Year 6 Computing Digital Floor book

Learning Expedition

Knowledge Organiser

Signed Computing charters

All pupils digitally signed the Y6 Computing charter using the Seesaw (VLE)

Entry Task

Entry Task Can I investigate fake news to identify reliable sources?

The pupils discussed what the term Fake News means and thought about if they had seen any in their own lives.

After reading and researching around how to spot Fake news, they went about create their own digital posters to showcase their knowledge and spread their advice to others.

Pupils were allowed to display their information in whatever way they thought would be creative but informative.

Lesson 1: I can explain how to protect my computer or device form harm on the internet (anti-virus, firewall) (Digital Literacy)

Year 6 pupils were introduced to the terms 'antivirus software' and 'firewalls'

Pupils then conducted their own research to present the difference and similarities between the two protection systems.

Lesson 2: I can explore the terms ‘phishing, smishing and vishing’. (Digital Literacy)

The video above was used as the stimulus for conversation around the topic.

Via Seesaw, pupils were then presented with a matching activity to assess their understanding of the three different computing terms.

Lesson 3: I can use spreadsheets/databases to collect and record data with support e.g. Numbers app to collect simple data. (Information technology)
Example of pupils collating data to support dinner staff with making of Christmas dinners for Year 6.

Pupils used the numbers app to explore the basic features of spreadsheets and their benefits for analysing data quickly and effectively.

We also explored the uses of databases using the resources linked below.

Examples of all children's work can be found on their individual devices.

Lesson 4: I can improve the quality of my work choosing efficient editing and formatting techniques independently. Reflecting on my choices. (Information Technology) CLC led session.

Pupils were shown the key skills of how to create presentation in the Apple app, Keynote.

They refined their editing and formatting skills, while create informative presentations based on their World War 2 knowledge.

Pupils individual work can be found on their iPads saved in the Keynote app.

Lesson 5: I can use sequence, selection and repetition techniques confidently when working in programs. (Computer Science)
Lesson 6: I can use conditional and variable commands with increasing confidence when working on programs.

Pupils worked their way systematically through several levels of coding activities using the Code Studio website.

Students had to use sequence, selection and repetition effectively to advance through the levels which were based upon develop knowledge variable/conditionals statements. Pupils took screenshots of their progress, which can be found on their individual iPads.

Lesson 7: I can support my friends to protect themselves and make good choices in their online communities, including reporting concerns to an adult.

After discussions around how to support peers with online behaviours and problems, pupils recorded their thoughts and suggestions by posting them to a collaborative Padlet response board.

Lesson 8: I can explain the ways in which media can shape our ideas about gender e.g. gender stereotypes.
Pupils discussed when they had encountered gender stereotypes online and in the real world.
Pupils recorded their responses to discussion questions using the Nearpod app.
Lesson 9: I can use a search engine and be aware that not everything I read online is correct and that other people may be attempting to influence my opinions e.g. bias news.

We looked at information surrounding news bias and then conducted our own internet searches to help us better understand how what we are present with on the internet might not always be true or totally accurate.

Examples of our answers to key questions around news bias and internet search results.

We also conducted our own research into media balance and bias, then completed an BBC online quiz to gauge our understanding of the concept.

We uploaded our scores to the school VLE (Seesaw) to share these with the class teacher.

Lesson 10: I can appreciate that different search engines use their own algorithms and select and rank results in different ways. (Information Technology)

Using the video link above, we discussed how different searches rank their results. We then tried the same searches, via different search engines to observe similarities and differences between the results.

Lesson 11: I can use logical reasoning to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs, finding the most efficient solution in my own creations. (Computer Science)

We used the Swift Playground app to explore logical reasoning in more detail. With increasingly more difficult activities we had to observe when errors had occurred and look for ways to correct these.

Swift Playground showed us what Swift script based programming looks like.
Lesson 12: I can test, compare, decompose and modify a program to improve it. (Computer Science)

Using the Lightbot app, we were able to work on decomposing challenges to help us complete them. By breaking down the task into smaller steps, it became more manageable.

