Trips Week and the Creation of Lifelong Friendships

Having the courage to take the school 'off-timetable' gives the Vinehall children the most incredible experience.

The shared experiences of outdoor education often leads to the formation of strong, lasting friendships through the challenges faced and the triumphs celebrated together. Whether it is reminiscing about a particularly sleepless camping night, a long journey abroad, a tough mountain hike or the freedom to seek adventure in our grounds, friendships are strengthened by the power of shared experiences.

Our strategic focus on enhancing the outdoor opportunities for the children is leading to far more than just a series of activities; it is a journey of personal growth, of learning, and of interpersonal connections. The memories created through these experiences will not only be cherished but serve as a foundation for a lifelong respect for nature and the outdoor skills gained. Whether the children are seasoned adventurers or it has been their first time away from home, a growing independence through adventure has been enjoyed.


Nursery - Little Vines performance of Billy No Buzz

Sarah Wolford - Head of Nursery & Kindergarten

Lights, camera, action, let the performance begin and what a performance it was! The children told the story of Billy Bee and learnt about accepting everyone for who they are. Understanding our uniqueness and values is what we try to model and teach every day.

We were so proud of all the children and I am sure you will join me in celebrating their uniqueness, confidence, creativity and, above all, the happiness which shone through their performance. Well done Little Vines!

Pre-Prep Activities Week

Louisa Bennett - Deputy Head of Pre-Prep & Reception Teacher

Pre-Prep have had an incredible week full of wonderful activities. It started with the older children watching the fabulous Nursery and Kindergarten play. This set the theme of our week perfectly, focusing on team work and celebrating difference!

The weather was perfect for our water play sessions. From paddling pools to unicorn sprinklers, all the children enjoyed taking part in a range of different water-based activities. I am sure they would have stayed in the water all afternoon if given the chance!

The children turned into explorers on our Gully Walk. They climbed over logs, jumped in streams and pushed through ferns as though they were travelling through the Amazon. The Year 2s were adamant we were like Ray Mears on an adventure through the wilderness. We were rather warm after our walk, so we decided to take our shoes and socks off and walk bare foot through the grass. We met Nursery and Kindergarten by the oak trees to eat our picnic lunch.

On Thursday morning the children took part in a carousel of different activities which celebrated collaboration. Cathy Fuggle helped the children reflect on their favourite part of the year, creating a 'Best Day Ever' montage of the children's drawings. The children created chalk windows in pairs with Louisa Bennett to decorate the path into the play ground. With Maddie Parsk the children took part in some blind drawing and created a fabulous seascape. Boomwhackers and bells were ringing out from the hall with Nicky Whittaker. Finally, using small mosaic pieces, the children created a VINEHALL rainbow with Louise Hawtin.

The children headed down to the camp fire early on Friday morning to start cooking our breakfast. While the children explored the woods, our very talented face painters gave the children a choice of looks.

To finish a wonderful week, we relaxed with a movie in the hall. In the middle of the film we paused to let the children choose from the ice cream sundae bar and enjoy a sweet treat!

Pre-Prep Watch Dance Performances on Monday

Years 3 and 4

Carina Everist - Year 3 Teacher

Wow, Years 3 and 4 have had an amazing week!

As well as some Maths and English, they have had fun with:

Bikeability with Denise Lomas

Making boats

Creating mini Plasticine 'Henges'

Carpentry, Mosaics and Art

Music, Games and Gardening

Oil Pastel Pictures of Fruits

Chessington for the day

Making Spaghetti Towers

They have had to be Resilient, Courageous and Collaborative, as well as Kind and Respectful. I hope that they are now more Confident and have grown more Reflective after this week. After two Vampire rides and a Croc-Drop I know I have certainly been Courageous! Thank you to all the staff who have helped the Juniors enjoy this Activities Week.

Year 5 Activities Week

Emily Platt - Head of English & Ally Linney - Assistant Head (Pastoral)

It has been a fabulous week for Year 5 who were privileged to have the opportunity to sleep over at the Ryan Mitchell Cricket Pavilion as we decided that we would camp (or glamp!) there on Monday and Tuesday nights.

Year 5 loved the camping sleepover and the movie night on Tuesday evening as well as a fantastic day at Rye Beach School, building shelters, beachcombing and painting pebbles. They also enjoyed Ally Linney's introduction to the bungalow dance and the s'mores and songs around the campfire!

It was lovely to see the children snuggling down for the night - the caterpillars (boys) mainly outside on the decking in their sleeping bags and the butterflies (girls) neatly lined up inside. We rigged up a paper divider for privacy and the pavilion provided a fantastic space for our camping experience. The children even had their breakfast and supper brought to them so that they could eat al fresco!

But don't just take our word for it - here are a few of the children's thoughts on just how enjoyable their week has been:

Alexandra C said: "I really enjoyed the camping (apart from the squirrel which, although it was cute, made quite a noise during the night)."

