Topic Summary
Do we treat others fairly?
This half term we reflect on our relationships with others. We look at the lives of inspirational figures, such as Rosa Parks and Walter Tull. We find out about who they were and what they did that was so inspirational. We will be historians, looking at a range of sources and we will write newspapers on key moments in their lives.
Following on from the way these inspiration people were treated, we will look at bullying today, taking into account cyberbullying, what this is and the impact it can have.
We will also learn about Islam. We look at how the beliefs and practices of this religion, though may seem different in many ways, have many similarities with other belief systems.
In the topic we will be teaching the children the following key concepts:
- Acceptance – Why are people not always accepted?
- Resilience – How have people shown resilience?
- Segregation – What does segregation mean?
- Conflict – In what ways can people be in conflict with each other?
- Friday 15th November - Children in Need
- Wednesday 20th November - Author Adeola Sokunbi in school
- Monday 16th December 2:45pm - Year 4 Carols
- Tuesday 17th December - Christmas Jumper and Decorations Day
Subject Information
This half term we will continue to develop our reading and writing skills through a variety of lessons. We will be writing a range of poetry including Haikus, sine poems and free verse on a range of topics. The children will learn how to write inspiration speeches linking to our black history topic, using emotive and persuasive language. We will also be developing our use of descriptive language to write setting descriptions. We will finish the half term using some Christmas inspired books and writing with a festive theme!
To develop our grammar we will continue to learn about:
- Word classes such as nouns, verbs , adverbs and adjectives.
- Punctuation such as apostrophes and inverted commas.
- Homophones and synonyms.
We will use a variety of books and stimulus this half term to support our English lessons including:
- Fields of Glory
- The Wild Way Home
- The Christmas Pine
- The Man on the Moon Christmas Advert
- The Girl Who Stole an Elephant
This term in maths we will be looking at the following topics:
Measurement and Area We will learn that area is the amount of space taken up by a two-dimensional shape or surface and explore different ways of working out the area of a shape. We will use the strategy of counting the number of squares inside a shape to calculate its area.
Multiplication and Division This term our multiplication and division learning will include:
- Multiples of 3.
- Multiply and divide by 6, 9, 7.
- 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12 times tables and division facts.
- Multiply by 1 and 0. Divide a number by 1 and itself.
- Multiply three numbers.
This term in science we will look at states of matter.
- We will explore and look at the properties of materials and objects, which can be grouped into solids, liquids and gases.
- Work scientifically to understand how to use a thermometer and a stopwatch accurately.
- Plan and carry out experiments such as: investigating whether the temperature of water affects the time it takes for ice to melt and water to evaporate. We will work scientifically to analyse data, make conclusions and evaluate our experiment.
- Study the water cycle, building on our understanding of evaporation and condensation and look at these processes as parts of the water cycle.
The children will be looking at Black British History this term. We will look at evidence about the first black people in Roman Times and their links to Hadrian’s Wall. We will study the role of black people in the wars and look at a case study of Walter Tull. We will also look at the Windrush and the impact this had on future generations. We will study significant events such as the Bristol Bus Boycott and compare these events with others from around the world, such as when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus.
Music and RE
In Music the children will be exploring the song This Little Light of Mine looking at tempo and rhythm. Our musician of the half term is Mozart and we will be listening to a selection of music composed by this classical artist.
In RE, the children will be learning all about Islam such as key beliefs and how Muslims worship. We will think about the questions: What is Islam and how does the faith compare to Christianity, especially at Christmas?.
In our art lessons, the children will continue to develop their work from last half term looking at abstract versions of the human/animal form. They will develop their painting skills using a variety of brushes. The children will take inspiration from Paul Klee and Picasso, using light for the foreground and shadows in the background. They will begin to use complementary and opposing colours in their work.
Perhaps controversially for our children we will be thinking about the positives and negatives of technology! We will explain how using technology can be a distraction – both in a positive and negative way, and when someone may need to limit the amount of time they use technology.
We will ensure the children understand how to keep safe online and describe strategies to keep personal information private. The children will analyse information to make a judgement about its accuracy, and explain why lots of people sharing the same information doesn’t necessarily make it true. We will look at how to send emails safely and will also improve our word processing skills by using Word.
The children will continue to have two PE lessons each week.
- Monday – children will be doing gymnastics. They will be looking at sequences of movements and performing them.
- Wednesday – children will continue work with the Lee Sterry staff and will be working on their tennis skills.
In PSHE, we will be continuing our work on Zones of Regulation. We will also be looking at how we treat each other focusing on the question ‘How do we treat each other with respect?'
If you would like any further details about this half term's curriculum in Year 4, please speak to your child's teacher.
Created with images by • undefined - Stack of old photos • undefined - Black History • undefined - Silhouetted Men and Women Holding Fists in the Air, Representing Solidarity, Vibrant Watercolor Painting, Generative AI • undefined - Multicolor squares in a rainbow check pattern • MAY - A surreal representation of quantum mechanics, with particles existing in multiple states simultaneously • undefined - variation of ethnic drums • mknisanci - abstract motion background • undefined - Happy girl during corrective gymnastics