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Adams Update January 24, 2024

Every day is a great day at Adams!

Bi-weekly Newsletter

Enrollment for Kindergarten 2024-25 Begins February 1

Feb 7 - Incoming 2024-25 Kindergarten Parent Meeting 6:00-7:00 (Parents Only)

Congratulations to our Shining Stars!

Congratulations to our MPS Shining Stars for January, Susan Price and Kathleen Wegner! Thank you for all that you do to make Adams Elementary a great place for our students!

Susan Price, Kindergarten Teacher; Kathleen Wegner, Office Paraprofessional; Tracy Renfro, Principal

Picture Parent - Katie Bruessow

Mrs. Washabaugh’s students learned about Fillipo Brunelleschi. He was an Italian architect from the late 1300s that developed linear perspective. They learned of his studies and influence from Roman ruins & architecture. The students used one-point perspective to create their names, giving a three dimensional appearance.

Time Travel Spirit Day

Mrs. Budka and Mrs. Mendoza embraced Time Travel Spirit Day with enthusiasm by traveling back in time.

World Language - Experiencing French Culture

Over the past week, 2nd through 5th grade classes enjoyed combining two classes and experiencing French culture through food and movement! Madame Kim McMahan and Mr. Ernie Seebeck combined all 2nd and 5th graders to try food from either Haiti (2nd/3rd) or Quebec, Canada (4th/5th), and also try games. French is the official language of both locations.

2nd & 3rd grade students enjoyed tropical fruit flavors, plantain chips, orange cake, and more while also experiencing games played by Haitian kids, including jumping rope, jacks, and hopscotch. They discussed why children in Haiti might play games that require very few materials, gaining more understanding of the poverty experienced by the Haitian people. In French class, they learned why Haiti is suffering from poverty and how important it is to understand more than just the story of poverty and instability; instead, learning the beautiful things about this island country.

3rd & 4th grade snacked on a famous dish from Quebec - POUTINE (french fries with cheese curds and gravy). They also tried faux "bûche de Noël" (yule log cakes) and maple-flavored cookies. After eating, these students tried Canadian sports such as hockey, lacrosse, dog sledding/tobogganing, and snowball toss. They enjoyed being creative with their scooters and jump ropes, trying to figure out how to best round the cones as dogs pulling sleds or on "toboggans."

Mr. Seebeck researched the music of these countries and played artists such as Celine Dion and Shania Twain as kids tried each game. This was the first time World Language and Physical Education combined their efforts for a student reward, and it was a success! Thank you to all of the parents who provided the food requested so students could appreciate an immersive cultural experience!

Michigan Statehood

Fourth graders had an opportunity to learn about Michigan statehood and beyond from Randy Baker with Natural Endeavors. His presentation covered Michigan statehood and the advancements of our state during and after the lumbering industry. All four classes listened to him speak and learn what it was like from 1837 through the present day in Michigan’s growing industries. A special thank you to our PTO for paying for him to come and visit on this snowy day in January.

Kids Heart Challenge

It’s time to CELEBRATE heart health with the Heart Heroes! Our school is kicking off a service-learning program, Kids Heart Challenge, on January 31st.

Adams/NMS Ski Day - Sign Up Required (See Details Below)

Now Hiring - Paraprofessional Opening

Are you seeking a job with the same hours that your child is in school? Adams Elementary School is in immediate need of a Part-time Paraprofessional. Apply today!

Lost and Found

Unclaimed items are donated at the end of each semester.

Students should check the lost and found periodically. We have accumulated many misplaced items such as jackets, water bottles, lunch boxes, and other personal belongings. Please label your child's belongings to help us quickly return them to their owners.

Community Programs

We want to be sure that our families are aware of the community programs available to those needing assistance. At this time, the following programs are available to Adams students/families:

The Midland County Emergency Food Pantry Backpack Buddies Program is available again this school year. Contact the office at 923-6037 if you would like to receive the food backpack.

Link to the PTO e-newsletter:

Upcoming Key Dates and Times

  • Jan 26 - Popcorn Day & Atoms Spirit Day
  • Feb 7 - Incoming 2024-25 Kindergarten Parent Meeting 6:00-7:00
  • Feb 8 - Building Connections Part 2, Media Center 6:00-7:00 pm
  • Feb 12 - PTO Meeting 6:00 pm
  • Feb 13 - Adams Restaurant Night Papa Johns Pizza (Promo Code: Adams20)
  • Feb 14 - Valentine's Day Class Parties (TBD by Classroom Teacher)
  • Feb 16 - Half Day of School with 11:55 am Dismissal
  • Feb 19 - No School

Want to connect with more families from Adams Elementary?

Join the Friends of Adams Elementary PTO Facebook group, or follow on Instagram @friendsofadamspto.

PTO President - Emma Palmiter -

Daily Schedule

  • 8:35 am First Bell, students may enter the building, head to their classroom
  • 8:40 am Second Bell, school starts
  • 11:30 am - 12:19 pm Lunchtime (1st & 3rd - Eat/Play)
  • 11:55 am - 12:44 pm Lunchtime (KDG & 5th - Eat/Play)
  • 11:55 am - 12:44 pm Lunchtime (2nd & 4th - Play/Eat)
  • 3:40 pm Final Bell, students dismissed

Reporting Absences Through ParentVUE

Parents/Guardians can report student(s) absent via ParentVUE. This feature appears as a blue button titled "Report Absences" on the app's main page or website.

  • Parents/guardians can report absences for a single day or multiple days.
  • Report each student individually. Do not enter additional students in the notes section.
  • For each absence reported, parents/guardians must provide a detailed note explaining the reason. If you report your student as sick, please list the symptoms your student is experiencing. The note will help school attendance staff select the correct attendance code.
  • If you have a legal or medical document, please upload it with the absence, or provide it to the school attendance staff upon your student's return. Parents/guardians can still call to report an absence at 989-923-6037.

Tracy Renfro


Wendy Sekely

Administrative Assistant

Adams Elementary School

Office (989) 923-6037

Fax (989) 923-6035

1005 Adams Dr.

Midland, MI 48642

If you are not currently receiving text messages with information such as phone or power outages, weather closures or other MPS information, you can opt in to receive text messages from MPS by texting Y to 68453.
