu / Language, Literacy and Communication

Ysgrifennu dyddiadur fel un o derfysgwyr y Merched Becca / Writing a diary as one of the 'Merched Becca'.

Ysgrifennu araith i berswadio ffermwyr arall i ymuno a'r Merched Becca / A speech to convince other farmers to join the 'Merched Becca'.

Cyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddenu byd natur i'r ysgol / Instructions on how to attract more nature to the school ground.

Mynegi Barn gan ddefnyddio technegau Llais 21 am sut mae ffrind da yn ymddwyn / Discussion work about good friendships by using voice 21 techniques.

Rhifedd a Mathemateg / Mathematics and Numeracy

Wythnos 1 / Week One

Sut i ddweud yr amser / How to tell the time

Wythnos 2 / Week 2

Cyfrifo’r gwahaniaeth mewn amseroedd a darllen amserlenni / Timing events and reading time tables.

Wythnos 3 / Week 3

Gwaith mesur yn defnyddio unedau gwahanol / Measuring work using different units.

Wythnos 4 / Week 4

Darganfod perimedr ac arwynebedd / Finding perimeter and area.

Wythnos 5 / Week 5

Darganfod tymheredd a gwahaniaethau mewn tymheredd / Ffinding temperature and differenced in temperatures.

Y Celfyddydau Mynegiannol / The Creative Arts

Celf - Edrych ar waith Ogwyn Davies ac efelychu darnau o'i waith / Art - Look at the work of Ogwyn Davies and recreate pieces of his work.

Drama - Creu lluniau llonydd o derfysgoedd y Merched Becca / Create still images of the Rebecca riots.

Iechyd a Lles / Health and Wellbeing

Edrych ar hawliau plant / Looking at children's rights.

Dysgu sut allwn ni gwneud gwahaniaeth / Learning how we can make a positive change.

Sgiliau a gemau amrywiol ymarfer corff / A range of PE skills and games.

Profiadau / Experiences

Gweithdy creadigol 'No fit state' yn gwneud gwaith wedi seilio ar 'paradise in my pocket' / Creative workshop by 'No fit state' making work based on the 'paradise in my pocket'.