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Swinton Queen Primary School Newsletter 12th January 2024


  1. A note from Mr Higginbottom
  2. Dates for your diary
  3. Attendance update
  4. A round up of events
A note from Mr Higginbottom

Hello! Happy New Year! I hope that you had a fabulous time during the festive break. I'm so proud of the way that children have settled back into their school routines - they have shown brilliant confidence and focus this week as we've all settled so quickly back into school.

I'd be really grateful if you'd take a moment to read our new communications policy that we're asking parents and staff to follow with immediate effect. We consulted with parents and staff when writing this and we hope that it helps to provide an effective guide and that it will help to manage expectations about communication responses. Please do let me know of any thoughts that arise when you read it. Thank you. The policy can be found below.

Events this week
Online Safety

This week our Internet Safety Guide from the National College focusses on managing Screen Time. Don't forget that you can talk to us if you're worried about your child's time online.

Attendance expectations
Uniform Expectations

Please support your children by ensuring they are following the required uniform expectations, including on PE days. Children should be dressed in a yellow or black polo shirt and black trousers, skirt, shorts or plain black leggings. Yellow gingham dresses may also be worn. Black cardigans or hoodies can be worn with or without the school logo. For PE, children need their white school PE top or plain white T-shirt and black shorts or tracksuit bottoms. No football shirts please. Please may we remind you to label your child's uniform with their name.

Term Dates
Have a lovely weekend

Thank you for your continued support of our school and for supporting your child by ensuring they're at school on time and they read at least 4 times each week. If you would like to discuss any aspect of your child's time in school you can email, find me on ClassDojo or chat to me at the start or end of the school day.

At Swinton Queen Primary School, children are aspirational, courageous and inquisitive; respectful of all.