Betsy wrote: "The camping was amazing! It was so fun, especially at the pavilion. I really enjoyed making a den at Rye Bay Beach School too ... On Tuesday, we went to the theatre and watched 'Mr Bean's Holiday' with sweets and popcorn. It was so fun and everyone was in their sleeping bag. We all had an excellent time."

Indira added: "The camping was very fun. I enjoyed having the food brought to us and loved sleeping in the pavilion!"

Ludivine commented: "I loved the camping because the food was so yummy and the activities were very nice. When we had to find hidden objects in the wood, it was difficult but very funny. We also watched an especially funny movie called 'Mr Bean's Holiday'. We laughed a lot!"

On Thursday, Year 5 enjoyed a fun morning at Forest School, building shelters, making leaf art and creating quesadillas with a delicious filling of fresh nettles, red peppers and cheese.

Arthur wrote: "I enjoyed the camping and the effort that the teachers put in and I am really thankful for all the people that helped."

When Mrs E heard that a lot of the Year 5 boys had slept on the decking of the pavilion, under the stars, she said that Ryan, being South African, would have loved that.

Year 5 - Doing our Best for the Benefit of Others

Mary Alderson - Head's PA and Director of Drama

On Thursday, eight volunteer Year 5s went to Dudwell St Mary Care Home in Burwash. I was unbelievably proud of them all. They were polite, friendly, interested and very interesting and the residents had the most wonderful afternoon. The children had taken favourite games, books and toys, but were equally happy to make conversation; it was hard to tell whether the old or the young gathered together enjoyed it more. Pupils listened with fascination to the tales of long lives very well lived and told their own stories and interests. Guillaume BL entertained everyone with his Cornet playing and Ivy G, Manuela Y and Ludivine DLT sang and did an improvised drama. We hope that this can become a regular fixture in the true spirit of Vinehall.

Year 6 - Andover Trip

We could not be prouder of our amazing Year 6 pupils who have been on an unforgettable residential trip to sunny Andover! They have been busy exploring new horizons, learning new skills, and making lifelong memories.

From the thrill of bike riding through scenic trails to mastering the art of orienteering with precision and teamwork, our pupils have truly embraced every moment of this adventure. They have been learning, growing and having an amazing time. Here's to new experiences, new-found confidence and the joy of discovery!

Year 7 – France Trip

What an incredible adventure our Year 7s have had in France!

Year 7 have spent the week in Normandy, where they embraced the rich history and breathtaking landscapes. With pupils exploring Mont St Michel, soaking in the ancient architecture and stunning views.

Foodies in the making, Year 7 didn't miss the chance to indulge in some local French cuisine! Trying new dishes and experiencing flavours that left their taste buds dancing.

One of the highlights was meeting their pen pals. Putting faces to names and enjoying some fun activities together - a sprinkle of science magic was in the air as they dived into a hands-on chemistry workshop.

A trip to France wouldn't be complete without a visit to le marché where Year 7 practised their French skills while picking out goodies for a perfect picnic - le piquenique!

Year 7 also enjoyed an afternoon of adventure at Normandie Luge and the D-day cemeteries and landing beaches, including seeing the Bayeux cathedral and Tapestry.

Year 8 – Wales Trip

Our amazing Year 8 pupils have had an unforgettable time exploring the beautiful landscapes of Wales and conquering the towering heights at Carreg y Foel-gron!

From scaling rugged cliffs to embracing the thrill of the climb, each step was a leap of courage and teamwork.

On Day 2, the Year 8 pupils visited 'Go Under' near the famous Conwy Falls. They took an action-packed journey through a mountain via a series of subterranean challenges: traversing, climbing, abseiling, boating across a lake and zip-lining through the multiple levels and cavernous spaces of an old slate mine – even pausing in an old shaft for lunch.

Everyone had great fun, conquering fears - including climbing to the summit of Mount Snowdon - and enjoying an experience that will be remembered for years to come. They truly proved themselves to be resilient, courageous adventurers.


Petra Campbell - Gapper

Saturday was spent competing in the Vinehall Sports Day. The boarders had a great day getting involved and representing their school Houses.

We had a nice, lazy start to the day on Sunday, before the boarders did their packing ready for Activities Week. At midday we headed to Bewl Water, where everyone had a great afternoon running around the Water Park and having a picnic lunch in the sun.

Sports Day

Last week our school came together for an unforgettable two days of sport, filled with excitement, competition and a whole lot of fun!

With our fantastic Pre-Prep kicking events off on Friday and our Prep pupils taking to the field on Saturday, we could not be prouder of all our pupils, from Nursery to Year 8, who participated with such enthusiasm and with sporting spirit. From the thrilling races to the challenging field events, everyone gave their best and showed incredible support for one another.

A huge thank you to our amazing staff and parents who made the day possible - your hard work and dedication truly shone through!

Here's to celebrating teamwork, determination and the joy of sport. We are already looking forward to next year's event!