That Wonderful and Sacred Mystery "Re-Imaging Theology & the Heart of Sacred Music"


"Re-Imaging Theology & The Heart of Sacred Music"

Tuesday, 1st October - Friday, 4th October 2024

Saint Paul's, Carroll Street, Brooklyn, NY

This October, we will gather at beautiful St Pau's Church located in the heart of Brooklyn, NY to celebrate the witness of the Church's ancient, Catholic faith to a modern world. We will spend time in study, worship and fellowship what it means to embody the Easter prayer "that wonderful and sacred mystery."

O God of unchangeable power and eternal light: Look favorably on your whole Church, that wonderful and sacred mystery; by the effectual working of your providence, carry out in tranquillity the plan of salvation; let the whole world see and know that things which were being cast down are being raised up, and things which had grown old are being made new, and that all things are being brought to their perfection by him through whom all things were made, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

Our Episcopal Visitor & Keynote Speakers

Archbishop Melissa Skelton; Dr David Hurd; Dr Sarah Coakley
  • The Most Rev'd Melissa Skelton. Archbishop Skelton served as the IX Bishop of the Diocese of New Westminster and Archbishop of the Ecclesiastical Province of British Columbia and Yukon before her retirement in 2021. She was the first woman to be elected Archbishop in the Anglican Church of Canada and was first woman elected as a Metropolitan in the Anglican Communion. Currently she is serving as the Bishop Provisional in the Diocese of Olympia and is in her fifth year as the Episcopal Visitor of our Society. Her Grace founded the College of Congregational Development and the Diocesan School for Parish Development in the Diocese of New Westminster. The School established by Archbishop Skelton is now active in a growing number of dioceses in the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada.
  • Dr David Hurd. David Hurd is well-known as a composer, church musician, and concert organist in the United States. In addition to his many awards and accolades in relation to his organ performance and expertise, he holds honorary doctorates from multiple institutions. He taught on the faculty of The General Theological Seminary from 1976-2015 and has also taught at Duke University, Manhattan School of Music, Westminster Choir College, and Yale University. He holds degrees from Oberlin College (undergraduate) and also studied at the Juilliard School, the High School of Music and Art, the Manhattan School of Music, and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. In addition to being a sought-after concert organist who has performed globally, he has won awards in organ performance and improvisation. He has composed and published many choral, vocal, organ, and liturgical works. Since 2016, he has been Organist and Music Director of St. Mary the Virgin in Times Square.
  • Dr. Sarah Coakley. Dr Coakley holds degrees from Cambridge (BA/MA, PhD) and Harvard (Th.M). She has taught at Lancaster University (1976-1991), Oriel College, Oxford (1991-93), Harvard Divinity School (1993-2007; Mallinckrodt Professor, 1995-2007), and served as visiting Professorship at Princeton University (2003-4). In addition, in 2012, she gave the Gifford Lectures at the University of Aberdeen. Most recently, she was the Norris-Hulse Professor at Cambridge University from 2007 to 2018. Other prestigious academic positions include Honorary Professor at the Logos Institute, St. Andrews University in 2018, and Visiting Professorial Fellow at the Australian Catholic University (Melbourne and Rome) in 2019. She is an Honorary Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, an Emeritus Fellow of Murray Edwards College, Cambridge, a Fellow of the British Academy, and a member of the European Academy of Arts and Sciences. She has received honorary degrees from the Universities of Lund, St Andrews, Toronto (St Michael’s College), and London (Heythrop College). At this time, she is completing the remaining volumes of her systematic theology, as well as editing her recent papers in philosophy of religion.


The life of Saint Paul’s congregation spans more than 150 years. In that time, our history has been shaped by both the changing landscape of South Brooklyn—including waves of immigration from Europe, the Caribbean, and Latin America—and the passion and mission of those who have served God in this beautiful, historic parish. Read more about the parish's history here.

"Filled to be emptied" Our conference is at its heart an opportunity to worship in the beauty of holiness, be inspired, and renew your spirit. As such, worship will be the center of conference. Each day of the conference will be punctuated by study and prayer: morning prayer, daily Mass, the Angelus, Evensong & Benediction, and sung Compline will form the rhythms of our time together. Throughout the conference, a chapel for Perpetual Adoration will available for individual prayer and there will be opportunities for sacramental confession and spiritual direction.


There are a number of nearby hotels, and we have designated on as the official "conference hotel." We have limited number of rooms in a block for a reduced rate at The New York Marriott Brooklyn Bridge. After you book your conference attendance, you will also need to make a hotel reservation at The Marriott/Brooklyn Bridge or another accommodation. We strongly recommend making your hotel reservation as early as possible.

  • The New York Marriott at Brooklyn Bridge , 333 Adams Street, Brooklyn New York, NY 11201. Conference room rate is $299+taxes/fees per night. Click Here. to book one of the reserved block rooms.
  • There are a number of other hotels nearby as well as the opportunity to book accommodations through Airbnb. Uber should be readily available in Brooklyn.
  • Click Here for information on transportation recommendations from New York airports to the hotel and church.


Current SCP Members receive a $75 discount if registered before 8/1. Registrations after 9/1 increase by $50. A limited amount of financial grants are available to help with conference costs and possibly with lodging costs as well. Contact the Provincial Convener (Mtr Melanie Rowell) to inquire about financial grants.
  • SCP Member Early-Bird Registration (before 8/1) - $225
  • Regular Registration (and non-SCP members before 9/1) - $300
  • Retired SCP Member Clergy - $150
  • Full-time Episcopal Seminarian - $50
  • All In-Person registrations after 9/1 - $350
  • Virtual (plenary presentations only) - $150
  • Plus: there will also be the opportunity to purchase an SCP sweatshirt when you register ($40)

Conference registration fee includes: (1) attendance at each of the keynote speaker presentations, (2) opening reception, (3) dinner Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, (4) lunch Wednesday and Thursday, (5) copies of all the liturgies from the conference, and (5) access to conference notes and materials. We will also have conference give aways (aka "SCP Swag") for all registrants!

Contact the Convener, Mother Melanie Rowell (email link) if you would like to inquire about financial grants or if you have any questions about the conference. You must still make your hotel reservation separately.