Spring Break 2024 Carter Schaffer

My spring break did not take me physically far, but photographically, I do feel like I got great practice with different photos and learning how to use a Nikon. Here's how my week went.

(Top left to bottom right) La Fiesta Wamego, Power & Light, thunderstorm, squirrel, Pokémon Go Community Day, Luke grilling

Day 1/2: Wamego

March 10 and 11 started 20 minutes east of Manhattan in the quaint town Wamego. What started as dinner plans with my aunt turned into a 16 hour photography getaway. We started at La Fiesta Wamego, a Mexican restaurant on the outskirts of town.

My aunt and I at La Fiesta Wamego. We got fried ice cream after dinner.

After asking for permission to photograph, this light fixture grabbed my eyes; my camera a moth to its flame. I still have no idea what it's supposed to resemble; my guess would be it's Aztec-related.

My meal, the fajitas Mexicanas, came steaming hot and delicious. However, I wish it provided more lettuce and pico to put on the fajitas.

After dinner, my aunt suggested checking out the city park, especially since golden hour was winding down.

As I was taking the windmill photos, I got a text from my aunt that a ton of deer were traveling across the homestead. I rushed back and luckily got some photos.

I pulled out my 200mm for these because I was afraid I'd spook the deer if I got much closer.

Between the darkness and how far away the deer were, the photos turned out pretty grainy which I'll learn from for next time.

I feel like my mistake was cranking the ISO too much rather than just grabbing the tripod and dealing with some motion blur. Pick your poison.

Some final sunset photos :)

I really love this one despite its graininess because a car in the distance perfectly aligned above the tracks.

My aunt suggested sticking around to get the sunrise, so I grabbed some things from home and returned. But before bed, I had to do some stargazing. Her house is far enough away from everything that every star can be seen, and luck would have it, a new moon was in full swing.

I love the light streak in the bottom right, but I have no idea what caused it. My guess would be an airplane, but it also seems very bright to be a normal airplane's.

Part of Orion's Belt

It's silly and simple, but a good shot of the Big Dipper has been on my to-do list for a while, and I finally got a crisp, bright, non-distracting shot of it.

Produced this shot by continuously pressing my lock button and using a 30 second exposure.

With my fingers becoming colder and colder, it was time for sleep. The sunrise the next day gave me everything I could've hoped for.

Deer, perhaps the same ones from the night before, were heading back north. I was able to get them in a much better light and a lot closer, with the bonus of a much cooler setting.

Day 3: Power & Light

I made plans to go to the women's Big 12 tournament championship March 12. I didn't plan on going after K-State fell to Texas, but my friend insisted we still make the journey. Making the most of it, I grabbed my camera and photographed Kansas City, Missouri's Power & Light district.

Iowa State's starting lineup being announced. Yes, all that red is real; the Big 12 tournament is an Iowa State home environment.

My favorite image of the whole break. Sharp on the foreground, T-Mobile Center in the background. What makes it my favorite is the missing "D" and seeing the light and circuits, a.k.a. the power of the column.

Day 4: Thunderstorm

I hadn't planned to take photos, but when I went to go out for a run, I realized Manhattan became engulfed in a thunderstorm. My mood for a running dissipated, but I realized it'd be great for lightning photo practice (and to bulk up this presentation).

I was so excited about this one, I texted my professor immediately about it while it was still on the card.

Tried going for a moodier photo with the streetlight and rain coming in, like a 1930s detective moody.

Day 6: Squirrel

Day 5 was a lazy day, but Day 6 I went out for a walk and ran into a curious squirrel on campus at Memorial Stadium.

Day 7: Pokémon Go Community Day

Day 7 was Pokémon Go's monthly Community Day, a day featuring one specific Pokémon species in the wild at a dramatically increased rate with an even higher raised shiny chance, a unique coloration to the Pokémon. March 16's featured Litten, the fire starter from Alola. I walked around campus for over 2.5 hours finding them. The journey ended here at the sidewalk south of Ackert and Chalmers halls.

Day 8: Luke Grillin'

March 17 brought the end of spring break, and my friends started coming back to campus. Luke has an affinity for grilling recently, and he invited me over for burgers before Selection Sunday. Although K-State men's basketball didn't cook much during its season, Luke certainly did.

I met Luke through the bowling team a year prior. He wore his Jordan Love Packers jersey since it was St. Patrick's Day.