Scientific Discipline: Biogeochemistry
Research Area: Northeast Atlantic, Western Iberian Margin
Research Vessel: RV Sarmiento de Gamboa
PI Name and Affiliation: Dr Marcos Fontela, Centro de Ciências do Mar do Algarve, Portugal
Date: 11 - 20 September 2022
Citation from PI: This is a unique opportunity to do multidisciplinary research at high level. The first step and proof of concept for something bigger in the future!
Abstract & Main objectives: The overall objective is to identify the changes and risks for marine ecosystem services deriving from the potential impact of climate change on upwelling fronts.
Preliminary Results: Full depth water column CTD profiles were collected at all the stations (15 stations, 19 CTD casts, i.e., four stations with double cast -shallow and deep-). In 12 stations, a vertical multinet haul was also collected. The depth of the multinet samples (100 µm mesh) range between 700 m and surface. A deployment of a Light Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (LAUV Explore-4) was done on 17-18th of September. The AUV conducted more than 100 high-resolution immersion profiles between the surface and 10/50/100 m depth following the track of the research vessel between the coast and the position 37.35ºN 9.4ºW.
Further information: Data Sets: Hydrographic dataset:
Continuous underway measurements: