CRA Newsletter 03.05.2024 Half Term 5 - May 2024

Senior Leadership Team Update

This week we celebrated our Table Tennis scholars in whole school assembly who played in the final of the National Schools Championship at the weekend and brought home 2 trophies becoming national champions boys and girls! We are so proud of our scholars every day with their attitude to their academics and balancing their sporting commitments. Thank you also to Mrs Green and Mr Fountain who have both been integral in coaching and supporting our students on this journey.

Have a lovely long weekend and we will see all our wonderful students on Tuesday 7th May.

Important dates to remember

  • 9th May 2024 - GCSE exams start
  • 28th and 29th May 2024 - Half term sports camp for primary aged students.
  • 28th June 2024 - Year 11 Prom
  • 2nd July 2024 - Transition day
  • 10th July 2024 - Year 5 open evening

Sports Camp

Please find below details of a sports camp we are offering to primary aged children for 2 days during May half term. If you have a child that would be interested in attending, please book through the QR code or contact Ms Fulcher on 01476 550333 or

Year 5 Open Evening


Year 11 Focus

GCSE exams are now underway with the Art and Travel and Tourism exams taking place this week, the following six weeks will be a busy time for Y11 both inside and outside of school in preparing for their exams. Please support your child in their revision from home to ensure they are as prepared for their upcoming exams as possible. Students have had bespoke timetables produced so that they have tailored revision sessions for subjects prior to each exam, these were handed out this week so please ensure these are kept safely at home.

Please see below the timetable for next weeks exams to support you in preparing your children for their upcoming exams.

Prep Homework


Those students who complete all 7 pieces of homework in one week will receive an automatic 5 house points. These points will support a students individual total as well as tutor and house total. This further increases students exposure to our larger rewards systems such as Tutor Group of the week and the end of year celebration trips.

These rewards will be allocated on a Friday and commenced on Friday 26th April.


A reminder that if a student fails to complete 2 pieces of Prep homework in one week, with no note from home as to why, the student will receive 5 back to back lunchtimes of intervention. If the student fails to attend, having been informed during Roll Call and P4 the student will receive a Pastoral Detention.

Those students who continually fail to meet the expectations of Prep homework, after professional judgement and reasonable adjustment where appropriate, will be placed onto a three stage plan.

  • Stage 1- letter home- 3 weeks monitoring. If unsuccessful a meeting will be arranged with home, Tutor and Head of House
  • Stage 2- letter home- 3 weeks monitoring. If unsuccessful a meeting will be arranged with the Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning
  • Stage 3- letter home- 3 weeks monitoring. If unsuccessful a meeting will be arranged with the Assistant Principal and a Governor

The homework policy and rationale for homework at Charles Read Academy can be found on our website.

Mrs Cooper- Assistant Principal

SEN Department

Why We Do What We Do

At CRA we run Coffee mornings for our SEN parents. We do this to improve communication regarding our interventions and as an opportunity to meet the team. These happen every half term and sometimes will have a focus such as Homework or there may be a focus on a particular area of SEN need such as Autism.

We always share these dates in the newsletter. If there is a topic area you would like us to feature at one of these mornings please let Miss Canny know

CRA Character

Aspiration is a huge focus at CRA and one of our core values. Ensuring students are aspirational when making decisions around their next educational steps and career pathways is a big focus of life at CRA. Aspiration is not just about careers however, students can be aspirational on a daily basis and we constantly encourage them in the classroom, in the language they use, in the independent work they do out of school, in their approach to their lessons and wanting to make progress.

Word of the week​​​.​

Migr: wander, moving (Latin root word)

  • Migrant a person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work or better living conditions.
  • Emigrate leave one's own country in order to settle permanently in another.
  • Migrate (of an animal, typically a bird or fish) move from one region or habitat to another according to the seasons.

Table talk

Last week we/CRA launched the House Summer Games aimed at providing students with the opportunity to participate in a variety of different competitions. Building up to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris this Summer students will have the opportunity to represent Aqua, Caeli and Terra in a series of 12 different sports. The competitions consist of a mix of Olympic and Paralympic sports in addition to some more traditional school sports to provide a range of experiences, including some of the challenges para-athletes have to overcome to be successful within their respective sports. The Summer Games will take place across Term 5 & 6 with sports including Handball, Boccia, Goalball, Rounders, New Age Kurling, Basketball, Golf, Archery, Tennis, Football, Volleyball and Sports Day.

In assembly this week we celebrated a number of our students who won the National Schools Table Tennis Champions, both girls and boys.

here’s lots of evidence which shows exercise is an important key to reducing our risk of major illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer. Research also shows that regular physical activity can boost our self-esteem, mood, and sleep quality, making us less prone to stress, depression and dementia. But because of our modern lifestyles and an increasing reliance on technology, we are less active nowadays, both as adults and as children. Research indicates that inactive children are likely to become inactive adults, putting young people at risk of developing life-threatening conditions such as heart disease and cancer. This is why it's important to encourage exercise and keeping fit from a young age. Regular exercise has lots of health benefits for children and young people, such as:

  • ✓ improving fitness
  • ✓ providing an opportunity to socialise
  • ✓ increasing concentration
  • ✓ improving academic scores
  • ✓ building a stronger heart, bones and healthier muscles
  • ✓ encouraging healthy growth and development
  • ✓ improving self-esteem
  • ✓ improving posture and balance
  • ✓ lowering stress
  • ✓ encouraging a better night's sleep

Please take the time to discuss with your child these benefits and talk about what areas of exercise they enjoy and how they can become involved in them leading to healthier lifestyle

Times Tables

At the end of all lessons students stand behind their chairs in silence to prepare for themselves for the next lesson. From September, on a weekly rota, Years 7 and 8 will be reciting their timetables to help embed them in their long term memory.

