News from Purdue University's Department of Computer Science

AI learns to simulate how trees grow and shape in response to their environments

Professor Bedrich Benes

Professor Bedrich Benes and researchers from Purdue's Institute for Digital Forestry, with collaborator Sören Pirk at Kiel University in Germany, has discovered that artificial intelligence can simulate tree growth and shape.

Inspiring futures: CSGrad4US fellowships for computing PhDs

CSGrad4US aims to increase the number and diversity of domestic graduate students pursuing research and innovation careers in computer and information science and engineering fields. The program helps bachelor’s degree holders return to academia and pursue their research interests, enabling them to engage in innovative and high-impact projects without the burden of financial constraints.

In Memoriam: Professor Emeritus John R. Rice

Professor Emeritus John R. Rice

Professor Emeritus John R. Rice, a leading scientist and educator, died at home on January 7th, 2024. John was the W. Brooks Fortune Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and a professor of mathematics at Purdue University. He was noted for his work in mathematical computation, especially approximation theory, the solution of elliptic partial differential equations, analysis of algorithms, and scientific computing.


As student interest in computing-related majors and the societal impact of artificial intelligence and chips continues to rise rapidly, Purdue University has launched a new major initiative, Purdue Computes, consisting of four dimensions that will connect faculty and students from across the institution and enable the university to advance to the forefront with unparalleled excellence at scale.


As the Department of Computer Science celebrates its founding 60 years ago as the first in America, it will add 50 new faculty over the next five years, continue to grow its undergraduate and graduate programs, and look toward a continued upward trajectory with the target of becoming one of the top 10 computer science programs in the U.S. by the end of the decade.


Purdue will focus on establishing itself as a leader in strategic areas of artificial intelligence at the intersection between the virtual and the physical, leveraging strengths in agricultural data, neuromorphic computing, deepfake detection, smart transportation data, AI-based manufacturing and other programs existing and new across the institution. The planned new university-wide institute will add 50 affiliated faculty over the next five years.


Building on national recognition of its semiconductor degrees program, Purdue will further enhance our economic and workforce development pipeline and become a global epicenter of semiconductors research, learning and industry partnership with a planned $100 million upgrade to semiconductor facilities over the next few years and growth in education, research and industry partnerships.


Purdue University is a thriving hub for quantum research and development. Purdue’s community of interdisciplinary quantum researchers focus on advancing quantum science and engineering to create future technologies that will transform our lives, economy and our world.


Your support for the Data Science building renovation will give Data Science students and faculty an exciting hub in which to collaborate and conduct research and will ensure that Purdue remains at the forefront of this rapidly changing field that impacts all aspects of life.

Contact James Parker at japarker@purdueforlife.org or at 765-496-3525 to learn how you can support this project.

Take Your giant leap. leave your legacy in the Hall of Data Science

The future renovation of the new Hall of Data Science is an exciting giant leap for our students—and presents exciting opportunities for Boilermakers like you.

Envisioning inviting spaces to gather, study, and collaborate, we are thrilled to introduce the Data Science Locker Campaign. By making a gift of $1,000 to support the Hall of Data Science, you will have the opportunity to leave a permanent legacy for you or a loved one on a locker.

We invite you to take a giant leap with us and support this exciting initiative. Your gift will help to create a welcoming and secure environment for our students, and you will have the opportunity to be a part of the legacy of the Hall of Data Science.

For so many of us here at the College of Science, myself included, the new Hall of Data Science is truly a dream come true". - Lucy Flesch, Frederick L. Hovde Dean of the College of Science

SODA 2024

The Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) is sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Discrete Mathematics and the ACM Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory. This symposium focuses on research topics related to design and analysis of efficient algorithms and data structures for discrete problems.

The Sharp Power Law of Local Search on Expanders | Simina Branzei (Purdue University); Davin Choo (National University of Singapore); Nicholas Recker (Purdue University)

Quotient sparsification for submodular functions | Kent Quanrud (Purdue University)

How Many Neurons Does it Take to Approximate the Maximum? | Itay Safran (Purdue University); Daniel Reichman (Worcester Polytechnic Institute); Paul Valiant (Purdue University)

Faster exact and approximation algorithms for packing and covering matroids via push-relabel | Kent Quanrud (Purdue University)

Adaptive Out-Orientations with Applications | Chandra Chekuri (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Aleksander Bjørn Grodt Christiansen (Technical University of Denmark, DTU); Jacob Holm (University of Copenhagen); Ivor van der Hoog (Technical University of Denmark, DTU); Kent Quanrud (Purdue University); Eva Rotenberg (Technical University of Denmark, DTU); Chris Schwiegelshohn (Aarhus University)

POPL 2024

The annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages is a forum for the discussion of all aspects of programming languages and programming systems. Both theoretical and experimental papers are welcome on topics ranging from formal frameworks to experience reports.

Rhyme: A Data-Centric Expressive Query Language for Nested Data Structures | Supun Abeysinghe, Purdue University, Tiark Rompf, Purdue University

Type-Based Incorrectness Reasoning | Zhe Zhou, Purdue University, Benjamin Delaware, Purdue University, Suresh Jagannathan, Purdue University

Polymorphic Reachability Types: Tracking Freshness, Aliasing, and Separation in Higher-Order Generic Programs | Guannan Wei, Purdue University, Oliver Bračevac, Galois, Inc., Songlin Jia, Purdue University, Yuyan Bao, Augusta University, Tiark Rompf, Purdue University

Flan: An Expressive and Efficient Datalog Compiler for Program AnalysisDistinguished PaperRemote | Supun Abeysinghe, Purdue University, Anxhelo Xhebraj, Purdue University, Tiark Rompf ,Purdue University

Future students may visit Purdue's campus and tour the Department of Computer Science. Our visit opportunities give you a chance to experience life at Purdue - whether you want to do that in-person or virtually. Learn more about a future visit to the Department of Computer Science.




In the field of computer science, there is a sustained and significant increase in demand for our academic programs. We are thrilled to announce that, once again, we have surpassed our previous records for freshman admission applications, with the total exceeding 11,000. At the start of fall classes, 889 freshman students joined our previous classes for more than 3,000 undergraduates.

This year, freshman women students represent 22% of the undergraduate population and women are 23% among all undergraduate students.



Our graduate population has exploded with 538 MS and PhD students for the 2022-23 academic year. This represents a 26% increase in growth from the previous year.

Purdue Computer Science graduate students work in any of the 14 research areas in the department.

Purdue Computer Science offers the traditional PhD and master's degree programs in addition to a professional master's degree in information security.