Events Coming Up
13th-21st Year 11 Mock GCSE's
13th Rwanda Information Evening
15th Iceland Information evening
17th Year 11 Brockenhurst College Interviews
22nd Year 10 Progress Evening
28th Dance Live - Portsmouth Guildhall
14th PSA Disco (yr7&8) - Tickets available via Arbor under Trips
14th "Save a Heart Day" - Air Ambulance offering basic lifesaving skills
Message from the Leadership Team
Dear Noadswood families,
We hope that you have had a restful holiday. We have thoroughly enjoyed welcoming back all the Noadswood family and getting back into our routines. You’ll note that some of your children's timetables will have changed to reflect some changes in staffing, which we highlighted in our last newsletter. We hope your children have settled back into school life, but if you have any concerns or anything that you would like to make us aware of, please reach out to your child's year team.
We would like to congratulate Year 11 and the small number of Year 10 students, who have returned and approached their mock exams with real maturity and resilience.
We look forward to speaking to Year 10 families at our progress event on Wednesday 22nd January. Virtual appointments will be available to book between 4pm – 8pm. We will contact you with the booking window details soon. More details about how to do this can be found here: Subject Progress Events | Noadswood school
On Wednesday 12th February, our Key Stage 4 Choices Evening will take place. We invite all Year 9 families to find out more about our level 2 offers in GCSE and BTEC.
The PSA will also be hosting their next Year 7 and 8 disco on Friday 14th February; this is now live on Arbor under trips.
You may remember, we ran a ‘moving up’ competition for our current Year 7s. We were delighted with the entries and happy to announce our winners. We will be arranging delivery of their prizes shortly.
Maja P
Ava C
Ruby H
Clementine B
"Save a Heart Day" - Basic Lifesaving skills
After the wonderful fundraising we did back in October with our Wear Something Different Day and the Coffee and Cake morning, Air Ambulance have kindly said that they would come into school for the day and offer basic lifesaving skills in CPR and Defibrillator training. This will be open to all parents and grandparents of Noadswood school. Further information about this day will be sent out very soon as there will be four different sessions on offer for you to attend. One of those sessions will be carried out whilst the PSA disco is running.
As ever, we know for many the holidays bring a unique financial pressure for families. Please remember we have both supermarket and skool kit vouchers available. These are not means tested and are for any families who need them. Please reach out to your child's year leader and we would be happy to arrange these for you.
Best wishes,
Kathryn Marshall and the Leadership Team
The Year 7 and 10 PLRs are now underway, and I’m pleased to hear from tutors that there have been some productive conversations around student’s attitude to learning and progress. I hope the students have found this a useful opportunity to reflect on the year so far and to think about how to make the most of school time moving forward. Please remember, unless a student has a PLR appointment, they do not need to be in school until 08:55am. If they do come into school earlier, they must make their way to their tutor base.
KS4 Revision
Our new revision timetable for Year 11 is now available on FROG and on our website Key Stage 4 Revision. As you can see, there are no formal after school revision sessions during mock exams, but teachers are always available after school should any student wish to drop in for some advice and guidance. Formal after school sessions will commence after the mock exams on Monday 27th January.
Please see below the fantastic opportunity that SETA are offering to any year 11 students who are interested in doing an engineering apprenticeship
If your child is interested in doing an apprenticeship, please let Gordon Lewis, our Careers Advisor, know at so that they can be included in any upcoming workshops.