
Cowbridge Lower School newsletter 09.09.23 & 14.09.23

Welcome to our first Cowbridge Lower School newsletter! It's been a whirlwind of exciting activities, glorious sunshine and making lots of new friends since we opened our doors last week! We are looking forward to sharing with you a snippet of our week, our lovely new school and pupils!

Meet the team!

My name is Mrs Davies and I am the Head of Lower School. This year I am also teaching our Nursery class.

This is Mrs Thomas and she is Assistant Head of Lower School. Mrs Thomas teaches our Reception class.

Our first week in our new school was extremely hot!! We were very grateful to have lots of water activities outside to cool us down, some of us were extra hot and couldn't resist having a sit in the paddling pool!

We have had lots of fun exploring our new classrooms with our new friends. There has been a lot to explore both in our indoor classroom and our outside one! We have enjoyed waving to all the big boys and girls as they have been walking past.

Mr Ling was very busy before the summer holidays ordering us lots of new resources, one of our favourite things are all the new bikes and scooters we get to play with at breaktimes and lunchtimes.

Reception pupils have enjoyed having their lunch in school, they are eating like Kings and Queens!

Week 2!

In their second week, Reception have been learning all about Roald Dahl as it was his birthday, they found out he would have been 107 years old! They have been busy planning a party for his birthday and doing activities linked to The Enormous Crocodile. Mr Ling even got measured to see 'how many crocodiles long' he was!

Reception also had their first P.E. lesson and had fun with the big parachute.

Nursery pupils have been learning and talking about themselves and their families. They talked about how different people have different skin colour and have started to paint a self portrait of themselves for our classroom. They have been exploring the new interactive whiteboards for mark making as well as doing their first drawings in their learning journals. The children are doing well learning their new friends names and getting used to the new routines of the school.

Every week in Lower School we choose our Seren yr wythnos/ star of the week! This week these boys were chosen for their great manners, super sitting and amazing singing. Da iawn bachgen!