Viewbank Voice 09.05.2024 Term 2 2024, Week 4


  • Monday, July 15
  • Monday, November 4


  • TERM 2: 15th April - 28th June
  • TERM 3: 15th July - 20th September
  • TERM 4: 7th October - 20th December


  • Grade 3 Camp to Phillip Island - October 28 to 30
  • Grade 4 Camp to Anglesea - May 15 to 17
  • Grade 5 Camp to Bacchus Marsh October 9 to 11

Walkathon At the conclusion of our Walkathon event, I am pleased to announce that this Parents and Friends event raised $14,000. Our enormous thanks to all members of our community who organised and supported this event – THANK YOU!

Quiet Week We always love a quiet week at Viewbank! Since the publishing of the last Viewbank Voice, we have had our Foundation Information evening for 2025 enrolments, a Collingwood player visit (see our social media for a write up or, Cross Country, Mothers’ Day Stall and our Year 4s have had an education visit from LinkedIn.

Cross Country I would like to thank Mrs Taylor for her organisation of our 2024 Year 3 – Year 6 Cross Country at Price Park. Somehow, she managed to ensure the weather was perfect for running! Thank you to the staff and parent community who supported the morning through walking to Price Park, and / or meeting the students there and providing much needed supervision and support!

Education Week Next week is Education Week. The Department of Education theme for this year is ‘Spotlight On STEM’. We are having our Open Day on Tuesday 14 May with School Tours being offered throughout the day. For parents who cannot make in during Tuesday, we will be conducting tours on Saturday 18 May between 9am – 12pm

Also Next Week Because we like quiet weeks at Viewbank Primary School, next week we have a Year 2 Excursion (Tuesday), Year 4 Camp to Anglesea (Wednesday to Friday) and a Working Bee on Sunday 19 May!

Mother’s Day To all the mums and special ladies in our school community, have a great day on Sunday!

Have a great weekend and continue to enjoy some of this amazing autumn weather!


School Policy Review A range of operational, curriculum and health and wellbeing policies are available on our school website, providing detailed information about how the policy topic is implemented at our school. All policies are reviewed and updated on a cyclical basis.

We are currently in the process of reviewing a number of our policies and we are inviting community consultation. Please take the time to read any or all of the policies below and if you have any feedback or comments please email Gill Nicholls ( by Friday 31 May.

All our policies are developed using the Department templates and are tailored to our school setting.

Following the consultation period, the policies will be finalised and endorsed and then updated on our school website.

Pedestrian Safety We are continuing to monitor the traffic issues around the school, with the safety of our students - your children - being our priority.

Nevin Parade and the Nevin Parade / Lascelles Avenue intersection continue to be busy areas around pick up time. In order to minimise some of the pedestrian traffic, we are asking that students who live to the south and south west of the school, exit the school in the afternoon using the ramp and cross at the Lascelles Avenue crossing under the supervision of the crossing supervisor. The only students exiting the school via the main gate on Nevin Parade should be students walking home with an adult/secondary school sibling or those who are being collected in a vehicle.

Thank you for your cooperation.

The Smile Squad team from Banyule Community Health are coming to our school soon.

Smile Squad is the Victorian Government free school dental program.

This means ALL students can get a free dental check-up, preventive services, and treatment at school.

How to access free dental care

We need your consent before we can provide services. Consent is usually provided by a parent or guardian.

QR code

Please complete and submit the consent form by 27/05/2024.

Paper copies of the consent form are available. Please contact the school office if you would like to request one.

The electronic consent form can be translated into more than 100 languages, and the paper form is currently available in 13 languages.

Smile Squad oral health packs All children deserve a healthy smile, and the Smile Squad free school dental program is working hard to help make sure this happens.

Your child(ren) will soon receive a free oral health pack to bring home. The pack contains a toothbrush, full sized toothpaste, and an oral health brochure. Please take the time to read the brochure. It’s full of helpful hints and tips to help your whole family eat well, drink well and clean well – for life.

Standard strength toothpaste Smile Squad provides standard strength fluoride toothpaste that is generally used by ages six and over, unless recommended by a dental or trained health professional.

If your child is under six, please talk to a dental or trained health professional to find out if your child might benefit from using this toothpaste. You can also choose to put the toothpaste away until they turn six or give it to someone else in your family to use.

Do I need to attend my child’s appointment? No, you do not need to attend your child’s appointment. You can attend if you would like to, and you can take your child to the community dental clinic if you prefer.

Have a great week and I hope all our Mums and special friends have a wonderful day on Sunday.


Thank You Thank you sincerely for your invaluable contributions to our school, whether through volunteering your time or generously providing financial support. Your dedication has made a significant difference in enriching the educational experience for our students.

TheirCare (Outside of School Hours Care) Please be aware that if your child is not registered with TheirCare they will be unable to access the program in an emergency. Therefore, it is highly recommend that you register your child/ren with TheirCare in case you may need it one day as child/ren cannot be supervised by staff beyond 3.45pm.

