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2023-2024 HHP Philanthropy and Service Event Honoring HHP Alumni, wall of fame, distinguished service and cornerstone society

Outstanding Alumni

The Outstanding Alumni Award recognizes HHP alumni who demonstrate a commitment to service and HHP’s mission. These outstanding alumni have demonstrated outstanding achievement in their profession, community, and have exhibited civic involvement. The college is committed to improving the well-being of all as we work to build stronger, healthier individuals, families, and communities, and all three of this year’s awardees have done just that!

Dr. Francisco Limon

Dr. Francisco Limon is a 2016 Graduate of The Department of Human Development and Family Science’s Medical Family Therapy Doctoral program and is currently the Chief Integrated Care Services Officer for Contentnea Health. When Dr. Limon interviewed with the Medical Family Therapy doctoral program he said during his interview that he wanted to join a program that was committed to the Hispanic community. Dr. Limon had many choices for his doctoral program, but chose to be part of Pirate Nation. In the past 10 years, Dr. Limon's significant contributions to the field are evident in various aspects. He has successfully expanded the services provided by Contentnea Health, which has resulted in a significant increase in the number of patients served. He is also collaborated with Drs. Lamson and Hodgson in supporting approximately 80 masters and doctoral integrated care providers. This growth has allowed for greater continuity of care and culturally sensitive treatments for individuals and families in our region. In addition, Dr. Limon has co-authored numerous book chapters and peer reviewed journal articles with Medical Family Therapy faculty, students, and alumni. Dr. Limon has earned national awards for his contributions to behavioral health for Hispanic communities.

Dr. Limon's unwavering commitment to integrated behavioral health care services with underserved communities positions him as a leader in providing transformative healthcare experiences. He tirelessly advocates for optimal healthcare infrastructure, funding, and essential resources to ensure the delivery of high-quality services. Under his leadership, the number of therapists serving eNC has increased, resulting in improved continuity of care and positively impacting the health and well-being of those in our region. Congratulations, once again, to Dr. Francisco Limon. We just received word that Dr. Limon experienced the loss of dear friend this week and could not join us. However, we do have some of the integrated care team from Contentnea Health here today if they could come forward and join us for a photo.

Mr. Don Octigan

Don is a 2005 graduate of our Recreation Sciences department. Today, Don serves as the Director of the Greenville Recreation and Parks Department. Don has been with GRPD since 2006 as a coach, recreation program specialist, recreation supervisor, recreation superintendent, assistant director of recreation and parks, and now his current role, as Director. Don's work affects the lives of everyone who accesses GRPD services. He has trained countless coaches and referees and has worked closely with his staff to meet the needs of countless residents in Pitt County. Pitt County is unique in that it has one metropolitan center with two smaller suburbs (Farmville and Winterville), and the vast majority of the county is otherwise rural with limited services and opportunities. However, Don and his staff have prioritized the broader county with their services and increased access and their impact. He has also overseen the expansion of outdoor recreation opportunities, such as the new Wildwood Park, and implemented plans to increase recreational access to the Tar River. He is a prime example of how to lead and implement good planning and projects that benefit the larger community. In addition to his leadership in his current role, Don has also served on more than 15 different boards and committees, with his most recent and notable being: Special Olympics Steering Committee Member, Greenville Play Sports Commission Advisory Board Member, Co-Chair of NCRPA State Conference, and the Visit Greenville Sports Advisory Board Member. Congratulations goes to Mr. Don Octigan.

Ms. JaNell Octigan

JaNell is a 2012 graduate of our BS in Public Health program. Today, JaNell serves as Health Director for the Beaufort County Health Department. JaNell lives ECU's motto to serve others through her work at Beaufort County Health Department, while leading nearly 50 employees to promote, protect, and enhance the quality of life for a rural population by providing accessible quality public health services and education in order to improve the wellness of the community within a healthy environment. JaNell has served in a variety of capacities, continually moving forward and leading others, even through a pandemic while navigating new territory in trying times. JaNell began her work with BCHD as a departmental intern. She was offered a position based on her performance and skill to create positive change within populations. As an educator, JaNell implemented programs 1-on-1 and in group settings to reduce chronic disease and illness burden. As a planner, JaNell was striving to protect communities from a variety of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and terrorist events. Currently, serving as one of the state’s youngest health directors, JaNell's powers and duties fall into five general categories: administration, remedies, communicable disease control, other disease control and education/advisement. If you have eaten at a restaurant, thank JaNell and her team. If you have sat near someone vaccinated and not had to worry about transmission, thank JaNell and her team. If you received accurate information during the COVID pandemic, you can thank JaNell and her team. As you can see, JaNell makes a difference daily — and often behind the scenes. JaNell often explains departmental activities, prepares budgets, and works toward maintaining accreditation standards. She is responsible for enforcing public health laws within her jurisdiction, and can be involved in investigations of communicable disease outbreaks. JaNell communicates effectively and is well versed in various cultures, ages, and backgrounds and has with a doubt made a difference in the health and well-being of those in Beaufort County, eastern North Carolina and beyond. Congratulations once again to Ms. JaNell Octigan.

HHP Wall of Fame Awardees

The HHP Wall of Fame recognizes and highlights the service of those to whom East Carolina University and the College of Health and Human Performance alumni and friends are most grateful. This recognition is displayed prominently in the Rivers Building on ECU’s campus on the Marvin and Joyce Johnson Wall of Fame and the Max Ray Joyner Sr. Wall of Fame, which can be found in the flag lobby of Rivers – which faces 5th street. This year, we have two Wall of Fame awardees.

Dr. Cynthia Johnson

Dr. Cynthia Johnson from our Human Development and Family Science Department. Dr. Johnson was the first graduate from the newly developed MS in Child Development and Family Relations program in 1973. Subsequently, she earned a PhD at The Ohio State University and received a Kellogg Grant to work and serve in Africa. After serving in Africa, Dr. Johnson began working at NC State University. Dr. Nash Love and Dr. Mel Markowski actively recruited her to come back home to Greenville and ECU. After returning to ECU and serving as faculty, she was then elected to be Department Chair. While serving as a department chair, Dr. Johnson spearheaded many innovations including the development with the Medical School of the Medical Family Therapy PhD program. She is both a distinguished alumna, former faculty member and former Department Chair who is extremely worthy of this honor.

Dr. Carmen Russoniello

Dr. Carmen Russoniello from the Department of Recreation Sciences. Dr. Russoniello is a Professor Emeritus at East Carolina University and founder of ECU's Center for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback and of the Max Ray Joyner, Sr., Biofeedback Lab. He has more than 25 years of experience in HRV research and education. He is past-president of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback and the American Therapeutic Recreation Association. Dr. Russoniello has served as a scientific consultant for an HRV product development company for more than 20 years. During his time at ECU, Dr. Russoniello received several DoD grants to develop remote HRV telemedicine applications and to create technologically based stress reduction interventions. Dr. Russoniello developed and taught biofeedback courses at ECU that specialized in HRV. He used HRV clinically for prediction, prevention, intervention and as an outcome indicator in health and human performance. In addition to his service to ECU, He is a decorated Marine combat veteran who has experienced PTSD and used HRV biofeedback techniques to help himself and other returning combat veterans. In 2015, Dr. Russoniello was recipient of the Governor James E. Holshouser Award, the UNC's Sytem's highest award given for service. Congratulations to Dr. Carmen Russoniello!

Distinguished Service Awards

This award recognizes individuals who are not in the formal organizational structure of HHP, but are nevertheless some of our most wonderful collaborators and friends. HHP Distinguished Service Award honorees have provided great service and collaboration to our College for years and/or it may be that in the year they are honored they truly went above and beyond the call of duty and made a very positive impact.

Suzanne Sparrow

Suzanne serves as the UMCIRB Director. Suzanne’s service allows for exemplary service by providing the leadership of an exceptional IRB that is accessible to researchers, understands community-engaged research, and provides efficient determinations of applications and amendment. Suzanne is fair and concise across the board not only for HHP, but for the entire ECU campus. With her leadership, Suzanne has assisted in improving research for HHP faculty, helped HHP retain and recruit new faculty, and facilitate research projects that advance our mission, which has allowed HHP to become second in the university, only behind the Brody School of Medicine, in generated grant dollars and research.

Jennifer Baysden

Jennifer is Associate Director in the Online Learning, Academic Outreach, and Academic Innovation Office, where she assists ECU faculty in leading and supporting initiatives sometimes considered to fall outside the boundaries of the traditional university. In the past few years, Jennifer has become a dedicated supporter of our HHP programs as we have navigated the online delivery requirements for the University and System office. Additionally, Jennifer’s advocacy for our college and its programs continues to make us excited for the future as we strive to meet University needs.

Jennifer Harrell

Ms. Jennifer Harrell. Jennifer is a business officer in the Academic Affairs administration. Jennifer is dedicated and supports HHP daily as the college navigates personnel actions with Academic Affairs compliance. With the multitude of personnel actions HHP has navigated this past year, steady, consistent, and friendly support from Jennifer has allowed us to continue to maintain successful compliance and complete these actions with as little revision as possible. While this may be within her daily operations, we acknowledge that timely and informed support is critical to the success of our college.

Student Success Champions

Over the past two years, HHP has been a leader in experiential learning across campus thanks to an abundance of internships, practicums, and hands-on experiences. We’ve been making sure our students are ready Day 1 for the workforce or their next step of their education. And while our faculty do an amazing job of preparing our students – they can by no means do it on their own. This year, we wanted to make sure we highlight our student success champions who have given their time and talent to help prepare our students. Our student success champions have been alumni, community partners, and industry professionals who have spent time being part of countless experiences such as advisory board service, informational interviews, portfolio reviews, guest speakers in the classroom, and more! In whatever capacity it may be, THANK YOU to these student success champions who who have spent time with our students in some capacity in this academic year alone.

Aaron Gilbert

Abbey Leach

Alex Keddie

Alexandria Anneheim

Alice Keene

Amy Cooley

Anna Gold

Anna Jensen

Antonio Blake

Betty Beacham

Brandon Semones

Carol Woodruff

Casey Strader

Christine Fariss

Clay Walker

Da'Lynn Mills

Dan Blocker

Dennis Wilson

Dr. Ginny Frederick

Dr. Kate Rougeau

Emily Edmondson

Erin Davis

Grace Pratt

Heather Smith

Jaclyn Cravens

Janice Britt

Jennifer Caspari

Jeremy Dean

JJ McLamb

Joe Denk

Jon Gilbert

Jordan Ragsland

Jordan Sturgill

Katie Pleasant

Kellen Altman

Kendra Anderson

Kevin Jones

Kim Blue

Librardo Mendoza Sosa

Lillie Shamblin

Madison Perzel

Marcy Gang

Matt White

Matthew Martin

Mellis Kelly

Mollie Edick

Moriah Brown

Nance Mize

Olivia Narron

Paige Smith

Rachel Williams

Reilyn Gaglione

Rene Soto

Rob Maloney

Sheila Freeman

Shelbi Weatherman

Sonni Minton

Stephanie Bond

T.D. (Anthony) Gribble

Ted Lockaman

Thomas Halloran

Tyara Mason

Walter Perkins

Wanda Montano

Whitney Marks

Cornerstone Society Members

Individuals who have contributed over $1,000 or more to the College of Health and Human Performance for fiscal year 2022-2023.

Mr. Greg & Ms. Robin Abeyounis

Dr. Marina Alexander & Isaac Chemmanam

Mr. David & Ms. Ella Alexander

Ms. Betsy & Mr. Alexander Allen

Ms. Julia Allen

American Online Giving Foundation

Mr. John and Ms. Nicole Archibald

Ms. Stephanie Bond & Mr. Devin Benton

Ms Janice & Mr Thomas Brown

Dr. Neppie Burwell

Ms. France Cain

Dr. Worth and Ms Delores Carter

Ms. Joann Cooper

Ms. Mary Ann Cooper

Cpt. Christopher Cash Memorial Foundation of NC

Ms. Peggy Cromer

Ms. Mollie Davenport

Dominion Foundation

Dr. Patricia Dunn

Mr. Todd and Ms Elizabeth Ervin

Estate of Otha S. Rountree

Ms. Emily Evans

Dr. William and Ms. Sherri Felts

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Dr. William Freeman

Dr. Glen and Ms Rosemarie Gilbert

Mr. Thomas and Ms. Elizabeth Glockzin

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Dutch Holland Holland

Dr. Cynthia Johnson

Dr. Karla Jones

Ms. Alice Keene

Ms. Merry Sandra and Mr. Michael Kennedy

Mr. Chris Knott

Ms. Karen and Bill Koch

Mr. Britt Laughinghouse

Dr. Mel and Ms. Betsy Markowski

Dr. Susan McGhee

Ms. Evangeline McKeel

Ms. Laura Mitchell

Ms. Nancy Mize

Monet Richardson Community Foundation

Ms. Wanda Montano

Ms. Alisa and Mr. Mark Mueller

Mr. Clifford and Ms. Laura Napolitano

NRF Foundation

Ms. Janie and Mr. Alan Oliphant

Mr. Walter Perkins

Ms. Taiwana Pittman

Ms. Myra Powell

Raleigh Army National Guard

Mr. Benjamin Reese

Ms. Julia Rogers

Seaside Healthcare, Inc.

Mr. Freddie Simon

Simon and Simon Inc.

Mr. John and Ms. Joan Taylor

The Community Foundation of NC East

Mr. James Thomas

Mr. James and Ms. Madeline Waller

Mr. Billy and Ms Linda Wooten