WEEKLY NEWSLETTER west meadows - 6th September 2024

Welcome to West Meadows Weekly!

Welcome back to a new school year at West Meadows! We hope all of our families and children had a wonderful summer holiday and we are excited to be back for a new school year! I am incredibly proud of the start all of our children have made in their new classes. They are all looking super smart in their uniforms and I am proud of how they are representing our wonderful school. They have already been working hard and producing some wonderful work. We will be focusing particularly on learning our number bonds and timestable facts, handwriting and reading fluency and reading at speed in these first few week. Lots of practice of reading and learning our multiplication facts at home will really help your children get off to a great start! I can’t wait to see and celebrate all of their achievements this half term.

Meet the Teacher Meetings:

A big thank you to all of those who attended our Meet the Teacher curriculum meetings yesterday after school. All parents should receive an email with information about this year and their child’s curriculum following the meeting.

Congratulations Miss Smith:

We would like to say a massive congratulations to Miss Smith who had a beautiful baby boy during the summer holidays! We can’t wait for them to visit school soon!

True Colours:

True Colours is a new group for SEN children held at Worsborough Common Community Centre on Thursdays from 5:30pm-7pm with crafts and activities. Contact the group leader, Claire on 07747073094 or Facebook True Colours for more details.

After School Clubs:

We are now running a new afterschool club each day after school which is similar to our breakfast club provision from 3:15pm – 4:15pm each day. This costs £3 per session and is run by Miss Morley. Places are bookable in advance via Arbor as we have a limit of 20 per day. Children will get juice and a snack and play lots of different games and activities. Miss Grange is also running sports clubs on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays which can be signed up to on Arbor. These run from 3:15pm – 4:00pm.

Staff Sponsored Walk:

A massive well done to all of our staff who took part in a sponsored walk during the summer holidays to raise money for BIADS (Barnsley Independent Alzheimers And Dementia Support) and for our breakfast/afterschool club provision. We are so proud of them all! Well done!


Please look out on classroom windows for our new signs which share what the attendance figure each day is for each class. You will also see each class collecting honey bees for good attendance each week and receiving a weekly reward if they win the attendance cup! Regular attendance at school is so important for all of our children. Please also read the information we sent out regarding national changes fines for holidays and repeated periods of unauthorized absence from school.

Parent Coffee Morning:

We are holding a Parent Coffee Morning on Monday 9th September at 9am. Please come to the main reception after drop-off. We would love to see lots of you there.

Attendance Matters:

Every Friday we will celebrate our children’s achievements, both in school and at home, including their attendance in school. Good attendance is vital for your child’s education and means they can make the most of all aspects of school life. We really need your support this year to raise our attendance. If you need any help or support please come and see Mrs Maree. You can see your own child’s attendance for the year and the last 4 weeks on the Arbor App. An attendance of 97% or above is considered to be good attendance.

Last Week's Attendance:

F1 AM (including 30 hrs) 100%

F2: 93.67%

Year 1: 93.12%

Year 2: 96.15%

Year 3: 90.648%

Year 4: 94.2%

Year 5: 99.47%

Year 6: 93.33%

Congratulations to this week's winners,

F1 AM & 30 Hours!

Diary Dates:

Mon 9th Sept - Parent Coffee Morning 9am

Mon 9th Sept - Parent Meeting for Condover Residential, Year 6 classroom, 3:15pm

Wed 11th Sept - Little Westies Playgroup 9-10.30am

Mon 16th Sept - Year 6 Residential to Condover

Thur 10th Oct - World Mental Health Day – Wear Yellow to School

Thur, 10th Oct - Year 3 Fire Safety Workshop

Thur 17th Oct - Year 4 Ramp It Up Scooter Session

Thur 17th Oct - Harvest Fesitval F2 – Y3 in school 9:15am