SCHOOL TOURS We will be running school tours on a Tue, Wed, Thu at 9.30am for prospective families. Please call the office to make a booking.

CAMPS, SPORTS AND EXCURSIONS FUND (CSEF) The Government assisted Fund provides payments for eligible students to attend camps, sports, incursions and excursions ($150 per child). Applications for the Governments ‘CSEF Fund’ can be accessed by filling in the application form and returning it to the office with a copy of your current Health Care Card. Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or temporary foster parents are eligible to apply) i.e. a Centrelink Health Care Card or Pension Concession Card or Veteran Affairs Gold Card.

If you applied for the CSEF at your child's school in 2023, you do not need to complete an application form in 2024 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.

You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes have occurred:

  • new student enrolments; your child has started or changed schools in 2024 or you did not apply in 2023.
  • changed family circumstances; such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing at the school in 2024.
  • Funds are paid to the school and will be automatically allocated to the Extra-Curricular Items and Activities unless otherwise stated by the parent at the start of the year.

Kind regards,

Lucy Addati

Year 4 Inquiry Learning The Year 4s are currently learning about Civics and Citizenship.

This week all of the Year 4 students attended an incursion focusing on Democracy, Community and Me. This incursion was run by Linked Incursions. The presentation included learning about the difference between rules and laws, how a council is established and run as well as how it is important to have a say through the voting system. We had an outstanding time learning about democracy and community. We were able to complete a role play of an election and a council meeting. We even had our very own Mayor!

We look forward to finding out more during this inquiry.

A heartfelt thank you to all who organised and volunteered at our Mother's Day stall today. Your dedication made it special for our children, who will enjoy surprising their mums with thoughtful gifts.

Your commitment to creating memorable experiences shines through, and we're immensely grateful for your effort. As Mother's Day approaches, we extend warm wishes to all the amazing mums in our community.

Thank you for making today a success. Your contributions have touched our hearts deeply.

Lower Plenty Bakehouse provide the school with fundraising Lunch Orders every Thursday. These lunches have been implemented via our Parents and Friends Committee. All money raised will be used towards our major school upgrad

Our Term 2 Fundraising Lunch Order Dates are:

  • Thursday 16th May (Orders closing on Monday 13th May, 3:00pm) - Year 4 Camp
  • Thursday 23rd May (Orders closing on Monday 20th May, 3:00pm)
  • Thursday 30th May (Orders closing on Monday 27th May, 3:00pm)
  • Thursday 6th June (Orders closing on Monday 3rd June, 3:00pm)
  • Thursday 13th June (Orders closing on Monday 10th June, 3:00pm)
  • Thursday 20th June (Orders closing on Monday 17th June, 3:00pm)
  • Thursday 27th June (Orders closing on Monday 24th June, 3:00pm)

Orders need to be placed in advance via Compass Canteen. Ordering will close the Monday before the lunch date at 3pm. All of Term 2 lunch dates are now open for orders and can be placed in advance for the whole term if you choose to do so.

Please see attached a Parent User Guide on how to order via Compass Canteen. Please note a 35 cents order fee will be charged at check out.

Thank you for your support.

​​ICY POLE FRIDAY Students are able to purchase icy poles over the counter at lunchtime every Friday. All icy poles cost $1.00 each.

Entertainment Book 20% of the membership goes directly to support our fundraising at Viewbank Primary School.

Lunches must be ordered online using the CLASSROOM CUISINE website.


WEEKLY SECOND HAND UNIFORM SALE - Every Friday 8:45am to 9:15am, next to the music room. Jumpers with the school logo, long and short sleeve school polo tops and school dresses will be $2.00. We are currently asking for donations of any unwanted reusable school uniform items to sell at our stall.

Instrumental Music Enrolments Can all students who would like to join our school instrumental music programs please inform the relevant teacher below of your expression of interest.


  • Email:
  • Phone: 0413 676 733


  • Email:
  • Phone: 0403 490 078


  • Email:


  • Email:
  • Phone: 0405 667 908

Our school has partnered with an independent provider called TheirCare to provide exceptional Outside School Hours Care services for our school community.

The program is available for all children at Viewbank Primary School from 6:30am until 9:00am in the morning and from 3:30pm until 6:15pm each school day.

During School Holidays & Pupil Free Days the service will operate from 6:30am until 6:15pm.

Families wishing to use this service can visit the TheirCare website:

Families are eligible for a Government Rebate called the Child Care Subsidy which can reduce the cost per session by up to 85%.

More information can be obtained by contacting the school or ringing TheirCare Support Team on 1300 072 410.

TheirCare provides a stimulating and safe environment for all children. During sessions, children develop life-skills, friendships, confidence and creativity through play-based programs.


Shop Details:

  • Unit 3/30 Heaths Court, Mill Park
  • T: 9436 4005
  • E:

Opening Hours:

  • Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm
  • Friday 9am to 3pm
  • Saturday 9am to 12pm

Online Ordering Please Visit: