The Wave term 4 week 8

Relieving Principal's Message

This week Christmas has arrived at Ballina Public School! The bells are playing jolly Christmas songs and today our Christmas Mufti Day saw a sea of festive cheer.

As the last two weeks approach, I would like to remind everyone how important it is to still come to school every day. We are finishing our learning and have exciting activities planned for most days, including spending time with our new teachers for 2025.

Our end of year celebrations have started with Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 enjoying a day of pizza, bowling and ice blocks on Thursday last week. Years 3 and 4 had their bowling and pizza day on Tuesday and yesterday Years 5 and 6 spent a day slipping and sliding at the water park.

Term 4 is a very busy time and there are lots of important events happening so please check our calendar on School Bytes to ensure that you don’t miss any information. We have a PBL Awards ceremony, PBL Rewards Day, Presentation Day, Year 6 Farewell, End of Year Class parties and the list goes on!

I would like to thank all our families for embracing our new morning procedures. We have had a successful week of welcoming students to school at 8:30am and we are able to ensure the safety and security of our most important assets- our children.

A reminder to you all that our last day of school is on Wednesday Week 10, December 18. Have a wonderful fortnight and I look forward to seeing lots of proud parents at our special events over the next two weeks.

Mrs Wraight


Term 4

Upcoming Events Calendar

Week 9 - Monday 9 December to Friday 13 December

  • Monday 9 December - 1:00pm PBL Awards Assembly (School Hall)
  • Tuesday 10 December - Year 6 Farewell - BPS School Hall
  • Thursday 12 December - MALPA Graduation
  • Friday 13 December - PBL Rewards Day

Week 10 - Monday 16 December to Wednesday 18 December

  • Monday 16 December - 9:30am Whole School Presentation Day Assembly (School Hall) / Class Party Day (12:00pm - 2:00pm)
  • Wednesday 18 December - Last Day of Term 4



The meal deal is a set meal that changes every two weeks.

K-2 Rewards Day

The K-2 end of year rewards day was a huge success. The Kindergarten students had the luxury of being escorted by bus while Year 1 & 2 students made their way to the venue by walking.

All students had a game of bowling accompanied by lights out and music to dance to. Following this, students enjoyed Dominoes pizza and a popper for lunch.

Upon arrival back at school, the students made their way into their air conditioned classrooms where they were treated with a zooper dooper.

We would like to thank the staff again at Ballina Ten Pin Bowling, who allowed us to eat inside and then kindly disposed of our pizza boxes.

We all had a fabulous time!

Mrs Franklin - Relieving K-2 Assistant Principal

2025 School Leader Candidates

L-R (Back Row) Ricki, Eleyna, Morgan, Karenza, Evie, Jaia, Jimmy L-R (Front Row) Khaleesi, Malavika, Ava, Brody, Hudson, Makyi

Year 5 students gave their leadership speeches to years 1-5 on Monday 2 December. From these speeches 4 students will be elected to as School Leaders for 2025. This will be announced at our Presentation Day Assembly on Monday 16 December at 9:30am.

Opportunity Class Applications

Year 3 students wishing to apply for an Opportunity Class please see the below information. Applications close on 21 February, 2025.

Community Notices

Bricks4Kidz Workshops at Goonellabah Community Centre

Bricks4Kidz Workshops at Lennox Head Community Centre

Bricks4Kidz Workshops at Ballina - Kentwell Community Centre