Welcome to this week's newsletter
Dear families,
Thank you all very much for your support this week, including the kind messages that we received for staff during our inspection.
Mr Carter shared an end of term message for students regarding safety over the summer around water and online safety. Please reinforce these messages at home and make sure that your children remain safe over the coming weeks.
I also shared a letter earlier today regarding plans for the start of the next academic year. Please look out for this and review the information within.
I want to thank all those staff and colleagues who are moving on to pastures new at new roles, schools or areas, wishing the best of luck in their new adventures.
Have a lovely summer break, and we look forward to welcoming all of the community back to the 2024-2025 academic year.
Adam Crawte, Interim Principal
Summer transition tasks
The summer break is a real opportunity for students to switch off and relax, with a well earned break. However, we also know that keeping up with small elements of learning regularly throughout the summer will help to prevent the loss of knowledge that happens when we stop focusing over time.
Subject areas have set tasks for students to complete over the summer break. Students who complete tasks will be recognised for their efforts through our praise and rewards programme.
Competitions Week
Last week was the final Competitions Week of the academic year, with students encouraged to enter as many subject competitions as they could. In total over 900 entries were logged - that's over 4,500 enrichment points awarded!
Well done to everyone who participated and congratulations to the winners.
Rewards event
The top 25 students with the highest number of positive points from each year group enjoyed a special reward event on Monday 15 July. They were invited to the main hall after lunch to watch the latest Trolls film, with free refreshments plus a bonus raffle for tubs of candy floss.
Well done to them all!
Performing arts events
Over the last few weeks our music and drama departments have been extremely busy. Students have been involved in the following events and have excelled in their performances.
- Music For Youth National Festival: This event held in Birmingham featured our Vocal Trio and String Ensemble. This was such a fantastic achievement and both groups were outstanding, receiving wonderful feedback from the mentors.
- Whole Child Project: Our KS3 students represented Manor at the Castle Theatre in Wellingborough by performing a completely original work. It was a highly creative piece and it was a delight to see them take to the stage.
- Royal Shakespeare Theatre Playmakers Festival: Eight students performed Hamlet with a collaboration of schools at The Swan Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon. The students were professional and acted extremely well.
- Nene Education Trust Music Concert: A number of students represented Manor School at the Trust Concert and were brilliant role models for the younger students who were also performing.
Well done to all the students involved!
Orchestra tour
Many of our musicians are members of the Northamptonshire County Youth Orchestra and will be leaving to tour Spain at the end of this week. We wish them the best of luck with their performances and hope that they have an excellent time.
National Read-Aloud Challenge
A reminder that we are taking part in the National Read-Aloud Challenge this summer. Students are being encouraged to engage in independent reading using Fonfetti (a read-aloud app), with certificates awarded for reaching various milestones and the opportunity to compete on a national leaderboard.
For further information and to register your child for the challenge, please download the following letter.
Be A Good Sport
A reminder that we are taking part in Sport Relief's 'Be A Good Sport' campaign this summer.
Students are being encouraged to complete 6 activities during the summer holiday to keep them active and contribute to the community whilst having fun.
The letter below contains details of how students can get involved, as well as a link to the school's Just Giving page.
We'll be sharing ideas on our social media pages throughout the holiday to help students complete the challenges.
Arson awareness
The Northamptonshire Arson Task Force have produced the following arson awareness leaflet, containing information on the impact on communities and how to report an incident.
Out of school safeguarding
The Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership have produced the following information letter on how to check that your child will be safe when attending activities and clubs outside of a school setting.
REACH and enrichment points
The final REACH and enrichment point figures were taken at the end of last week, and there is lots for us to celebrate.
A fantastic number of certificates were awarded across the academic year to students who reached the REACH point thresholds, with 385 students achieving the Bronze Award, 155 students achieving the Silver Award, and 51 students achieving the Gold Award. We also awarded 110 Bronze Awards and 11 Silver Awards to students who reached the enrichment point thresholds.
We would like to congratulate the following students in particular who are our top ten achievers across the school:
- Olivia E (8EAR)
- Elsabeth H (7EMC)
- Amelia C (8NNE)
- Ewan L (7RBR)
- Freya M (9JRE)
- Kimberly L (8SKE)
- Amara K (8AGA)
- Phoebe C (7KRO)
- Abigail L (8EAR)
- Tommy N (7MBR)
With all the points counted up, we can now reveal the House champions for 2024-25:
Congratulations to Acer house!
Results days
Results for students collecting A Level and Level 3 qualifications will be available for collection on Thursday 15 August.
Results for students collecting GCSE and Level 2 qualifications will be available for collection on Thursday 22 August.
For both events, results will be available for collection between 9:00am and 11:00am in the vocational building.
In both cases, students are encouraged to collect their results themselves in person. This is the best way to collect results, celebrate with staff and peers, as well as seek support where necessary from staff on the day. If students are not available to collect their results in person, they should email exams@manor.school from their school email account to find out their options.
A reminder letter containing final details and timings of results days will be sent to parents, carers and students in early August.