Table Talk Cam Bynum & Family Discuss Their Filipino Culture

Table Talk is a long-form video series that explores the different cultures and experiences of our players. In this episode featuring Camryn Bynum and his family, they highlight important aspects of their Filipino culture and how they are using Cam’s NFL platform to make an impact on their home country on the other side of the globe.

The objective of the project was to celebrate the underrepresented Filipino culture and educate viewers on what makes Filipino culture unique. We wanted to use our platform to support Cam and his efforts in the Philippines as well as give in-depth representation to the Filipino community.

As of January 3, 2024, Bynum Table Talk has gotten:

  • 227k views and 456 comments on YouTube
  • Gained the Vikings 2.1k new subscribers on YouTube
25.7% of the views came from people in the Philippines

Short clips from the video have gotten:

  • 330.3k views across IG, TikTok, and YTS over 5 posts

This project was made for everyone: Filipino or not, Vikings fan or not. It is engaging because everyone can relate to sharing a meal and reminiscing on experiences with family, but this content is a unique experience for viewers because of the educational aspect for those who may not be familiar with what Filipinos value. The number of engagements with the full video and short clips posted proved that this project was successful in reaching a broad demographic of people. Our goal was to use our platform as an NFL team to represent the underrepresented culture of the Philippines through one of the great role models on our team. Cam’s personality, pride in his culture, and relationship with his family made the perfect storm for a this project to engage with anyone who watched.

Cam is a huge advocate for and celebrator of his Filipino culture, and one of his goals is to bring American football to the Philippines. Through Table Talk, we were able to highlight his goals, culture, and community, both in Minnesota and in the Philippines. The large percentage of viewers from the Philippines speaks to the impact and reach that Table Talk had across the world. This project displays an underrepresented culture in an entertaining yet educational way, and by highlighting other cultures through that positive and relatable method, Table Talk is doing its part to make the world a more accepting place.

Featured Guests: Cam Bynum, Vikings Safety #24, Jen Bynum: Cam's mom, Caleb Bynum: Cam's younger brother, Auntie Tina: Chef & Cam's great aunt.

Process: Identify a player with a unique background that would be willing to share his story. Communicate with family and schedule a time to shoot. Once they’re on board, come up with questions that will help tell their story and highlight their culture.

We try to keep editing to a minimum so that viewers can recognize the authenticity of a conversation about culture with family. We will take short, informative or funny clips from the long-form episode to promote it on social media.