Week commencing 6th May 2024 - 6

Accelerated Reading

Week commencing 6th May 2024 - Period 1

Teen Support..

Managing Exam Stress

Thinking Ahead – My Future, My Choice

Each week we will show you examples of the various careers linked to the subject you are studying. This week’s career idea is ‘Jobs related to Sports and Leisure'

Mr Rees - Careers' Support


Attendance – Term 5, Week 3

Year 11 have achieved 1st place again with a top attendance score beating all the other year groups, well done Year 11, great effort. Year 10 are in 5th place as the lowest attending year group.

The boys have had finally beaten the girls to 1st place by a tiny 0.5%.

Caeli have finished first again with the highest overall attendance this week, beating Terra by 8%, well-done Caeli! Special mention for Caeli 8 and Terra 7 who have achieved 97.2%, excellent effort.

Thursday has seen our highest percentage of absence again this week. Missing just one day can have an impact on students learning experiences and outcomes.

Well done to the following students who have shown great resilience with their attendance.

Evie - Aqua 7
Alfie - Caeli 7

Enjoy the bank holiday weekend!

If your child is absent from school, please ensure you contact school daily either by email/MCAS or by telephoning the attendance line 01476 550333 ext 502. It is vital we are notified everyday of any absence for safeguarding reasons, unless previously authorised. A reason for illness will always be requested, this is to observe attendance patterns and outbreaks of illness amongst students.

Please do not hesitate to contact myself on 01476 550333 ext 515 or ext 502 to discuss ways to support your child's attendance.

CRA - Lets work together to make every day count!

Mrs Coleman - Attendance Manager

Holiday Warning Letter

House News

CRA House Summer Games

Following the exciting first competition of the CRA House Summer Games, this week students have been representing their house in the latest competition, Boccia. The first round of matches took place yesterday with Caeli 7 & 8 being crowned champions after their 8-1 and 2-1 victories over Aqua and Terra respectively. Year 9 & 10 teams take each other on at lunchtime today with the latest medal table to follow on Tuesday.

Boccia is a Paralympic sport introduced in 1984 and is included in the annual DRET Summer Cup’s. Athletes can either throw, kick or use a ramp to propel a ball onto the court with the aim of getting closest to a 'jack' ball.

Over 1250 house points and 200 gold medals have been made available throughout the competition. The current medal table and house points secured are as follows:

Next week students will be able to experience another Paralympic Sport, Goalball.

Term 5 Competitions

Table Tennis

The under 16 girls' squad, featuring Ella Pashley, Lowri Hurd and Emily Price won the ‘Mick Betts Memorial Cup’, defeating the defending champions, London Academy in their first match of the day, which included both Ella and Lowri beating the number 2 in England. They followed this up with wins over Toot Hill School, Nottingham and St Georges Catholic School, Westminster to clinch the title. This is the third time that Charles Read Academy have won the girls National Schools team title, previously winning in 2018 and 2019.

The under 16 boys squad won the Leach-Carrington Cup, with players Isaac Kingham, Abraham Sellado, Ryan Holland and Tudor Eftinca all winning vital games to defeat Devonport High School Plymouth, The Kings School, Peterborough and in their final game of the day, London Academy. This is the first time that the boy's team have won the National Schools title and shows just how strong a squad of players we now have based at the academy.

In the singles event, Isaac and Ella represented Lincolnshire and Charles Read Academy in the U16 event, whilst Ryan was playing in the U13 event. Isaac and Ella were both in great form against some highly ranked players and were pushed in several games before making it through to the final and claiming the titles. Ryan put in some good performances and made it to the last 16 of the singles before loosing to the number 3 seed.

For Ella, Lowri, Emily, Ryan and Tudor, these wins were their first English National Championships titles and a real confidence boost for them and a testament to all their hard work, commitment and dedication to being the very best they can be.

The Sporting Post.

Free Sports Sessions

Please find attached a link to sports sessions that are ran by Grantham Positive Futures for free around Grantham.

Please can all students be collected from the BACK of the school when being picked up from after school clubs and fixtures.

Sports Kit

Please can any borrowed sports kit be returned as soon as possible. We have trainers, hoodies, netball dresses and football kit (shirts, shorts and socks) that have not been returned. This means that students are unable to also borrow these items for fixtures and limits teams when wanting to wear a full, matching kit.

Sports Newsletter - Term 3 2024

DRET Sport Term 1 Newsletter 2023/2024

Term Dates

Please see the latest term dates for 2022-23.

Academic Term Dates 2024-25

A list of diary events can also be found on the CRA Website by clicking here