The Class of 2025 gathers to watch the sunrise on their last first week of school Photos by Dimitri Agdanowski, Written by axel herrera-villalobos and olivia nitz

On Aug. 28, seniors gather together at the football field to celebrate the start of their last first week of high school and share their favorite moments of previous years.

Groups of students formed on the fields during the event. As students waited for the sun to rise, they gathered on blankets, played games and shared food.

Executive Board Member William Dominianni helped his colleagues set up and promote the event.

“I helped set up the tables and food and just kind of hung out, let people do their own thing and directed them where they needed to go,” Dominiannni said. “Everyone was pretty laid back and there wasn’t a ton that needed to be done, so we just let everyone enjoy themselves.”

Student Ashley Lopez smiles for the camera as she sits by her friend Jessica Trujillo. Like Lopez and Trujillo, many students brought their own blankets and sheets to the event.
Students Anna Courtney, Evelyn Barrett, Cristian Vargas and Isabella Johnson play spike ball on the football field. Other students played soccer, ate donuts and enjoyed other activities.

The sunrise gives students the chance to connect and remember when they first stepped foot into high school. But even with all these memories made, it’s common for students to feel a lingering sense of unfinished business. Looking back at previous years, senior James Cook wished he'd approached his years as an underclassman differently.

“In class or in the hallways, talk to more people," Cook said. "Don’t just talk to the same group of four or five people. Branch out, join clubs, join the cool extracurricular classes: band, autotech, all that.”

Student Janeya Willis poses as her friends Jordan Martin and Jaydah Greer capture the event. This handmade sign was a frequent feature in students' photos.
Class President Leland Wagner talks to his classmates about making this year more memorable than previous ones. He advises students to increase their involvement in extracurricular events while encouraging them to show their school spirit and set examples for others.
The Class of 2025 Executive Board takes a photo with other seniors before starting the school day. “Loy Norrix is number one. Go Knights!” student Christopher Brown said during the event.