When a level became tricky, we just made a couple of changes and then ran our code to see if those steps worked correctly.
The 'procedure' activities meant that we had to find the most efficient ways to complete the challenges in front of us.
Lesson 13: I can explore the use of variables and For loops when programming. (Computer Science)

During our use of the Swift Playground app we explored how variables and for loops can be used to to refine our programming further and have sprites make specific choices within our code depending on the circumstances.

Lesson 14: I can discuss how digital technology can be potentially addictive and detrimental to our health and well-being. (Digital Literacy)

After discussing our own personal experiences of how technology has and does affect us, we used the video below to guide our conversation more.

After our discussions, we then used Quizziz to complete a number of questions to see what we knew and what we could work on understanding more.

Example of results from our technology and health well-being quiz.
Question example
Example of break down of pupil accuracy
Full assessment and results are stored on Quizizz with the computing champion.
Lesson 15: I can explore the positives and negatives of AI (artificial intelligence). (Digital Literacy)

We investigated the pros and cons of artificial intelligence and the impact it has on our lives and the societies that we live in using the resources above.

We used the Mastery Peak feature for our quiz meaning we could reattempt any questions we got incorrect to improve our accuracy over time.

After our research and discussions, we took part in a Quizizz quiz centred around the positives and negatives of AI. The generated the quiz within the lesson, in real time, by using the AI features within Quizizz.

Example of question results from the quiz
Example of the growth of pupils during the mastery peak quiz
Example of results from quiz. All results are stored on Quizizz with the computing champion.
Lesson 16: I can identify that the internet and the world wide web are not the same. (Information Technology)

Using the above link as our stimulus we looked at what the internet consists of to try and differentiate between the internet and the world wide web.

After conducting their own searches, pupils consolidated their knowledge by using video and website linked below.

Their findings were that...

The internet is the network of connected computers that the web works on, as well as what emails and files travel across.
The world wide web, or web for short, are the pages you see when you're at a device and you're online.
Lesson 17: I can explore how information /data is transported on the internet and between devices using IP addresses. (Information Technology)

We used the linked video above to gain a better understanding of what an IP address is and how it works.

Pupils also conducted their own research around the subject, using websites such as the one linked below.

We finished by taking part in a online Quizizz activity answering questions about the internet and IP addresses.

Example of questions taken from the completed quiz.
Lesson 18: I can compare and appropriately select and combine a variety of software/devices in order to create content. (Information Technology)

We reflected on our previous lessons in Year 6, as well as other years, looking at different apps and software we had used both separately and in combination with each other.

Lesson 19: I can use a variety of programming commands, e.g. variables and For loops, to complete a specific goal. (Computer Science)

Building on our prior exploration of variables and For loops, we returned to the Swift Playground app to better consolidate our understanding of how to use they command options with better accuracy.

Swift Playground has a variety of different challenges where a specific goal needs to be achieved. We needed to show perseverance, logical thinking and problem solving skills to successfully navigate our way through the levels.

If we needed support we were able to work with partners or access support resources like the example above.

Lesson 20: I can work with various forms of input and output e.g. keyboards, headphones, touch screen, microphones, speakers, cameras, robotic devices etc... (Computer Science)

Using BBC microbits, we used a variety of inputs and outputs to connect and communicate between different hardware and software.

First we had connected our Micro:bit to the iPads using Bluetooth through the Micro:bit app.

We used block programming to give our physical Micro:bit commands via the Micro:bit app interface.

We could then begin following the online tutorials to control our Micro:bit through programming commands.

There were so many different tutorials that we could try, changing our Micro:bit into different things, such as motion sensors, message boards and digital dice.

Lesson 21: I can design and write more complex programs, of my own creation, to accomplish a specific goal. (Computer Science)

Moving our work with Micro:bits further, we began to test out our own programs either building on previous code from tutorials or creating our own from scratch. Before beginning, we decided what our goal was and then, using computational thinking, decided what would be the best approach.

We first came up with an idea for what we wanted our Micro:bit to do. For example, a light sensor or digital emotion cards.

We ran simulations of our code before running them on the physical Micro:bits.

Some of us added melodies and sounds to our programming to create digital music makers.

We used our knowledge of variables to create parameters for our programs to work correctly.